How to clean a fur coat from a rabbit at home?

Products made of rabbit fur are among the most frequently bought on the domestic market. It is not surprising, because not only fur coats are made from it, but also collars and hats. However, many owners of such things are faced with a problem that relates to cleaning fur. About how to clean a fur coat from a rabbit at home, you will learn from this article.

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Grandma’s Secret to Dust Free

In the days when there were almost no cars yet, and most of the snow was white, not brown, fur coats were cleaned right on the street. To do this, they put it in a pile on the snow and carefully knocked it out. Ultimately, all the dust that accumulated in the garment fell on the snow. The result is a perfectly clean fur coat. Now this method will be relevant only for residents of ecologically clean areas.

However, there is another way to clean such an item of clothing - it will be relevant for residents of megacities. For its implementation, snow is replaced with pure cotton matter, after which:

  1. Hang a piece of clothing on a hanger.
  2. Wrap it in pre-moistened cloth.
  3. Carefully knock out a piece of clothing.

Important! If the contamination is severe, you can replace the fabric and repeat the procedure. After all the dust has been removed, you can begin to get rid of stains and greasy places.

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Useful Tips

Fur of any type, including rabbit fur, is, first of all, a delicate material. If measures to remove contaminants are inaccurate, you can permanently spoil the material. Before implementing this procedure, you need to remember a few points:

  • Wash rabbit fur in the car is strictly prohibited.
  • It is not permissible to use strong chemicals in stain removal.
  • Do not brush with a brush with frequent teeth.
  • It is forbidden to dry a fur product on a battery or using a hair dryer.
  • To prevent yellowing of the white rabbit fur coat, it must be wrapped in a dense cover of dark cold color. It is better to store such a fur coat in a cool place.
  • For cleaning rabbit collars and hats, it is better to use cleaning products in gel consistency.

Taking these rules into account, you can significantly extend the life of an expensive item and enjoy its warmth for a long time.

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The main methods of cleaning fur products

Before using the methods that will be described below, it is necessary to test their effectiveness in an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing. To do this, apply a cleaning agent, wait 15 minutes, then remove it and objectively evaluate the result. If he did not affect the product, feel free to use this method.

The use of hydrogen peroxide

This method is ideal in the fight against yellow spots caused by improper drying or prolonged contact with water. In addition to the fur coat, in this way you can wash the hat from the rabbit, for this you need to follow the following algorithm:

  1. Mix 30 ml of 6% hydrogen peroxide, 300 ml of pure water and 20 ml of ammonia.
  2. Pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray it on a piece of clothing at a distance of 30-40 cm. Each drop should lie evenly over the entire surface of the product.
  4. Gently brush the pile.

Important! In a similar way, both the cleaning of the product and its individual parts (for example, collar and sleeves) can occur.


Using semolina

Necessary materials:

  • Vacuum cleaner (you can use a car).
  • A basin or other container.
  • Semolina. It can be replaced with ordinary potato starch.

Important! If the fur product is very dirty, it is recommended to remove the fur part from the lining and wash each part separately.

To clean a rabbit fur coat at home, you must follow the steps below:

  1. Pour about 10 liters of warm water into the prepared container, adding 1.8 kg of cereal or starch to it.
  2. Dip the fur in the liquid, rinse well and shake it well.
  3. When all the manipulations are completed, walk along the treated surface with a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle. Before this, you need to lay out a fur coat on a horizontal surface with a white sheet.
  4. When the procedure is finished, you should sew the lining back.

The secret of oat bran

Even with the help of oat bran, you can qualitatively clean a fur coat from a rabbit at home. To do this, you need:

  1. Wash the non-stick pan and dry it.
  2. Pour into there about 100 grams of bran oats or flax.
  3. Heat the composition on the stove, but do not fry.
  4. Put the fur coat on a clean table, pour on it warmed bran and rub it thoroughly. If the composition is not enough, do it again.
  5. At the end of the procedure, the fur must be combed with a special brush in the direction of the villi, and then hung on a coat hanger.
  6. When the coat dries a little, it should be combed again, being careful not to harm the fur.

Important! Many housewives use a broom as a brush. You should not take this into account, as there is a risk of staining the item of clothing even more.

Using table vinegar

This composition is used not only to wash the hat from the rabbit at home, but also to give the fur product silkiness and softness. To use this method, you must follow the following algorithm:

  • Dilute 9% vinegar with clean water in a ratio of 1: 2.
  • Dip a cotton pad into the solution and walk it through the contaminated area several times.

Important! Do not press on the fur too much; perform the procedure with extreme caution.

  • When the manipulations are completed, you need to wipe the product with a soft damp cloth, dry it naturally.
  • Comb a fur coat or hat with a special brush.

Important! Since rabbit fur is very moody, you need to use only soft table vinegar. If the essence is used, it must be diluted with cold water per 100 ml of vinegar 1 liter of filtered water.

Apply baby talcum powder

This method is referred to as dry, because before the implementation of the procedure it is not necessary to process the product with water. To wash a hat from a rabbit at home in this way, you need:

  1. Powder the entire surface of the product.
  2. Rub it well into the pile so that all greasy stains are absorbed into the product.
  3. Leave the product in this position for approximately 15 minutes.
  4. When the time runs out, shake the product and vacuum.
  5. Comb the product with a soft brush with frequent teeth. Its role can be played by a brush for animal hair.
  6. Remove talcum residue with a hairdryer or fan.

Important! Talc can be replaced with wheat flour, and the principle of action will not differ.


Gasoline use

Required Materials:

  • Pure gasoline (the one that runs the lighters will do).
  • Corn starch.
  • A brush designed for fur products.

Important! Before proceeding with the treatment of a fur coat, it is necessary to open all the windows and make sure that there is no open fire nearby. You should also consider that children and animals should not be in the room.

So, here is the basic procedure that will help to wash the rabbit hat at home:

  1. Shake the coat several times. An ideal option would be if the product was already knocked out on the street by the “grandmother's” method.
  2. Mix 100 g of starch with gasoline so that you end up with a mixture similar to sour cream.
  3. Rub the resulting composition against the direction of the location of the villi.
  4. Shake the product and repeat such manipulations several more times.
  5. When all actions are completed, the fur coat must be combed, removing the rest of the mixture.

Important! You may be bothered by the smell of gasoline after the procedure. Do not worry, it will disappear in 3-4 days.

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Take time to clean the lining

A common problem is that the fur remains clean and unpleasant spots appear on the lining. In order to prevent their occurrence, you should follow our tips:

  • Sweat stains can be removed with ammonia and denatured alcohol mixed in equal proportions.
  • You can also use a soap solution, but you need to do this carefully - there is a great chance of the composition getting onto the fur.
  • You can turn to the use of spray "Amway". Simply apply it to the contaminated area and then wipe it with a clean sponge.
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Stock footage

There are many ways, resorting to which you can remove the rabbit fur, but we have sorted out the most effective and easy-to-use options. Using the tips that you learned in this article, you can significantly extend the life of an expensive accessory or item of clothing.


