How to clean suede gloves?

Suede gloves always look very impressive. But so that they give your appearance an elegance and solidity, as well as well protect from the cold, you must periodically solve the problem of how to clean suede gloves. Given the fact that suede is both artificial and natural, this is a very delicate material, then the methods for removing dirt from it should be appropriate. In this article, we offer you some tips on how to quickly, and most importantly, correctly, cope with the task of washing suede gloves.
to contents ↑Tip 1
This option of how to clean suede gloves is suitable for you if the dirt is insignificant, you have followed all the rules for wearing such an accessory and the product has a short service life.
For it, you only need a special eraser, which need to gently rub the stained places. Such actions will be quite enough to return the attractiveness of things.
to contents ↑Important! Sometimes well-chosen accessories decide everything in terms of how spectacular and appropriate you will look. Find out a lot of useful information from our separate post on how to wearleather gloveswhat are the rules for caring for them.
Tip 2
If you have managed to thoroughly stain the gloves in transport or on the street, you will have to take drastic measures and not dry clean, but fully wash suede gloves. For this:
- Rub the laundry soap on a fine grater.
- Add some warm water and a couple drops of ammonia.
- Beat the whole mixture until a good foam is obtained.
- Rinse the gloves in this solution, wrinkling them gently.
- Rinse under running warm water.
- Do not twist! Squeeze lightly, place on a clean towel.
- As soon as the main water drains from them, roll on another clean terry towel.
- Turn inside out and leave to dry in a warm place.
- When the products are completely dry, you can iron a little with an iron, setting the delicate mode.
Tip 3
Another way to wash suede gloves is as follows:
- Put the accessory on your hands.
- Lather a little and rub with a soft brush.
- Rinse well under running warm water to wash the soap.
- Wash well with a terry clean towel without removing from hands.
- Remove from hands, spread and dry to the end on a terry towel.
Important! So that suede gloves do not lose their elasticity, rub a little powder into the material.We have also prepared a separate article for you in which you will find a large selection of different ways,how to restore suede.
Tip 4
In the event that your item is expensive and you are afraid to completely wash suede gloves, use this cleaning technology:
- Mix water with ammonia in a 2: 1 ratio.
- Soak a cotton pad with a solution and wipe the entire surface of the material in a row.
- If necessary, moisten the cotton pad again or change it to a new one if it is very dirty after certain areas.
- Dissolve 1 tsp. vinegar in 1 liter of water.
- Take a new cotton pad, soak it in this solution and go through it all over the material.
Important! Ammonia with water can be replaced with milk and soda in the proportions of 1 cup per 1 tsp.
Tip 5
It is much more difficult to wash white suede gloves. In this case, use a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, mixing them in equal parts - 1 tsp each.You do not need to completely lower the gloves into it, just wipe with such a mixture, use cotton pads for ease of application.
Helpful hints:
- Dry your gloves every time, immediately after they get wet.
- In no case do not use heating radiators for drying and do not leave things in direct sunlight.
- To remove creases after long periods of storage, hold the gloves a little above the steam and then walk along the pile with a suede brush.
- Before using any cleaning agent, first check its effect on an inconspicuous patch of fabric.
- Try to wear suede gloves only in dry weather so that light spots and stains do not appear on them.
- You can renew dilapidated gloves by wiping the material with castor or linseed oil, but apply a very thin layer.
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Now you know all the secrets of how to clean suede gloves at home, and we hope this procedure will not cause you any difficulties. Look after your things correctly and always look irresistibly!