How to choose a tie for a shirt?

A tie is a subject of a man’s wardrobe, which, despite its age, remains the most incomprehensible and complex thing. It’s easier for a man not to wear such an unfortunate “noose” than to stand for hours trying to tie it correctly. Nevertheless, even with all the difficulties that arise when wearing this accessory, it does not go out of style over the years, and the methods of tying are becoming more complicated and sophisticated. But sometimes a correctly selected tie looks much more effective than a skillfully tied, but absolutely ridiculous in color. Therefore, before you pick up a tie, you must choose the outfit with which you plan to combine it. We will deal with all these nuances in this article.

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We select a tie for a shirt - the basic principles

The very first thing to consider when choosing such an essential subject of men's wardrobe is the shirt with which you will wear it. Let's start with the most important and biggest mistake that sometimes occurs when choosing this item of men's wardrobe:

  • If you have a shirt with patterns, then a color tie will not work for you. Best of all - plain.
  • If the shirt is monophonic, then both monophonic and with various patterns can come up to it.
  • The most versatile shirt is white, absolutely everything goes under it.

Important! Even if you decide to cheat and focus on the glaring colors, it will not be a sign of good taste. The most appropriate is a tie, the design of which is made in the color scheme of your shirt.

But every day walking in white is not a hunt for anyone. And given the current range of colors and styles, you need to try to look beautiful and elegant.

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We select a tie for a shirt by color

The easiest way to choose a tie for a shirt by color (if it is plain) is a color wheel. At first glance, this is funny, but very effective. And choosing a “noose” by this method, you will not lose the correctness of your choice. Nothing complicated here.

In this method, only two rules apply:

  • Opposite colors. If you select a tie by the color wheel, let's say yellow, and the shirt is purple, then your look will be just ridiculous. Therefore, remember that the combination of opposite colors is a bad manners.

Important! Such extraordinary solutions are all used, but exclusively by representatives of creative professions. For business and business etiquette, this option is in no way suitable.

  • Nearby colors. This is the right combination of shirt and tie colors. You will never lose in the selection. But here there is a small hitch. If you combine two almost identical colors, for example, yellow and orange, everything will just merge.

Important! Always when choosing your outfit, you need to remember that the shirt should be a few tones lighter.

How to choose a tie for a pink and blue shirt?

svd_1Pale and bright pink, blue - from muffled to electrician. It is these colors of shirts that are now at the peak of men's fashion popularity.

  • A blue shirt goes well with dark shades. Also, ties with patterns in the form of stripes, rhombuses and polka dots would be an ideal option.

Important! Colors that will be appropriate: black, gray, dark gray, red, brown and beige.

  • Pink shirt.Ties of dark tones fit her. An ideal option would be the same pink, only a few shades darker.

Important! Also, emphasis can be made thanks to gray, black, blue and turquoise colors.

How to combine prints and drawings?

Particular attention should be paid to the combination of prints, choosing a tie to the shirt. Clear business that a monophonic combination is much simpler. But if you learn a few simple rules, then you are guaranteed success in a more complex design of your appearance:

  1. A tie is the dominant and main accent of your clothes. Your clothes can have a wide variety of patterns, but the dominant place should belong exclusively to this accessory.
  2. Drawings can be combined. But if the pattern on your shirt is large, then the tie should be small, and vice versa.

What to do with the stripes?

Separately, we highlight a striped shirt, since this print is very common. There are also a number of rules for selecting such a bold piece of men's wardrobe:

  1. Same size. If the strip on your clothes is small, then the tie should be the same.
  2. The strip is friendly to other geometric shapes.
  3. The color of the tie must be identical or opposite to one of the stripes of the shirt.
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How to choose a tie for a shirt and a suit?

And now about the main outfit - a suit. The suit is the basis of the male image, the shirt is the addition, and the tie is a bright accent. Therefore, first we select the main attire, then the shirt, and only after that we select a tie for the entire ensemble.

It is very important to know about the combination of different textures and materials and the quality of the fabrics. For example:

  • silk tie is very suitable for clothes made of thin wool;
  • from more dense material - elegantly complements a woolen tweed jacket.

Important! Fans of the classic style should pay attention to a neat accessory matching the tailcoat. And those who try to be a dandy, are extraordinary and eccentric, they want to attract general attention, they can try, combine and experiment, paying tribute to fashion. But the main thing is not to forget that everything should be in moderation.

Using uniform patterns and patterns

If you choose clothes and accessories with exactly the same print, then you will demonstrate the degree of your tastelessness. It is contraindicated to combine wardrobe elements with the same patterns in one set. At least one thing should be different.

41a44b2857fb920611dc03724b1451e2The same rule applies to the same colors. The most ideal option would be the choice of contrasting clothing, but the emphasis can be matched to match your basic attire.

Suit and Striped Shirt

As previously stated, you cannot combine the same pattern in all three elements of clothing. Therefore, if you have a suit and a striped shirt, your accessory should match the color of the stripes of your clothes. These are simply unbreakable rules that you must adhere to in order to look comme il faut.

Two different cells of your onion

The ideal option is a plain suit, and the cage can be left for other things. In this composition, a tie is better to match the tone of a jacket and trousers. If you can correctly combine the colors of the shirt and tie, then success and attention will be guaranteed!

Two identical patterns combined with a third

If you are not tired of experimenting, then this option is for you. The most important thing is to observe the rule that the patterns should be the same only in two items of men's wardrobe. For example: clothes in a cage (a cage can be of different sizes), and a tie - with polka dots. Yes, the experiment is bold. But who does not risk, he does not drink champagne!

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Facts Everyone Should Know:

  1. Do not forget that a tie is an accessory that should highlight and emphasize male attractiveness. Therefore, when selecting and purchasing this item of men's wardrobe, it is very important to take into account your face color type.This accessory should emphasize your advantages, and from the disadvantages - look away (if any).
  2. Always remember the colors, patterns and patterns when choosing a tie for a shirt.
  3. We correctly combine and select fabrics.
  4. Choose a tie in which no more than three colors are connected.
  5. The width of your accessory should not exceed the width of the lapels.
  6. Patterns on shirts should not coincide with patterns of an accessory.
  7. The length of the product should not exceed 145 centimeters.
  8. The highest quality ties are those made of natural silk.
  9. When buying this item of men's wardrobe, you need to pay attention to ensure that it does not fold from the bottom.
  10. If you’re not sure, don’t experiment.
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As the men say, “a noose around their neck” complicates their lives. But thanks to this accessory, the man is transformed right away. If everything is done correctly, then it immediately becomes more attractive, courageous, more elegant. Afraid of wolves, do not go to the forest. Men, do not be afraid to wear a tie so frightening for you, because thanks to him, women turn their attention to you!

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