How to clean silver at home from black - a chain

Silver items look very stylish and spectacular. However, there is one drawback, which is the tendency to darken. The appearance of a film of gray or black color, which after some time covers silver products, occurs during the natural oxidation of a noble metal as a result of exposure to sunlight, moisture and sulfur, which is part of human sweat. Such a problem can be very easily solved independently without resorting to specialists for help. In our article, we will consider how to clean silver at home from black - a chain, earrings, a ring, cutlery.
to contents ↑Why does the silver chain blacken?
Let's try to understand the blackening factors of the silver chain, because in fact there are a lot of reasons:
- Very often this situation arises when certain chemical elements are contained in the environment. Sulfur and ozone are most actively involved in the oxidation of such products. They are present in the aquatic environment, airspace, as well as in some cosmetics and household products.
Important! Blackening is impossible to avoid, but subject to the elementary rules of wearing a product made of precious metal, they can look and remain in excellent condition for a very long time.
- The next factor affecting color is the contact of the noble metal with human skin. It is also impractical to wear silver products when playing sports, because during intense training, sweating increases significantly.
- In addition to these reasons, taking medications also causes darkening of silver jewelry, this is due to a change in the composition of the sweat.
to contents ↑Important! If you resort to cleaning silver jewelry, then you should not wear them for several days. A certain time is required for the formation of a protective layer on the surface of the noble metal. This procedure helps to keep silver in a fairly good condition for a long time.
Popular ways to combat the blackening of silver
There are many ways to clean a silver chain from black. Consider the most popular methods.
In order to clean the chain of silver, food foil can be used.
Important! It contains aluminum, which, in contact with silver, forms a reaction of a sulfide compound, or the so-called sulfur compound, while destroying the black film.
Method number 1:
- We spread the bottom of the selected pan with a piece of foil.
- After that we pour water into it, observing at the same time the distance of 4-5 cm from the bottom of the pan.
- Then pour about two tablespoons of ordinary baking soda. In its absence, citric acid is also excellent.
- Put the decorations in the pan.
- Turn on the stove and boil everything for about five minutes.
Important! If the clarifying procedure of our silver product has not occurred, you can increase the boiling time.
Method number 2
How to clean a silver chain and a cross at home:
- We lay out a piece of foil on the table.
- After that we put silver jewelry on it and pour about 2 tablespoons of table salt on top, add just a little water.
- Fold the foil like an envelope and place it on the bottom of the selected pan.
- Fill it with a soapy solution, which is prepared on the basis of: dissolve a teaspoon of laundry soap in one glass of water.
- The prepared solution is brought to a boiling state and left on fire for about 15 minutes.
- After applying the heat treatment, carefully remove the silver jewelry with a fork, put it on a saucer and leave it to cool completely.
- After that, we wash the product from a noble metal under a stream of cold water from the tap and wipe it with a piece of soft cloth.
Important! The careful polishing process with flannel or wool fabric helps to add shine to the silver jewelry.
Lemon acid
To clean the silver jewelry, you can apply citric acid. The food supplement E330, which is called citric acid, has high cleansing properties. It is very often used to remove limescale. With the same success, it acts on the destruction of the black film on silver jewelry.
Method number 1
How to quickly and efficiently clean a silver chain at home:
- In a glass container having a volume of 0.5 l, pour 0.25 l of liquid and add about 50 g of citric acid.
- Then we lower a piece of copper wire and a silver chain into the jar.
- Next, pour water into the pan, put the prepared jar in it.
- We make the boiling process for about 30 minutes.
Method number 2:
- In a saucepan with water, dissolve citric acid, using a ratio of 1: 5.
- At the bottom of the pan, lay out a piece of foil, lower the precious metal jewelry into the liquid.
- We carry out the boiling procedure until the silver chain is completely clarified.
Ordinary potatoes are great for cleaning a silver item.
Method number 1
How to clean a silver chain from black at home:
- On a grater of any size, rub the potatoes, pour liquid until the cooked slurry is completely covered.
- Dip the silver jewelry into the prepared mixture for 3-4 minutes.
Method number 2:
- We cook jacket potatoes or washed peels.
- After that we filter.
- Then put the silver product in the cooked broth and boil for about 20-25 minutes.
Method number 3:
- After the process of cooking potatoes, pour the used hot water into a ceramic container.
- We lay out the bottom of the ceramic dishes with a piece of foil; we lower the silver jewelry onto it.
- After 15-20 minutes, we take out the product from precious metal.
Black plaque on silver jewelry can be removed by applying a 9% solution of vinegar. He perfectly copes with the task due to the content of acid having a high concentration.
Method number 1
How to clean a silver chain and a cross at home:
- We moisten a piece of fabric with 9% vinegar solution.
- Wipe the silver product with a damp cloth.
Important! This option is suitable for small contaminants on silver products.
Method number 2:
- We put the silver product in the bowl and fill it with vinegar.
- We stand about two hours.
- After that, rinse and dry.
Olive oil
To clean the silver jewelry from blackening, you can use olive oil. To do this, perform the following actions:
- We wipe the noble metal with a soft flannel cloth, which we pre-moisten in olive oil.
- After that, carefully wash the silver jewelry with hot water.
