How to sew a belt on a half-skirt?

The final element of any wardrobe item is a belt. In particular, this applies to various models of skirts. Since most often this accessory is sewn at the very end of the work, it often turns out to be of insufficient quality or improperly processed. Therefore, today we will consider a completely new technique for manufacturing this part, learn how to sew a belt on a half-skirt or any other model quickly, efficiently.
to contents ↑How to make and sew a whole-cut belt yourself?
In this section we will learn how to make a belt for a stitched skirt without loops.
Important! This option for processing the upper cut is suitable not only for skirts, but also for women’s strict trousers. If there are loops, you can even use it for men's pants.
The work consists of several important steps, each of which we will consider further separately.
Determine the size
During the manufacture of the pattern of the skirt itself, many needlewomen try to take into account every millimeter, because they believe that the more accurately the pattern is built, the better it will sit on the figure. To their great disappointment, this kind of scrupulousness is absolutely useless, sometimes even superfluous, because it does not allow you to correct errors in the course of work. This accuracy is especially dangerous when calculating belt parameters. You carefully calculate everything, take into account every millimeter, cut out all the details, but when you grind it suddenly it turns out that you are missing just a little bit in length.
Why is this happening?
- Just the wrong side must be treated with glue cloth. She, as you know, under the influence of a hot iron sits down, as a result of which the fabric itself sits down.
- During the processing of the codpiece, tucks and pockets, the volume of the waistline may change.
Important! More often the product is stretched, so it is recommended to cut the belt with a margin of length and width, because the excess can be cut off at any time.
1-piece belt
As mentioned above, a one-piece model must be reinforced with a special adhesive-based fabric.
Important! It is recommended to do this procedure not with one half of the product, but completely with the whole part, including allowances.
Before you sew a belt on a sun skirt, you should iron it in half. Then check whether its length corresponds to the size of the cut of the skirt. Then it is necessary to pin it with pins to the cut of the product so that the edges converge flush with the edges of the cut of the skirt.
Important! If you are a beginner in this business, then this manipulation is best done using threads.
Sewing to the product
At this stage, do not make allowances greater than 1.5 cm, ideally measure better than 1 cm. Also, one should not forget about allowances of 1.5-2 cm for the transverse seam located at the edge of the belt.
Follow such a simple pattern to sew a belt on a half-skirt or the sun:
- Iron the sewn part immediately. More often the width of the stitching element is 3-4 cm, plus allowances for hem and seams, as a result - the total width is approximately 9-10 cm.
- Then press the bottom edge of the waistband into the hem. Its right edge is sutured so that the inverted side is in line with the vertical casing.
- Then the corners are cut so that it is better laid out in the corners.
- The left side of the product is sewn.
- Turn it out completely, iron it, check how symmetrical it is, and whether the upper lines of both parts coincide with the connecting seam.
- Fasten the zipper of the codpiece, press the upper edge of the accessory so that all the lines coincide.
Important! If you encounter any problems, then at this stage you can rip apart certain sections and redo everything all over again.
Final processing
Now you need to properly process our one-piece stitched belt, following the instructions below:
- We carry out estimated work with the help of threads - pins are not recommended here.
- On the wrong side, sweep the hem of our product so that the seam is located at the same distance from the extreme point of the hem when laying the final stitch on the front side.
- Finishing is better to start from the top of the accessory, for example, from the left edge, from the location of the button.
- Carry out the bottom fastening stitch with special care. Here, it is not allowed to plant tissue under the foot, you will have to pull it out with your hands and pull it. Everything must be done so carefully that it does not stretch. Otherwise, the waist volume may change, as a result of which the skirt will become too narrow or loose.
Important! Constantly inspect the wrong side so that there is no trapping of the thread, the seams pass clearly along the edges of the hem or at the same distance from the edge.
- Do not cut the threads near the seams, it is better to manually thread them into the needle and hide them inside the belt.
- Sweep the buttonhole and sew on the button.
That was such a simple and understandable master class from which we learned how to sew a belt for a skirt. It is important at this stage to do everything carefully, clearly following the instructions to get a wonderful result. The only exception is the skirts with elastic, in such situations everything happens very differently due to the peculiar design of the products.
to contents ↑How to make a belt on a sun skirt with an elastic band?
It turns out that not all experienced craftswomen know exactly how to sew a belt on an elastic skirt-sun skirt to make the result perfect. If your product does not have seams, then you need to process only the bottom and waistline. Sewing technology is quite simple:
- Fold the skirt in half, aligning the top edge with pins.
- Measure the length of the upper cut with a centimeter ruler and multiply this figure by 2.
- Remove the belt from the fabric rectangle. Its length will be equal to the length of the upper cut of the product itself, plus 1 cm on each side for allowances. The width directly depends on the width of the gum itself, which you then insert into it.
- Substitute the width of your elastic band and calculate the width of the belt. If you want to make more than one row of elastic bands, then calculate according to the same scheme. Determine the number of rows and multiply by the width of the elastic.
- Cover our part from the fabric. The lobar thread should run parallel to its long or short side.
- Sew the product into a ring, folding it inward with the front side, combining its short sections. Sew back down 1 cm from the cut. But the sewing should not be done completely, so that there is a hole for threading the gum.
- Iron allowances, laying them in different directions.
- Fold the workpiece in half inward with the wrong side, combining all the slices, iron it while fixing the bends.
- Connect the belt to the upper section of the product, applying the outer side to its front side. The seam on it should be located strictly above the seam of the skirt. Align the slices, chipped with pins and sew the part, departing 1 cm from the edge.
- Iron the seam allowances inside.
- Iron the finished product from the wrong side.
- Measure out the required amount of elastic. Grasp her waist, stretch to a comfortable size, so that the skirt is held at the waist, but not too tight.
- Using a pin, hook the end of the gum and pull it inward. Be sure to hold the other end of the gum so that it does not completely hide.At the end, pull the pin through the hole.
- Connect the ends of the elastic, sew into a ring.
- Release the elastic bands and evenly distribute.
to contents ↑Important! If you plan to store the skirt in a closet on a coat hanger, you can sew several stitches from the inside out. You can make them from a narrow braid or sew them yourself.
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In this way, you can sew the belt to the skirt. Act carefully, slowly, so as not to spoil the product at the final stage of sewing, when thorough work has already been done.
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