How to iron a jacket at home?

A jacket is one of the main components of a business suit, so a crumpled thing immediately spoils the first impression of its wearer. For this reason, it needs to be ironed every time you notice even small folds on it. Unfortunately, not every housewife is able to smooth out such a piece of clothing. From this article you will learn not only a lot of tips for caring for such a thing, but also about how to iron a jacket at home without causing him any harm.

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Many people forget that before proceeding to ironing the product, it must be properly prepared for this procedure:

  1. Make sure that the garment is clean, otherwise - during the ironing process, the dirt is firmly absorbed into the fabric and it will be much more difficult to get rid of it.
  2. Prepare a wet rag - it will play the role of a strip between the iron and the jacket. This is due to the fact that the front surface of the product in direct contact with the iron often becomes unusable.
  3. Turn on the heating level you need on the iron first.
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Material Features

Jackets can be made of many different materials. Before you steam your jacket at home, consider the basic rules for caring for them:

  • If the product is made of linen fabric, then the temperature of the iron should be hot, it is possible to use steam. Recommended temperature is 200-230 degrees Celsius.
  • For woolen or semi-woolen products, it is better to use a warm iron. The more wool in the jacket, the more gently you need to handle it. In this case, you must definitely prepare a damp cloth or marlage.
  • A polyester or nylon jacket should be ironed in a cold mode without the use of steam.
  • If the product has a drawing, you need to handle it in the same way as with wool, that is, very carefully. In no case can you slide the iron over the material, only light applications are permissible.
  • Jackets made of natural silk are not allowed to be ironed. If artificial silk, read the recommendations on the tag. This material is ironed only at low temperatures with rare use of steam.
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If a thing is ironed in a chaotic manner, it can lose its original appearance. Before steaming the jacket at home, you need to remember a certain ironing order of the individual elements:

  1. Pockets Before ironing, pockets need to be turned out, then gently ironed through a slightly dampened piece of fabric - it will reduce the effect of a hot iron on the material.
  2. Sleeves, shoulders. This stage is the most difficult in the whole procedure. A good helper for you will be the stand for the ironing board, which is designed specifically for the sleeves - as a rule, it comes with a board in a set.
  3. The back, she is the back. This item is the only one that can be ironed on the front of the product.
  4. Collar, lapels. Smoothing these details is not difficult. This stage is the final.
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Go to ironing

Before you iron your jacket at home, you need to familiarize yourself with all the recommendations that are indicated on the product tag - there you will find out the recommended ironing temperature. Now we set the desired temperature on the iron and proceed to the execution of the algorithm:

  • Turn the product inside out, put it on the ironing board, straighten the butt, canvas.
  • Iron the damp pockets until the fabric is completely dry.
  • Before ironing the sleeves, make sure that there is enough moisture on them.

Important! If possible, use a stand designed for the sleeves. If they are not there, you should carefully monitor that no wrinkles form on the elbow seam. The shoulders must also be ironed in the wet state until they are completely dry.

  • Cover the product with wet gauze or cloth over its entire surface.
  • Walking along the back of the iron - it will not be difficult for you to do this, since it is impossible to make a mistake here. To iron the jacket at home on the back side and not harm it, you need to gently press the iron.

Important! If the product material is smooth, it can be ironed in any direction.

  • The final stage is ironing the collar. Although a collar is not such an important part of a business jacket, it still needs to be given due attention. Before proceeding to iron it should be dampened in the same way as the rest of the parts. Now iron it until it dries completely.
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Useful Tips

When ironing the product, several important rules must be observed:

  • It should be noted that such things are recommended to be ironed only in the direction from top to bottom - so the pile will not break and slide, thereby preserving its attractive, fresh look.
  • If you are afraid to harm an item of clothing, it is better to take it to a special company.
  • So that the jacket does not lose its original shape after ironing, leave it to lie on the ironing board for 15 minutes - so the fabric cools and hardens.
  • Before proceeding to ironing the sleeves, stand so that the sun's rays fall on the left side of the product (for the lefthander, on the contrary, on the right). So you can see all the bumps and the slightest folds on the product.
  • If your iron is “afraid” of the hot temperature of the iron, and you need to smooth the sleeves, try steaming them. Water vapor does not harm the product as much as an iron, delicately caring for the material of a business wardrobe item.
  • Delicate fabrics should be ironed in a non-contact manner, after wetting the material.
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Many novice housewives forget to observe any little things, this ultimately greatly harm the business item of clothing. It is recommended that you follow these tips so that your clothes last as long as possible. From this article, you learned how to iron a jacket at home, which means that each time this procedure will seem to you more and more simple.


