How to choose socks for trousers and shoes?

Many do not attach much importance to socks, because it seems that this is such a trifle, however they are the ones who can seriously spoil the overall impression. Either they will tear at the most inopportune moment, then they will crawl into an accordion, or they will somehow mix up in an incredible way, especially when their owner did not get enough sleep. But in a person, everything should be beautiful: face, clothes, and socks. To avoid such embarrassment, you should buy only high-quality products, change them on time in time. Color is also of great importance. What should socks go with? How to choose socks for trousers and shoes? There are several simple principles that we will consider in this article.

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Principle No. 1: we select under trousers

Since ancient times, there is a rule of clothing etiquette, which states that it is necessary to choose the color of socks for trousers, and not for shoes. For example:

  • If you are going to wear a gray suit with brown shoes. Which socks should you choose: gray or brown? - Definitely gray!
  • Planning to wear a blue suit with black shoes? - The best solution would be to choose dark blue socks.
  • Under black trousers they put on - black, under khaki - khaki.

Important! Socks should be slightly darker than the trousers.

  • With a combination of light trousers and dark shoes, pick up socks in the color of the trousers, but a couple of tones are darker. For example: trousers are beige, shoes are dark brown, and socks are light brown.

Important! Any man’s arsenal should have several pairs of neutral dark gray tones. They suit perfectly with different trousers: gray, blue, beige-gray.

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Principle 2: Accent Socks

If you have a trip to a place where formalities are not required (date, party, wedding), you can opt for colored items that do not match either shoes or trousers. But in this case, they should have something in common with something else: for example, with a tie, shirt or scarf in the breast pocket of the jacket.

So, for a gray suit and a red tie, you can choose red.

The same applies to socks with a color pattern - for example, with the argyle rhombus. A gray pair with purple rhombs will suit gray pants if the tie, shirt or scarf is also purple.

Important! It is desirable that the colored items are dark enough: if the shirt is light blue, then socks are best to choose dark blue.

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Principle number 3: we select for jeans

The same rule applies to jeans as to trousers. To blue jeans we put on a pair of dark blue, to blue - blue, to black - black.

Important! Accented, bright socks can also be worn with jeans if the garment has the same color detail.

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Principle 4: White socks with sportswear only

Under no circumstances should white socks be worn with jeans or trousers. This is a real bad manners! They should not be worn even with white trousers - it is better to give preference to a light or colored pair.

Important! White summer suits are worn with loafers, moccasins and other similar shoes in general barefoot.

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Principle 5: Sock thickness matters

With trousers, don’t wear thick sportswear - only thin ones! Ideally, for a classic suit and pants, it is recommended to wear smooth socks that do not have texture.

Important! With jeans, a sports pair of socks is only permissible if you are going to wear sneakers, sneakers or boots.

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What are female models?

In women's fashion, there are several of the most common models that can be worn under a classic suit, as well as with a dress, and even with sports things. Among those, we can distinguish:

  • Standard high - put on with jeans or trousers. Such socks are appropriate with any style except sports.
  • “Slippers” or invisible socks - created for summer shoes, which are usually worn on bare feet. Such models are worn under moccasins, loafers, ballet shoes, if the pair of shoes you have chosen is rubbing your foot.
  • Sport - understated models, the elastic of which does not peek out from sports shoes. They can be found in various variations. There are standard models that can be worn for running, gymnastics, yoga and gymnastics, as well as specialized socks, for example, for roller skating or skiing.

Important! All these types of models should be present in the women's wardrobe, so that you can easily pick up socks for shoes and trousers, have a clean pair ready for sports and wear even summer shoes with comfort, without fear that they will rub.

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Choose a product by composition

For suits, dresses, jeans or any other clothing, socks should be selected not only by type, but also by composition. He can be:

  • 95% cotton, 5% lycra - these are universal models;
  • 90% wool, 10% - winter models;
  • 95% polyamide, 5% lycra - transparent thin socks.

Important! Also on sale are models of 100% wool, cotton or bamboo. Additionally, they may contain different impurities. Such options are more comfortable to wear, but cost several times more.

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How to correctly determine the size of socks?

So, if you decide what color to choose socks, you should understand how to choose the right size. There is nothing complicated. For this:

  1. Place your foot on a piece of cardboard or paper and circle the foot with a pencil.
  2. Then measure the distance from the thumb to the heel with a ruler.

Important! Round the result to a larger value in centimeters and compare with the size chart for socks. For example, if the foot length is 22-24 cm, then the 23rd size will be suitable, if the length is 25-26 cm, take size 25.

This is the most popular size, so they can always be found on store shelves.

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How to determine the quality of the model?

In order to successfully buy socks, it is not enough to know how to choose them correctly by color, thickness and size. It is important to understand how to distinguish a quality product from a defective one. This can be done on the following grounds:

  • The absence of uneven loops, protruding threads and rough seams (such products can rub you);
  • Uniform color of socks, accurate prints;
  • Reinforced toe and heel (this should definitely be in models made of polyamide, cotton and even wool)
  • Flat stitch at the gum mount.

Important! In the socks of the highest quality there is also a double elastic band, a specially processed seam and a reinforced heel with a toe. Such models will never rub, after washing they will not lose their shape and it will always be convenient for you in them.

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When are socks inappropriate?

How to wear this type of clothing is equally true for how you should not wear it:

  • It has long been generally accepted that socks should not be worn with sandals. This type of shoe was created specifically to be worn barefoot. And not only because socks with sandals - it went. The thing is that it just looks bad.
  • It is also not recommended to wear long socks with shorts - here either short, or even without them.
  • If you tuck jeans in hot weather, it is best not to wear socks.
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Some important platitudes

And finally, I would like to say some more important things:

  • So, the absence of holes and cleanliness are not discussed at all. Instead of suturing torn socks, it is better to get new ones.
  • The second point - socks should be the same not only in color, but also in fabric and texture. Many guys, opening their drawer with a pile of black socks, simply pull out the first pair that comes across, without even looking at the fact that the texture pattern of one sock is different from another. Or one more faded (due to more washes), and the second is not.

Remember, socks must “live” and “die” in pairs.

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Now you have a complete understanding of how to choose socks for trousers, shoes and any other clothes and shoes. Use these tips to look not only neat, but also beautiful, in accordance with the rules of etiquette in any situation.