- We lay out the product on a dry towel until completely dry.
The silver chain can also be cleaned with ordinary baking soda. When subjected to mechanical action, it enters into a chemical reaction with the formed film on a noble metal and removes it.
Dry clean
How to quickly and efficiently clean a silver chain at home:
- Pour baking soda in the form of a line on a soft cloth.
- After that, lay out a silver chain on a napkin and wrap it in a cloth.
- Through a cloth napkin, you need to rub the silver jewelry.
- We clamp the fabric material with one hand and stretch a silver chain through it.
- We shake off the remains of baking soda, wipe the silver product with a soft flannel cloth.
- After this procedure, it is necessary to wash the tissue, as the dry cleaning leaves dark marks on it.
Wet cleaning:
- We combine baking soda with water in a ratio of 3: 1.
- We rub the silver product with the prepared mixture, carefully processing the blackened areas.
- We wash the jewelry made of precious metal, dried the product.
In addition to the above methods, you can clean silver jewelry by applying ammonia. This substance is able to neutralize acids, freeing silver from black plaque.
Method number 1
How to clean a silver chain and a cross at home:
- In 100 ml of water, dissolve one teaspoon of ammonia, add a small amount of dishwashing detergent. You can also use shampoo or liquid soap.
- For some time we put a silver jewelry in the prepared solution.
- After there is a noticeable lightening of the product, you can get the jewelry, then rinse under a stream of cold water and dry.
Method number 2:
- Mix equal amounts of ammonia, toothpaste and liquid.
- Dip the desired item into the prepared solution.
- After 30 minutes, we take out the product, treat it with a soft-bristled toothbrush and then wipe it with a flannel cloth.
Coca-Cola and other drinks
The well-known sweet drink “Coca-Cola” perfectly copes with the cleaning procedure.
Important! It is often also used to clean sewer pipes, since the composition contains active phosphoric acid.
To remove black plaque from a silver jewelry, it is enough to just make a precious metal product for several hours in a container with Coca-Cola, and then rinse the chain under running water.
Toothpaste or toothpaste
Often you can clean black plaque on silver jewelry, using toothpaste or powder. To do this, you can use an old soft toothbrush and clean the blackened product with it. With this procedure, the dark coating quickly disappears.
Long cleaning
To clean the silver product from black at home, you can apply the proven method, which consists in prolonged soaking of the silver jewelry in a special solution.
Components Used:
- 1 glass of water;
- 2 teaspoons of detergent;
- 1 tablespoon of vodka;
- 2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
How to clean a silver chain from black at home:
- Having mixed all of the above ingredients, fill in the silver jewelry.
- After 12 hours, it is necessary to rinse the product from precious metal and polish it with a woolen cloth.
to contents ↑Important! Only silver jewelry that does not have stones can be boiled and lowered into a hot solution. For decorated chains and pendants, cold cleaning is applied.
Special tools
To clean a silver chain from black plaque at home, you can use special professional products that serve to care for jewelry made of precious metals. You can buy such funds in jewelry stores. Popular drugs:
- Special solution “Aladdin”. The blackened product must be lowered for 20-30 seconds (it is not recommended to keep it for more than 2 minutes) in a container with a solution. After that, polish with the cloth included in the kit.
Important! This cleaning procedure cannot be carried out for jewelry that has organic stones and enamel.
- Special foam or liquid. Using a soft cloth, apply foam to the blackened silver jewelry. After 2 minutes, remove the foam from the product.
Important! If a special liquid is used, then the silver jewelry is placed in it for 6-8 minutes. If silver jewelry has organic stones, enamel or blackening, then you should not use this tool.
- Set of Talisman napkins and pasta. The silver product must be rubbed with paste, and then polished with a soft microfiber cloth.
to contents ↑Important! When using industrial cleaners for precious metals, gloves must be used to protect hands. After the processing procedure, it is imperative to thoroughly rinse the jewelry and dry it.
Darkening Prevention
How to clean silver from black at home? To prevent darkening of the noble metal, you must adhere to the rules for wearing silver products and carefully care for them.
Consider the main recommendations:
- Before visiting the beach, pool, gym, sauna, you must remove the silver product.
- In addition, if you intend to apply cream, lotion or ointment to the neck, the chain should also be removed.
- When doing laundry or housekeeping, it is not recommended to leave a silver jewelry on the body, since the use of household chemicals can provoke blackening of a jewelry.
- Every evening, a silver item should be wiped with a flannel cloth.
- It is best to store silver jewelry in a separate box, which inside should be decorated with a cloth. Noble metal products should not be kept with other metals; it is best to store them separately from each other.
- Every 2 months, it is advisable to carry out preventive treatment of the chain, using improvised or special means. If you do not adhere to this recommendation, then the procedure for cleaning from darkening is further complicated.
- During the treatment period it is advisable not to wear silver jewelry.
to contents ↑Important! At home, it is very easy to clean silver jewelry. In case of high value of the product, or if it has stones, covered with enamel, it is advisable to entrust the cleaning to a professional. If the jewelry is of 925 sample, then it is least prone to blackening, as it is covered with rhodium-plated film.
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All of the above methods are excellent at solving the problem of darkening silver jewelry. It is only important to choose the one that is most suitable for you, which you can use at home.
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