How to dye a bologna jacket at home?

Almost every house in the closet has a bologna jacket. Such jackets produce different styles and colors. In addition, at a cost they are quite acceptable, so many can afford to buy such a thing. But sometimes it happens that the color of winter outerwear bothers, and a person immediately looks for a solution to his problem. Owners of such products often wonder how to paint a Bologna jacket at home. How to decorate bologna pants? How to paint a black nylon parka? First you need to deal with tools and paints, and also do not forget about the properties of the material and dyes.

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Jacket dye preparation

Polyester belong to synthetic materials, which are quite amenable to dyeing. Therefore, repainting the jacket in a different color will not be difficult. For this procedure, you need to purchase all the necessary materials and prepare a bath for staining. The painting process does not require any knowledge, but safety precautions should still be followed.

Checking the fabric of the jacket

Pay attention to the shortcut. It indicates what materials the jacket is made of. If it is made of 100% polyester, then painting it will not be difficult. If the product is made from impurities of materials (for example, acetate), then painting the thing will be much more difficult:

  • The painting procedure will be successful if the item is at least 60% polyester. No problems will arise if the impurities of the materials are also colorable. These fabrics include: silk, cotton, linen and viscose.
  • Often, polyester outerwear is treated with special solutions that have a stain-resistant effect. Also, these substances strengthen the fabric fibers of clothing and prevent the paint from absorbing into the fabric. Therefore, it is recommended that you carefully study the information on the label before dyeing a polyester jacket.

Jacket color

The initial color of outerwear always affects the final result after dyeing, regardless of whether the jacket was light or dark. Experienced housewives say that it is much easier to paint a light (for example, white) jacket. But you need to understand the following:

  • Beige, white, blue and pink shades are well painted, because they quickly absorb dark colors. Do not forget that the initial color has a strong influence on the final staining result.
  • If you decide to dye a motley jacket, then choose dark paint colors - it is easier for them to block the initial shade of outerwear.

Important! Before staining the fabric, it must be put in order. To do this, use our tips:


Choose a dye

You can dye polyester with any chemical paint, but first you should familiarize yourself with information about its composition. Usually instructions for use and all information is indicated on the packaging.

If you did not find it there, then go to the manufacturer's website:

  • “Rit” paint is excellent for dyeing synthetic and natural fabrics.
  • Follow the manufacturer's recommendations. They are indicated on the dye package.
  • Dyes for fabrics are available in powder form, which should be diluted with water during the dyeing process.


The staining procedure is a very dirty job.Therefore, it is recommended to properly prepare the work area. All should be covered with newspapers or oilcloth so as not to stain clothes and hands, as well as:

  1. Lay a towel, paper towel, and detergent next to it. If you spill the dye, you can quickly remove everything before the paint is absorbed.
  2. Wear gloves and an apron to avoid staining your hands and clothes.
  3. If you don’t have overalls in your arsenal, put on things that you don’t mind stain.

Remove accessories from outerwear

Do not forget to remove the buttons, chains and other removable elements if you want to keep their original appearance. Check your pockets carefully. So that after dyeing the jacket, not to find money and other important things there.

Important! If a thing has damage or some of its parts are thoroughly worn, it may make sense not only to color it, but also to alter it. Read another article for detailed instructions, how to make a vest from a jacket at home.

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We paint a jacket

  • Before dyeing your outer clothing, soak it in warm water. This is necessary so that the paint is evenly distributed throughout the jacket. You can soak it in the sink or in a bucket.
  • Next, take the Bologna jacket out of the water and straighten all the creases and folds so that the dye subsequently evenly lies on its surface.
  • Heat a large pot of water. Pour water so that the jacket floats freely.

Important! The product must float freely in water. Thus, the paint can evenly absorb. The size of the pan should be such that after immersing the product, it is filled by three quarters. It is recommended to choose a very large container so as not to miscalculate.

  • Bring the water to a boil over low heat. Then we pour water into the basin and immerse our product in the resulting “bath”. Make sure that the water is at least 60 degrees Celsius.
  • Add the colorful solution to the pot with boiling water and stir for several minutes. One bag of paint will require at least 11 liters of water. If you take less, the color will be more saturated. And if on the contrary, then the shade, accordingly, will be less bright.

Important! The dye is dissolved in a separate bowl. Pour a bag of powder 200 ml of hot water. Stir until completely dissolved. If you use liquid paint, then it must also first be dissolved with water.

  • To get a brighter and more colorful result, you can add white vinegar to the water. 11 liters of water will require 100 ml of vinegar.
  • You need to cook the jacket for at least one hour.

Do not forget to take into account several important rules when “cooking” the product:

  1. Do not leave the product unattended. It may surface and the painting process will become useless.
  2. With wooden sticks and a spoon, press the item to the bottom of the container so that the water completely covers it.
  3. Constantly stir the product under water with spoons.
  4. If you cook the jacket longer, the result will be a darker and more saturated color.

After all the manipulations done, you need to carefully remove the product from the bath. And then rinse with running water (first hot), gradually lowering its temperature. Rinse until clean water starts to drain from the jacket.

Important! These manipulations need to be done on the street or in the sink. If you decide to do this in the sink, then at the end of the process you need to thoroughly wash it with chlorine-based preparations, since the paint is very quickly absorbed.

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Prepare Bologna outerwear for wearing:

  • After staining, wash the product with washing powder well. This can be done manually or in the washing machine. Experts recommend washing it by hand, since the drum of a washing machine can stain and wash it later will not be easy.
  • You can dry the jacket in the dryer or in the fresh air.

Important! Before washing and drying, carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations on the product label.

  • After the jacket is dried, return the removable accessories (hood, chains and buttons) to their places.
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If you are not sure that you can dye your jacket on your own and without consequences, then practice first on old and unnecessary things. Thus, you will reduce the risk of damage to your dear things.


