How to dye clothes?

Any thing with time loses its brightness and attractiveness. Frequent washing, the negative effects of direct sunlight, non-compliance with clothing care rules - all these factors lead to the fact that the fabric loses its original color, becomes dull, lifeless and worn out. To return things to a beautiful view, to emphasize their individuality, dyes will help us. And for the creative person, the old thing is a great opportunity to experiment and turn your old T-shirt into a real masterpiece that no one else will have. We will tell you how to dye clothes at home, what types of dyes are and share some tricks from professionals who will help beginners in this difficult task. So, how and how can you color your clothes?

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Where to start, that's the question

Before proceeding to painting, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons once again. There is always a risk of getting the wrong color, or even completely ruining your favorite thing. If you still tend to dye, then the next paragraph will go on determining the composition of the fabric. This point is very important:

  • If the item is made of natural material, then it will be easily painted, and the color will be bright. Such easily dyed natural fabrics include cotton, linen, and, of course, everyone’s favorite jeans. Silk and wool, as well as mixed textile materials: semi-silk or half-woolen products, will easily be painted in the desired color.
  • But with artificial fabrics, the situation is not so simple: they can be painted in pale colors. For example, if you expect a juicy green color, at the exit you will have a surprise in the form of a faded greenish shade, which, moreover, fades after the first wash.

Important! There are synthetic fabrics to which the paint does not adhere at all, it simply drains along with water.

If you are wondering how to paint the jacket black at home, but this jacket is made of synthetic material, then it is better to entrust this matter to dry cleaning specialists. And at home, it is easy to cope with t-shirts, dresses, skirts, painting jeans is especially popular.

Important! Determining the composition of the fabric is not always easy, of course, it is written on the labels, but this is not always true. Therefore, always be guided by common sense and remember that the decorated item can be completely ruined, even if you do it right.

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Choose color

Anyone who thinks that you can dye clothes in any color, he is deeply mistaken. In fact, you can choose only a color that will be darker than the original version. It will not work to turn a brown sweater into yellow or pink. You should also not expect that a white T-shirt for one color will turn black. No, dear fashionistas - the maximum is dark gray.

The most ideal option if you try to achieve a deeper shade. For example, it is easy to recolor light blue jeans in dark blue.

Important! If after painting the wet thing seems very dark to you, do not worry, wait until it dries, and then evaluate the result of your work.

You can take a test piece of tissue that is suitable for quality, and conduct experiments on it, achieving the desired shade.

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Types of Dyes

There are many artificial dyes on sale in different colors and shades for different types of fabric.They come in the form of powders, crystals, or liquid.

Important! Liquid is the easiest to use. If you decide to use a ready-made dye, carefully read the instructions. It will indicate the types of tissue for which it can be used and the right amount of substance. It is calculated based on the weight of your item.

Many people prefer to dye with natural substances. Their color is not so intense, but the risk of spoiling the thing is minimal. Here such folk recipes come in handy:

  • Onion husks, tea, coffee, cinnamon, henna, basma and buckthorn bark will give a brown tint to things.
  • Green color will help to get spinach, poplar bark, juniper berries, sorrel, elderberry leaves.
  • Black can be achieved with natural coffee.
  • For red, you can use blueberries, beets, and oregano grass.
  • Sea buckthorn, turmeric, celandine will pamper with orange.
  • Blue and blue will give blackberries, sage, ivan da maria flowers.
  • The yellow color is answered by wormwood, carrots, nettle roots, turmeric, birch bark, orange peel.09-2

Important! Using natural dyes, observe the following conditions:

  • Pour the selected raw materials with water in a ratio of 1 to 2, put on the stove and bring to a boil.
  • Now the dye should be infused. The longer the raw material is infused, the richer the color.
  • After that, you need to filter it, and the natural dye is ready.


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Painting procedure

So, we chose a dye, how to repaint clothes in a different color?

  • First, you need to wash a thing, you can only paint clean clothes.
  • Lightly wet the item to be painted in warm water.
  • Dissolve the paint in water.
  • For painting, an enameled old pan or bucket is best. Pour water with dye into the container, add two tablespoons of salt and mix.
  • Next, put the container on fire and bring the liquid to a temperature of 40 degrees. Then we put our clothes there. The liquid should completely cover the thing.

Important! Natural fabrics can be brought to a boil, artificial ones are not worth it, it all depends on the material and dye.

  • Keep clothes in the dye for 20-30 minutes, periodically turn over so that it is evenly dyed.
  • Then take out the painted thing and rinse it first in warm water, and then in cold. Rinse should be carried out until the water is clean, without any admixture of paint.
  • Then pour half a glass of vinegar into the basin, add a little water and put dyed clothes on for several minutes.
  • Then rinse in cold water and hang to dry.

Important! Do not forget to wear protective gloves on your hands before the staining procedure.

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Staining in a washing machine

Technological progress has led us to paint clothes in a washing machine. This is even easier, the main thing is to observe the following rules:

  1. Prepare a solution with paint and salt, pour it into the drum along with the clothes that you are going to dye.
  2. Set the mode to 60-80 degrees without pre-soaking.
  3. After the wash cycle, rinse the item separately in water with vinegar to fix the result.
  4. After that, run the empty washing machine again for another cycle to clean it of paint.
  5. Try not to wash the white laundry immediately afterwards.
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Little tricks:

  • To blacken things that are originally red, burgundy or brown, you need to add a little green dye to the black paint.
  • If we color the green thing black, then we need to add a little purple or brown dye.
  • Before painting, the product must be weighed - so you can more accurately calculate the amount of dye.
  • After staining, dishes cannot be used for cooking.
  • If the cellulose cloth is unevenly colored, dip it in hot water with washing powder. This will help align the color.
  • If the thing subsequently goes for remaking, then before painting it is best to flog it at the seams.
  • It is better to put a plate on the bottom of the container so that the item does not burn.
  • Dry the products from wool after dyeing on the shoulders, otherwise they will stretch.
  • The first 2-3 times, wash painted items separately from others.
  • Add vinegar with each rinse, this will help maintain color longer.
  • Silk products are not recommended to squeeze.
  • Use colored powder.
  • Do not dry clothes in direct sunlight or on a battery.
  • You should not paint swimsuits, they are usually made of synthetic fabrics, poorly absorb paint. In addition, they are always wet or dried in the sun, and the paint quickly peels off.
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In this article, we told you all about how to dye your clothes. Use this information to breathe new life into your things!

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