How to clean ugg boots at home?

Ugg boots are very practical, warm and comfortable winter shoes. The fashion for them came from Australia, where although cold but dry winters. Unfortunately, our climate is far different from the Australian one, and occasionally dirt and slush that make owners of such original shoes think about how to clean ugg boots at home. Care for such products requires carefulness, because if this is done incorrectly, they can become rough, deformed, become stained, which then no means will remove.

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Ugg Boots

How to update light uggs? Before discussing how to clean ugg boots, consider caring for them. Proper maintenance of such shoes is the first step to simplify your cleaning task.

How to keep:

  1. Immediately after the purchase, as well as before going out, the surface of these boots must be treated water repellent. These tools are also used for processing. suede, and are sold in specialized shoe stores.
  2. Such care products as pumice, brush, cleaning agent, freshener will help protect uggs from strong contamination, moisture, as well as maintain a neat appearance of boots.
  3. Washing of such products is prohibited. An exception to the rule may be knitted uggs, which can be washed in a machine in the delicate washing mode. In other cases, the sheepskin, which is located inside these boots, will suffer from excess water.

Important! Remember, ugg boots are designed for dry winters, which means that you need to wear them in dry frosty weather. For slush it is better to have a spare pair of shoes.

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Preparation for cleaning

Before cleaning ugg boots at home, you need to prepare them. It is done like this:

  1. Dry the boots well. To use artificial or natural heaters for this is contraindicated. Drying should take place at room temperature, while inside you can cram paper that absorbs moisture well.
  2. After that, very carefully, without pressing hard on the brush, remove dried stains of dirt and dust from the shoes. At the same time, you need to comb out everything in one direction.

For cleaning we need:

  1. Special soft brushes for suede. Usually they are made of rubber, so they do not damage the surface.
  2. Instead of a brush, you can use a soft cloth or an old toothbrush.

Important! If your winter boots are not only dirty, but also started to slide, it is better to immediately deal with these problems in the complex. To do this, you just need to take into account the tips from this article and familiarize yourself with another post on our website, which describes in detail different ways,how to make ugg boots not slippery.

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We clean ugg boots from dirt

Despite the fact that our winters are not designed for such boots, ugg boots are still very popular. Therefore, the question is very acute: how to clean ugg boots from dirt? There are several ways.

Water cleaning

The easiest and most affordable way to clean ugg boots from dirt is to wash them with water. Socks and heels are most susceptible to pollution. After preparation for cleaning, they can be cleaned further.

You can clean the ugg boots like this:

  1. Wet a soft sponge in cool water, slightly moisten the surface of the shoe.
  2. Wipe the boots with a sponge.
  3. To avoid streaks and stains, change the water several times.
  4. After the task is completed, fill the uggs with newspapers, set to dry.

Important! Strongly wetting the surface of the shoe is prohibited - it will lose its shape.

Vinegar solution

Washing ugg boots is acceptable with vinegar. For this:

  1. Make a solution of 4 tbsp. l vinegar and 5 tbsp. l water.
  2. Wipe the prepared boots with a sponge dampened in solution.
  3. Leave the shoes to dry a little.
  4. After - wipe with a sponge dampened in cold water and dry using newspapers.

Important! If you really like such shoes and you would like to diversify your daily looks, but you still cannot afford to buy one or two more pairs, there is a very interesting solution. Follow the link with a detailed master class,how to sew ugg boots with your own hands.

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Greasy spots

To remove greasy stains from such boots, do the following:

  1. Take refined gasoline and starch.
  2. Gruel with these ingredients.
  3. Put it on the stain and let it dry.
  4. Remove excess with a sponge.
  5. Shake off the leftovers and let the shoes air in the fresh air.

The fur inside can also be cleaned in this way, but with a mixture of soda and starch in a ratio of 1: 2. Keep the mixture on boots for 30 minutes.

Important! So that you always look interesting and do not spend much time caring for things, read also our articles:

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Salt removal

In winter, the streets are often sprinkled with salt. This is done so that during glaze people slip less and fall. But when thawing, ice mixes with road dirt - this porridge also harms shoes. There are two ways to clean ugg from salt: water, as described above, and a mixture of vinegar and ammonia.

To clean the shoes in the second way, follow these steps:

  1. Take, in a ratio of one to one, 3% vinegar and ammonia.
  2. With a brush dampened in this solution, wipe the area affected by salt.
  3. Dry your shoes and air them.

Important! Sometimes it is advised to clean the uggs from salt with dishwashing detergents or soap. Remember that doing this is strictly prohibited! The material is very delicate and you can not only not clean your favorite shoes, but also ruin them. To restore such effects will help gruel from powder and water.

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Disinfection and Prevention

After your favorite boots have dried, it is advisable to disinfect them. The sheepskin inside the boots easily absorbs odors and holds them for a long time. The following recipe is perfect for disinfection:

  1. 3 tbsp. l corn flour mixed with 2 tbsp. l baking soda or salt.
  2. Sprinkle the boots with the mixture from the inside.
  3. After a few minutes, quickly shake out the mixture.

Important! You can also use deodorants or fresheners for shoesFor prophylaxis use impregnation for suede shoeswhich protects it from dust and dirt.

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In order for your ugg boots to give you warmth and comfort, follow our tips and regularly take care of them. And then even the most severe frost will not force you to stay at home, and your legs will not freeze.

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