How to tuck a shirt into pants?

It would seem that all men know how to properly tuck their shirt into trousers, because they do it almost daily. However, on the street you can often meet a man with poorly ironed and improperly dressed shirts. As a rule, they quickly stuff shirts into trousers or jeans and run to work. Sometimes men manage to straighten clothes several times in one conversation. All this can be said that the technology of wearing such things requires careful consideration.

Today we will learn how to properly fill the shirt in the pants so that it does not puff up and crawl out for a long time. We will tell you some effective tips that will make it possible to prevent awkward feelings and forget about the problem of “parachute” for a long time.

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Which shirts are refueling and which are not?

There are three types of hem for such clothes:

  • A shirt with a flat hem - the lower part of the product does not change in height, it has no cuts.
  • A shirt with even cutouts on the sides - there is no difference in height of the back and front.
  • A shirt with cutouts - the back is larger than the front.

Important! The first and second option you can not refuel, but the third - always need to refuel.

All this applies to the classic types of shirts, but what else needs and does not need to refuel?

  • Underwear - should always be tucked in if a shirt is worn on top. It is quite another matter if the shirt is worn separately, or if you are dressed in casual style.
  • T-shirt - it can be either tucked in or not. For example, short tight-fitting T-shirts can be tucked into chinos, especially if you have some interesting belt on your belt.

Important! It should be borne in mind that depending on the shape and style of the T-shirt, some refueling is completely inappropriate.

  • Polo - just like in the previous case, you can refuel and not. Golfers refuel such a polo so that it does not interfere with their play. On the other hand - while in the office, the shirt can not be refilled.
  • Linen shirts - as a rule, do not dress, but if it is too tight, then an exception can be made.
  • “Hawaiian” - never refuel.

Important! Shirts should be chosen so that she is well on you. Shape, style, size and fit are of great importance when the question arises of how to properly tuck a shirt into pants.

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Refuel correctly

The shirt, correctly tucked in, can be seen immediately. Here are some points to keep in mind:

  • Extra folds should not be.
  • Torso lines should be clearly visible.
  • There should be no parachute folds around the belt.
  • The line of buttoned shirts should be at the level of the plaque of the belt or fly.

Important! All these criteria characterize a man as a neat, or, on the contrary, sloppy person. Even if you are a pedant and a neat man with a wrong shirt, you will look like a slut.

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Basic method

This option is an elementary sequence of correct dressing of underwear, a shirt and buttoned trousers. It is unlikely that there are people who straighten out these things with already fastened pants, but we will, just in case, focus on this.

The sequence of actions of this technology is as follows:

  1. Wear a body shirt.
  2. Put on a shirt and button all buttons.
  3. Wear jeans or trousers, carefully stretching the front of the shirt.
  4. Fasten the belt (if worn).

Important! I would like to note that this option only works in the case of a properly selected, tight-fitting at the waist, shirts.

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Another basic way

The essence of this method is as follows: you should fill the shirt in boxers before straightening the shirt inside the pants. At first glance, it might seem that there is not much difference between this method and the above, but this way the shirt will hold on better.

Important! Although this option is quite effective, it may not be very convenient if you prefer not boxers, but swimming trunks. Yes, and a body shirt can be made of too thick fabric. In general, this option is not suitable for everyone, but, nevertheless, take note.

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Army way

The army method of properly tucking a shirt into jeans helps get rid of excess material at the waist. Even if your shirt is not quite tight on you, this option will help solve the problem.

The sequence of actions to do everything quickly and accurately:

  1. Wear a body shirt.
  2. Put on a shirt and button all buttons.
  3. Wear jeans or trousers, carefully folding the creases on the shirt.
  4. Without fastening your pants, make folds with your index finger and thumb. Here it is more convenient to first fold one fold and press it with a belt, and then fold the second. To make the fold beautiful and neat, you should stretch it to the hem of the shirt.
  5. Zip up your pants and see if everything worked out.
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Casual shirt

In casual wear and in an informal setting, there are advantages. One of them is the ability to style your shirt stylishly. Let's look at two interesting ways:

  • Fill in half - the essence of this method is to freely stick out the right or left side of the shirt. In this case, the back should be filled.

Important! This option looks very interesting, but it requires a good sense of style. Before you appear so on the street, be sure to look in the mirror and soberly evaluate your appearance.

  • Fill in front. Another casual option is a shirt gathered in jeans at the front. This method is suitable for everyone. The only thing is, pick up a belt buckle more interesting, because it will be striking to everyone.
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How else can I keep my shirt in place?

Sometimes on sale there are special suspenders for shirts. They are fastened with the ends to the hem of the shirt and socks. So you can kill two birds with one stone:

  • Your socks will always remain smooth and will not fit into an accordion.
  • The shirt certainly will not come out of the trousers at the most inopportune moment and will not stick out in all directions.

Important! The only negative is some discomfort in the legs when walking or squats. You will always feel excess gum on your legs.

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Today, fashion does not require people to obey too harshly, as before. Freedom and expression are the main trends. Do not be afraid to experiment, create new images from familiar things. We hope that our tips on how to properly tuck a shirt into pants will be useful to you and you will always look stylish and well-groomed.

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