How to clean a suede bag at home from dirt?

Suede products always look elegant, expensive and attractive, so they are very popular, despite the fact that they are not very practical. A big disadvantage of a suede bag is that it is highly susceptible to dirt and scuffing. But this simply means that such products need special care. So that the appearance does not give out the age of the product, you should know simple ways to restore suede products. With proper care, your favorite suede handbag will serve you faithfully for many years and look beautiful, elegant. So, let's look at the features of caring for suede products, in particular, how and how to clean the suede bag at home from dirt.

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Features of caring for suede products

In order for your suede handbag to please you with its beautiful appearance for a long time, use the following care recommendations:

  • Store bags by filling them with empty bags or special filler so that they do not lose their shape.
  • Clean your suede products regularly. If you have a stain, remove it immediately, fresh stains are always easier to remove than old ones.
  • Do not try to clean the bag quickly before going out. If your purse is not clean enough, take another one.
  • Do not use a crude product; wait for it to dry completely.
  • Try to soak the suede handbag with a special water-repellent, especially in rainy times.
  • Together with a water-repellent composition, you should buy a special brush for suede.
  • Suede does not like water. If you have been exposed to rain or spilled water on a product, immediately blot the water with a napkin; otherwise, ugly stains may remain from the water.
  • Do not clean suede with hard objects - a nail file, a rough brush that is not suitable for suede.
  • Do not dry on radiators, for example, on a battery or with a hairdryer - this will only ruin the good thing. Direct sunlight is also contraindicated.
  • Do not use acetone, paint thinner or other aggressive products.

Now that we’ve figured out what we don’t need to do, we’ll look at ways to clean dirt from a suede bag at home.

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Methods for cleaning suede

There are quite a few effective ways to clean suede with improvised means that do not require you neither a lot of costs, nor a lot of effort.


One of the easiest ways to clean suede is with a regular school eraser. To avoid any misunderstandings, you need to choose it correctly:

  • First of all, the eraser must be absolutely clean, without a trace of a pencil. It is best to purchase a new eraser that you will constantly use for just these purposes.
  • The eraser should be soft. The softer it is, the more delicate its effect on your suede handbag.
  • You should also consider the color of suede. If you have a white product, then it is better to use a white eraser, as stains may remain from the color.

When you have selected an eraser of the necessary color and softness, you can begin. Gently rub the entire surface of the product with an eraser. Try to make movements in one direction. When done, brush off the lumps that have rolled up.


Another proven method of cleaning dirt from a suede bag at home is to use vinegar. Under the influence of vinegar, the product will look newer, and the villi will become more fluffy, since this substance effectively dissolves dirt and dust.

Here you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not use undiluted vinegar.
  • Soak a cloth in a solution of vinegar in water and wipe the problem areas.
  • Rinse vinegar is not necessary.

Important! Of course, this will not save from strong spots, but the general dirt and dust will be removed, as well as refresh the color of the product.


To clean a suede product, we need fine-grained salt:

  1. Place the bag on a horizontal surface and place a towel or napkin under it.
  2. Pour salt onto contaminated areas, rub them with a rag or brush.
  3. Shake off the salt.

Important! This method will help to cope with dirt and dust, but it is unlikely to help in the fight against greasy spots.



In this case, it will help us. ammonia - it will easily remove greasy or greasy stains:

  1. Dilute 10 g of ammonia in 40 g of water.
  2. Soak a swab in this solution and wipe the stains. The procedure can be repeated many times until the spots are completely gone.
  3. Dry the product thoroughly.

Gasoline and Talc

No matter how hard we try to protect our favorite things, there is always room for surprises. Sometimes serious stains appear on things, which are very difficult to remove, especially from such capricious material as suede. What to do in this case?

Talc and refined gasoline will come to our aid. With their help, you can remove even the most resistant ugly spots from your favorite suede handbag.

  1. Dampen a cloth in gasoline and wipe the problem area.
  2. Wipe the stain until it disappears.
  3. Fill this place with talcum powder.
  4. When the talcum powder absorbs gasoline residues, shake it off.

Steam cleaning

The most gentle way to clean a suede product is to steam it. This can be done using a steam generator. If this device is not available, then you can take the advice of our grandmothers and place the bag over the boiling water tank for a while.

Important! The main thing here is to correctly calculate the time: the product should not get very wet, it should be slightly moist.

Then you need to clean the handbag with a suede brush. This is the easiest way to restore the color of a suede product at no extra cost.

Pumice cleaning

This method must be used with caution. It involves the use of pumice, which needs to rub the contaminated area. With pumice, it is really possible to remove dried dirt, but it will not remove stubborn stains. In addition, you need to act carefully so as not to spoil a good thing.

Important! If you rub it hard, you can ruin the structure of the pile.

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Cleaning colored suede:

  • Coffee grounds are great for cleaning brown bags. Just apply evenly coffee grounds to problem areas, leave until it is completely dry. Residues of dried coffee can be removed with a suede brush.
  • To clean products made of light suede, you can use a solution of baking soda and skim milk. Mix both components in equal amounts, apply this mixture with a cotton pad to contaminated areas. The remaining mixture must be removed with a damp sponge. After the cleaning procedure, moist areas should be dried with white paper towels.
  • Colored suede can be brushed with a crust of bread. Best of all, rye bread does the job.
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How to wash a suede handbag?

Many housewives are interested in how to wash a suede bag at home, because handing the bag over to dry cleaning is quite an expensive pleasure. Of course, washing a suede product, as a rule, is not recommended, but if you really need it, you need to do this, observing the following recommendations:

  • Wash in slightly lukewarm water.
  • Do not soak the suede product in water - wash it quickly and gently, do not rub too hard.
  • For cleaning it is best to use a liquid detergent for delicate products or a special detergent for washing suede.
  • Do not wring the bag after washing, but let the water drain. You can wrap it in a terry towel to quickly get rid of excess moisture.
  • Do not use bleaches or conditioners.


Machine washable

If you want to wash your purse in an automatic machine, then follow these recommendations:

  1. Before washing, empty the bag of things, treat stains.
  2. Put the item in the drum and pour liquid detergent.
  3. Set the delicate mode. Water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.
  4. Spin and dryer must be turned off.
  5. Dry in a well-ventilated area, away from heat and direct sunlight.

If possible, do not wash the bag completely, but treat especially contaminated areas with soapy water:

  1. Add liquid soap or other detergent to the water, whisk until foam.
  2. Sponge foam on problem areas and lining, wipe them.
  3. Then the places treated with soapy water should be wiped with a cloth moistened with clean water.
  4. After processing, you need to dry the product well.

Important! After washing, suede may become coarser. Brush the bristles of the product to restore softness.

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Suede Tint

To bring the suede in order, there are special foams - they are usually sold in the same stores as the bags. They will help to refresh the suede product and protect it from stains. If necessary, you can tint faded areas with a special spray paint. This paint is specifically designed for dyeing suede.

How to paint a suede bag at home? It's simple: spray paint on the surface of the product. The main thing is to choose the right color.

Important! If hard-to-remove spots appear on the bag, you can repaint your favorite item in a darker tone.

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As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated in caring for suede products. It is important only to use suitable detergents for cleaning and to act extremely carefully. Then the suede accessory will last you a long time and will retain its beautiful, elegant appearance.

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