How to clean a mink coat at home?

The dream of any woman is a chic fur coat with luxurious fur, and for many such a product is also an indicator of social status and prestige. There is no girl who does not want to acquire a new fur coat and give her image femininity and charm. But like any wardrobe item, even with the most accurate wear, the fur product has the peculiarity of getting dirty. Of course, you can take the fur coat to dry cleaning, or you can get acquainted with how to clean the mink coat at home and perform this procedure with your own hands.
to contents ↑When to clean a fur coat?
As popular wisdom says: “Prepare a sled from the summer.” Therefore, it is worthwhile to arrange an inspection of your winter fur things in advance. Cleaning fur at home, with some knowledge, will not be a complicated and fairly affordable procedure.
Important! Cleaning the fur at home is a fairly definite risk for the product, so it is better to consult on issues of caring for furs at the dry cleaning company or in furrier workshops. Each fur needs its own approach, so when choosing tools and methods, start from the material of the fur coat, as well as from the degree of contamination.
It is extremely difficult to clean natural fur at home, especially large fur products such as fur coats, coats, and mantles. If the product is contaminated over the entire area and has not undergone any cleaning procedures for 4-5 seasons, then it is better to entrust the complex cleaning work to highly qualified professionals. But if you are sure that you are able to “reanimate” your favorite fur coat yourself, then use one of two methods: dry or wet cleaning.
Dry clean
Dry cleaning is most often the only true option on how to clean a mink coat at home. It is safer, but it will not be able to remove heavy dirt or greasy stains.
Important! For such cleaning, use home remedies: starch, talc, flour. They well absorb dust, dirt, and also return the coat to its original shine and color.
The cleaning process is not complicated:
- Shake a fur coat from dust.
- Gently clean the front side with a brush along the pile (use a brush with blunt teeth).
- Lay the product on a flat surface.
- Sprinkle a layer of talcum powder (flour, starch).
- Lightly rub the pile with your palm.
- Brush off the product from the product.
Important! Another way that natural fur can be cleaned at home is by using hot, dry, clean sand. Basically, this method is applicable to the pile of aquatic animals:
- Lay the product on the table.
- Sprinkle it with sand.
- Rub your palm.
- Shake the remains of sand (if necessary, you can put a new one).
Wet cleaning
This procedure allows you to clean the fur product from dust, stains and other persistent contaminants. Cleaning of fur products at home should be subject to one mandatory rule: hang the product on a hanger.
There are several methods of wet processing, which are selected depending on the type of fur and the degree of pollution. The basic rules are as follows:
- Wipe long-haired fur with the chosen product in the direction of hair growth.
- Short-haired products - against pile.
- After processing, be sure to carefully comb the fur with a comb with sparse teeth, and then dry at room temperature.
Here are some ways to wet clean a fur coat:
- Wet cleaning with steam: keep the heated iron a short distance with the steam on (you can use steam cleaner) After the steam bath, gently comb the fur coat with a brush.
- For wet cleaning can be purchased at a specialized store special aerosol. Before applying the spray, be sure to shake the fur coat from dust. After applying the spray - brush the pile.
Important! Before using the tool, read the instructions.
Evaluate the result
- If you chose the cleaning method correctly, then after the procedure the fur coat will have a uniform shine over the entire surface.
- If there are dull spots after cleaning, then the cleaning has been carried out poorly and additional measures are required.
Important! If the fur was cleaned successfully, but the fur product lost its luster, use a 5% solution of acetic acid: lightly wipe the fur coat with a product. Vinegar is able to give the fur shine and smoothness.
All of the above cleaning methods can be used for both natural and artificial fur. Let us consider in more detail how to clean products from mink, sheepskin, as well as the features of cleaning white and artificial fur.
to contents ↑How to clean a mink coat at home?
Any kind of fur coat absorbs dust, also lumps, nodules may form on it, spots from foundation and perfumes may appear, which means that the product will lose its original shine during wear. The main task of caring for a mink coat is to always shine.
Loss of gloss
Shine is lost due to the fact that the fatty composition is washed out. If you notice that the problem has been identified, we suggest treating the pile with the following solution: 100 g of pork fat (or fish oil) and 10 g of soap add 1 liter of boiling water.
Stir the ingredients well and drip 10 drops of ammonia. Cool the solution to body temperature and treat the pile of a fur coat with a brush or brush. Such a simple recipe will help you clean the mink coat at home.
Dust and odors
To clean the mink product from dust and unpleasant odors:
- Lay the item on the floor.
- Sprinkle a fur coat with semolina.
- Rub the pile as if you were erasing it, but not with much effort.
- Leave the fur product for 20 minutes.
- Remove the decoy from the fur coat by shaking it in the yard or from the balcony.
Not greasy stains
Stains from juice, coffee, tea and other non-greasy products are cleaned with a soap solution:
- Dissolve the liquid detergent in warm water.
- Wipe the fur with a soft brush dipped in the solution.
- Wipe the treated area with a brush dipped in clean warm water (do not wet the coat very much, since the fur does not like water).
- Hang the product on a coat hanger to dry.
Greasy spots
If there is a greasy stain on the fur product, remove it with pure alcohol. Put on a cotton pad and wipe the contaminated area.
