How to choose tights?

Women's tights are one of the most important inventions of fashion, which, in addition to warming in the cold season, gives femininity and sexuality. For many girls, tights are considered an integral element of the dress code, and someone helps to emphasize the style and figure. This type of women's clothing is not key, but a mistake when choosing can ruin the entire outfit. But if you choose the tights correctly, they will emphasize the image and add sexuality and charm. Moreover, tights often deliver a lot of inconvenience to their owner. What is a puff or a hole, so many women carry a spare pair in their purse in case the first one fails.
The modern range of hosiery is incredibly large, and sometimes it can take a lot of time to choose the right size, color, quality and type of tights. How to choose tights and what to wear with? - the main question, the answer to which every representative of the fair sex must be aware, and which we will consider in this article.
But first, let's get back to the history of tights. Surely many women wondered: where did the much-needed attribute of the women's wardrobe come from?
to contents ↑A little story about pantyhose
Tights for women appeared in the 40s in the USA, and after 20 years - in the USSR. Stockings are considered the forerunners of tights - they were used almost 400 years before the first tights appeared. In the late 50s of the twentieth century, mini-skirts became fashionable, under which it was difficult to wear stockings.
Important! Fashion classic Mary Quant, who went down in history as the founder of a mini, pushed the industry to mass production of tights, which no modern girl can do without now.
In 1959, a US resident Allen Gan tried to sew underwear with stockings - this is how tights turned out. The first to wear such a product was the dancer Anne Miller, who used them during her performances.
A new piece of clothing quickly gained incredible popularity among ladies, but because of their shortage, only women of a noble family could afford such luxury.
In Soviet times, during the reign of Brezhnev, women's tights were a rarity. It was very difficult to get them, and to receive such a gift was incredible happiness. In those days, women did not attach much importance to color and density, since there was not much choice on sale. Today we have the widest assortment of such products, respectively - in addition we get a lot of questions and problems when choosing. Now about everything in order to simplify this task for you.
to contents ↑How to choose the right size?
Women's tights, like other wardrobe clothes, are made into standard figures. Quite often, women do not attach much importance to size, holding the opinion that they stretch anyway, or choose a large size - so as not to squeeze. This opinion is erroneous, because if the tights are small, then a certain discomfort will be felt, they will constantly slide, and periodic pulling up can lead to the appearance of holes and arrows.
If you buy tights one or two sizes larger, they will certainly stretch above the waist, and folds will be visible under the knee and on the ankle, which looks completely unattractive.
Each package is provided with a size chart showing the woman's height and weight. To choose the right tights of your size:
- Find the marks in the table that match your weight and height and draw along the line.
- At the intersection of two lines, there will be the size that you need.
- If the point coincides with the dividing line between the two sizes, you must select the next size.
to contents ↑Important! Each brand has its own size criteria, so when buying a new pair, always pay attention to the table indicated on the package.
Types of tights by density
In addition to the right size, you still need to choose the density. It is also indicated on the package and is measured in “den”. Often they are easy to see on the packaging - you need to find the designation in the form of “DEN” or “den”, which will mean the density of the fabric. So, the more “DEN”, the denser the product will be. Depending on the season and what exactly you need tights for - daily wear or a festive event, you can choose one of these options:
- Dense (50-200 DEN) - high-density products that are designed for the cold season. They are the most durable, with careful wear they can serve even several seasons. In their composition they contain wool and cotton. You can wear them both under trousers and with a skirt. Their price is much higher than ordinary tights, but they protect the woman from the cold. The degree of density and color depends on the preference and taste of the woman.
- Medium (20-40 DEN). This species is in greatest demand among women. Such tights are suitable for the autumn-spring season, and for the cool summer. On the shelves of stores presented a huge assortment of products of this density. You can choose with different colors and patterns.
- Thin (10-15 DEN) - designed for hot weather. They are almost invisible on the feet, so they can be worn everyday, preferably with light clothing.
- Ultrathin (5-10 DEN) - the thinnest tights. They are appropriate at various events, festive meetings or just in hot weather. However, products of this density are very impractical because they can quickly break.
Types of tights and color
In order not to spoil your appearance and your image as a whole, you need to choose the color of tights for clothes correctly. Tights should be in the tone of the selected outfit or tone lighter than the clothes, but in tone with the shoes.
Given the large assortment of tights, any woman should be able to choose the right color, size and style to her figure, clothes and style. Do not forget about age either.
Consider the most common options for tights that are in demand among women:
- Solid nylon tights of flesh color - a universal thing in any woman’s wardrobe. They easily fit into everyday life, as well as in a festive or business outfit. There are several colors and species that may differ in their density.
- Patterned tights - perfect for short dresses or skirts. There are a huge number of patterns with ornaments, and they all look very impressive, but only if you have smooth and beautiful legs.
- Fishnet tights are a serious weapon of seduction. However, such an effect can be obtained only with proper selection. With such tights, a classic romantic dress or a black short skirt looks perfect. Such tights should not be combined with business, casual or sportswear. In addition, openwork products will look good on impeccable legs. Weaving and patterns emphasize all the beautiful bends of the legs, as well as their flaws.
- Colored tights - it is recommended to wear young ladies. They should be combined with the color of shoes and other clothes.
- Mesh tights - are only relevant in the warm season, but it is not worth combining with sundresses and airy dresses. It goes well with a leather, denim or suede skirt.
What to wear tights with?
When choosing tights, you should pay attention to what outfit you are going to wear them with. Here are a few combinations:
- Black tights - look good with both holiday dresses and everyday ones. They are considered universal, as they are suitable for all clothes of a dark color, less often bright. Along with this, tights of black tones should be suitable for shoes.
- Gray tights - can be attributed to the classic. They, like black, go well with women's wardrobe. Although such tights should be carefully compared with black shoes - such an image may seem a little strange.
- Nude, light tights - suitable for almost any shoe and any outfit.
- Tights with a pattern - will create a bright, beautiful image. If the pattern on the tights is large, then be prepared that it will slightly fill your legs. There is a huge selection of such tights on store shelves, so what to wear with them will depend on the pattern, the color of the clothes and the taste of the woman.
- Colored tights - it is better to combine with a black or dark top. They can be worn by young girls with beautiful, even legs. A good solution will be if you choose accessories or clothes of the same color together with bright tights. This style will be appropriate for parties or other fashion events.
- Fishnet and mesh tights - look good with a pencil skirt, leather or suede mini-skirts, short shorts. Such options are appropriate at parties, romantic dinners with a loved one.
Important! In addition to the above types of tights, on sale you can find others that women use more rarely. These types include modeling, corrective tights for pregnant women or medical ones that should be used for varicose veins.
In addition, modern manufacturers began to produce flavored types of this wardrobe item, but their price is much higher than ordinary ones. And they are not always appropriate.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Now you’ll know exactly what you should buy, and what clothes are best left on the counter. Remember that all elements of the image should be harmoniously combined, and choose the color of tights to the main outfit, and not vice versa.
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