How to store clothes?

How to store clothes in the closet? At first glance, a very simple question. But it often happens that even in the largest closet there is no place like a not-so-big wardrobe. But after improper storage, your favorite things can lose their shape or be eaten by moths. In order to keep things in their places, not wrinkling, not stretching, and it was easy to find, it is enough to know just a few simple rules.
to contents ↑How to organize the order in the closet?
You need to start with the most important thing - to sort out clothes. To do this, completely empty the cabinet. Take out everything, wipe the dust inside and ventilate it a bit. All clothing should be well checked. Perhaps there were puffs somewhere, or it was stretched out, or perhaps outdated, and you do not want to wear it. Or maybe it has become just small or large for you. Everything that is unnecessary can be thrown away without giving up or given to someone.
Before you put away your clothes for long-term storage, you need to put them in order: wash, clean, pull everything out of your pockets, remove the brooches so that rust does not appear on the fabric, and if necessary, sew it up. Jackets and down jackets can be dry cleaned or hanged for some time in the fresh air. Clothes must be dried well, otherwise - mold and an unpleasant odor may appear.
Important! Do not store clothes with strong smelling substances, as fabrics, furs and leather can absorb odors.
The remaining clothes must be sorted correctly. Sorting is one of the most important storage elements. This will help to quickly find and get the necessary thing. There are several ways to sort:
- By color - for example, from light to dark or from one shade to another.
- By type of clothing - shirts, jackets, t-shirts.
- According to the material - silk things in one place, cotton - in another, woolen - in the third.
- From top to bottom - on the upper shelves are T-shirts and T-shirts, and below on the bar are trousers or skirts.
Hanging Storage
there is clotheswhich is quite possible keepby folding or shelving in a cupboard. But there is one that is better to hang on a hanger. Most often, we use the usual hanger, on which it is convenient to store trousers, dresses and jackets, because you can hang both the lower and upper parts of clothes on it at once. But there are hangers that are more convenient to use:
- Hanger with clamping horizontal strips. The best option for storing trousers. Pants are clamped to the very bottom and they hang in full length. From this, creases do not form, the fabric does not crease, retaining the arrows. On such a hanger, trousers can be stored for a very long time.
- Hanger with two metal clothes pegs. This is a good option for keeping trousers.
- Multi-tier hanger. Such a hanger is not very convenient for storing trousers, but it is perfect for storing ties and scarves.
It is best to store each individual item on an individual hanger. This will prevent wrinkling of fabric. Dresses are best stored in covers. Moreover, a light dress should be kept in a dark case, this will help the fabric not to turn yellow.
to contents ↑Important! The hanger should be sized to help prevent deformation. If the hanger is too large, the item may stretch out, and if too small, sag or wrinkle.
Shelf storage
Knitted clothing and wool are not recommended to be stored on hangers, especially for a long time. Under its own weight, the thing will stretch and deform. Best of all keep clothes rolled up, on a shelf. You can position it as follows:
- To size. For example, lay out men's large sweaters in one pile, and smaller women's sweaters in another. It is desirable that there are no more than three things in the stack, then it will be more convenient to get them out, and they will not come under each other's weight.
- By color. You can also stack things based on the color scheme. In this case, it will be very convenient to choose a sweater or sweater for trousers or jeans.
- Using a separator. In stores, you can purchase a special shelf divider. It is very convenient to store clothes in it. The separator is placed on a shelf and a stack is placed in it. One separator, one stack, for example, of three sweaters or several t-shirts. It is also very convenient to separate things with ordinary cardboard, which can remain from the new shirt. And you can cut it yourself. Cardboard is placed under each sweater, thus, pulling out one of the sweaters, you will not pull all the others.
- In cases or trunks. Now on sale an abundance of a variety of covers and wardrobe trunks. For order in the closet and storage of things is just a godsend. In each case, and especially wardrobe trunks, you can put a fairly large amount of clothing. Moth does not start in it and mold does not appear. And bring it with wardrobe trunks order in the closet incredibly simple. They can be placed either at the very top of the cabinet, or at the very bottom. They are especially suitable for seasonal storage.
Drawer storage
It’s not very easy to clean your drawers. Usually, no matter how neatly folded, it still doesn’t work. Here little helpers will come to the rescue: special boxes for storing underwear, containers, partitions, sometimes they don’t even have to be bought. For example, you can use shoe boxes. Of these, you can make partitions. The main thing is that you can neatly put underwear, socks, ties in them.
to contents ↑Vertical storage
In the organisation perfect order in the closet vertical storage can be used. Sometimes this method helps to use the cabinet space to the full and store clothes properly for a long time:
- Chains. A special chain is worn on the hanger - thus, several things can be hung on one hanger.
- Cabinet doors. A variety of baskets, organizers, hooks can be hung on the door. This option is especially convenient for storing accessories.
- Hanging wardrobe trunks. It is very convenient to store tights, socks, belts, gloves in them.
to contents ↑Important! Vertical storage can be used not only in space. So you can fold things vertically. In the container, place things not on top of each other, but next to each other. From this it will become easier to get them, since you do not need to pull them out from the bottom.
Shoe storage
As in the case of clothes, shoes must be disassembled before storage: discard old and torn shoes, and put the rest in order. How to do this?
- Divide by season.
- Wash or wash.
- Dry well.
- If shoes need repair, repair.
- If the shoes are not made of cloth, cover with special creams for shoes.
If you allow a place in the apartment and there is a separate shoe cabinet, then storage in it is very simple. Clean, dried shoes are simply put on the shelves. If there is no such cabinet, and you need to store shoes somewhere, we offer several options:
- Boxes. Almost all shoes are sold in boxes. Such boxes can be folded very neatly on top or bottom of the cabinet by placing them on top of each other. This method is especially convenient for seasonal storage - in the summer you can remove the box with winter shoes deeper into the closet, and it will not interfere.
- Containers If there was no shoe box or it was thrown away, you can purchase plastic containers. In them, as in boxes, it is very convenient to store shoes.
- OrganizersThe organizer is more suitable for summer or home shoes. It can be attached to the inside of the cabinet door. Thus, even the place that usually remains untouched will be involved in the closet. And this is a good saving of space. Usually an organizer consists of a large number of pockets. Each pocket fits one shoe or a pair of slippers.
- Baskets. For light and home shoes, you can use baskets. They can be attached to the door or put at the bottom of the cabinet.
- Hooks On hooks it is convenient to store not only summer shoes, but even boots, if the space inside the cabinet allows. And you can also place the hooks on the door.
- Hangers with clothespins. If you have a large closet with special bars for trousers, it means that it will be very convenient to store boots on hangers here. A pair of boots is clamped with clothespins and hung on a barbell.
to contents ↑Important! Never leave your shoes dirty or wet. From this, it quickly deforms and deteriorates.
Fur storage
After the winter is over, you definitely need to take care of your favorite fur coat and generally all the fur things that are in the house:
- Cleaning. First of all, they need to be cleaned. To do this, it is better to use a professional dry cleaning service.
- Hanger. It is necessary to choose a strong and proportionate coat hanger.
- Buttons and fasteners. Be sure to fasten all the buttons and fasteners, otherwise - the fur thing can be deformed.
- Covers. It is strongly not recommended to store fur coats and any fur products in plastic covers, since the fur does not breathe at all. It is worth buying a special cover for storing fur clothes. Put inside the moth remedy, and the fur coat will be in order.
to contents ↑Important! It is sometimes recommended to ventilate fur products. But do not expose them to the sun, otherwise - the fur may burn out.
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Perfect order in the closet is not an easy task. But its presence will make your life more comfortable and convenient.
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