Hem contamination
Unfortunately, winters are not only snowy, but also rainy. If you stained the hem of a fur coat with dirt, wait until it is completely dry, then carefully wipe the hem with a dry cloth to grow the fur. Continue cleaning with a soft brush until the last dirt particles have been removed. If necessary, clean the hem with a decoy, as described above.
Important! This method can be used to clean a mouton coat at home or a mink product.
To completely refresh the mink product, use sawdust and refined gasoline in this way:
- Spread the fur product on the floor (or other flat surface).
- Moisten the sawdust in refined gasoline.
Important! Take sawdust only from deciduous trees.Needles for these purposes will not work, since it has a resinous basis.
- Squeeze the sawdust thoroughly and sprinkle a fur coat on them.
- After the sawdust has dried, remove it with a soft brush.
- Hang the coat on the coat hanger and place it in a well-ventilated area.
to contents ↑Important! Use gasoline exclusively in a well-ventilated area - open windows, a balcony or windows. Eliminate any possibility of being near an open flame. Do not clean the kitchen near the stove.
How to clean a mink hat?
To cope with the task of how to clean a mink hat, you will have to start washing its lining. For this:
- Carefully open it with a blade.
- Be sure to mark on the fabric how it was sewn to the skin.
Important! After a painstaking and time-consuming process, turn out the cap and inspect the skin structure for damage, tears. If the cap is old, then small holes will appear on it that need to be sewn up. Then apply a large medical patch to the patch. If you follow this procedure, it will be much easier for you to clean the mink hat at home and maintain its integrity.
To clean the fur do this:
- Mix pure gasoline with starch (about ¼ cup) until a creamy consistency is formed.
- Rubbing the product carefully into the fur, coat the entire hat.
- Leave the product until the gasoline completely disappears.
- Knock out the powder with light pats.
- Wash the lining with regular detergent and allow it to dry.
- Return the lining to its original position and remove the hat to a well-ventilated area.
Important! After such a cleaning, the hat will serve you for more than 3 seasons.
to contents ↑
Cleaning white fur at home
Often in the process of wearing, the fur loses its whiteness and begins to turn yellow. Cleaning white fur at home is doubly difficult. But if you use the following recipes, you will not have any problems.
You can return the whiteness to light fur in this way:
- Hang the coat on your shoulders and spray the pile with a solution of hydrogen peroxide in a 1: 1 ratio (the greater the yellowness, the more saturated the peroxide solution you need to take). You can use a spray gun for these purposes. After the procedure, dry the coat at room temperature, hanging it on the shoulders.
- In order to not only bleach the fur, but also clean it, use potato starch. Lay the fur coat horizontally with the fur up and sprinkle the pile with starch. Rub your coat with your hands as if you were washing it. After the cleaning procedure, shake the starch and comb the pile.
- If severe pollution appears on a white fur coat, then prepare the pulp from refined gasoline and starch. Brush the prepared mixture on the fur and leave it to dry completely, then shake the product and brush off the remnants of the cleaning agent.
Sheepskin cleaning at home
In order to clean the sheepskin at home, prepare the following products: flour, water, and washing powder. Proceed as follows:
- Sprinkle the sheepskin with flour.
- Sprinkle the pile with water and washing powder.
- Wipe the pile with the resulting slurry.
- Leave to dry completely.
- Shake the product well and completely dry.
- Comb the fur with a brush.
Cleaning faux fur at home
Caring for fur coats made of artificial materials practically does not differ from caring for natural ones. They can even be treated with less care than with products from real fur.
Important! If you need to clean the product, pay attention to the label, as some artificial fur coats can even be washed at low temperatures in a delicate mode.
To prevent the appearance of contaminants on artificial products, we recommend occasionally applying them to antistatic, which will repel particles of dust and dirt, and you are less likely to have to clean the fur.
Important! To clean the artificial pile, you can use a solution of gasoline and starch. Take proportions equal, but before starting to clean, be sure to check the effect of this product on an inconspicuous small area, as this product can change the color of the pile.
But faux fur cannot be cleaned with acetone or vinegar.
We offer a simpler, but no less effective method that can be used to process artificial pile:
- 1 tbsp. l dilute washing powder in 1 liter of boiling water.
- Cool the solution.
- Apply the product to the product.
- Rinse the mixture with a sponge and warm water.
- Hang the product on a coat hanger and dry at room temperature.
Helpful hints:
- Never wash a fur coat in water.
- Do not use a vacuum cleaner to clean fur products, it is better to get a stiff brush for this purpose.
- You can not dry fur products near heating appliances and fire, you can also use a hairdryer for this purpose. The fur coat should dry independently on the shoulders. As the product dries, shake and brush with a brush with rare cloves.
- It is strictly forbidden to iron any fur coat.
- Do not comb fur without special need.
- Use, if necessary, liquid powder instead of washing powder that contains enzymes.
- Clean the fur product at the end of the season, before you hide it in the closet, be sure to take the fur coat out for ventilation once a month.
- Do not store the product in a plastic bag, as well as rolled up.
- Store the fur coat in cotton cases with special lavender-based moth care products.
- A natural fur coat can be stored in a room where the air temperature is about 7 ° C, and humidity is less than 50%, sunlight and temperatures above 25 ° C are harmful to fur products.
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We hope that our recommendations for the care and cleaning of fur will give a second life to your beloved fur coat, and it will again sparkle with its original shine, gloss and colors, and you will feel like a queen in the new winter season.
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