How to straighten a synthetic winterizer in a jacket after washing?

The modern chemical industry provides great opportunities for manufacturers of textile products, introducing various synthetic fibers, such as synthetic winterizer, into operation. This is a common insulation, which is difficult to deform and retains heat well, as well as the material is very light, respectively - things from it are quite practical. The synthetic winterizer is also convenient to use, it is easy to care for it. The only problem that you may encounter is: how to straighten, restore, fluff, break a synthetic winterizer (holofiber) in a jacket after washing at home. This will be discussed in this article.

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Types of syntepon fillers

There are two varieties of synthetic winterizer: glued and thermally bonded. Externally, products with different types of filler are almost indistinguishable, but care requires completely different things.

Important! Remember that in case of improper care the insulation can deteriorate and cease to fulfill its functions.


Glued synthetic winterizer takes the desired shape thanks to a special glue. As a rule, clothes on such a filler are inexpensive and look spectacular. But in care, you must adhere to such rules:

  • Wash things not worth it, as the material will lose its shape and roll.
  • To remove dirt from clothes with such a filler, just wipe the top layer of the cloth with a damp cloth and a cleaning agent.

Thermally bonded

Thermally bonded insulation is obtained using the heat treatment method. Clothing has a higher price, but there are no special problems with washing.

In another article on our portal of useful tips, read a detailed overview of the properties, characteristics, pros and cons of all types of down jacket fillers based on the material.

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After washing the jacket, the synthetic winterizer got into lumps - what should I do?

If after cleaning the filler rolled up in balls and lost its shape, then you can straighten the synthetic winterizer in the jacket after washing in several ways:

  • To straighten the synthetic winterizer in the jacket after washing, you can re-wash the product by first putting 3-4 tennis balls in the drum of the washing machine.
  • You can try to knock out the product with a beater for carpets, so that the fibers return to their original shape.
  • Shake the item properly so that the sintepon returns to its “starting position”.
  • A more laborious method is to try to straighten the synthetic winterizer balls through the lining with your hands, evening the lumps formed during washing.
  • If the item has not yet completely dried, then you can straighten the synthetic winterizer in the jacket after washing with the help of a vacuum cleaner pipe - simply walking along the surface of the product and evenly distributing the synthetic winterizer.
  • If the above methods did not help to whip the sintepon in the jacket after washing, then you can go to a more radical method and open the lining of the product, so that you can straighten the rolled insulation or completely replace it with a new one.

If you plan on buying new outerwear this or next season and don’t want to face a similar problem, check out information from our related articles right now:

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How to wash a jacket on a synthetic winterizer?

So that the insulation does not deteriorate and you do not have to think about how to straighten the synthetic winterizer in the jacket after washing, you should follow the simple washing rules.

Rule 1

First of all, to wash a jacket on a synthetic winterizer, you need to choose the right detergent suitable for washing synthetic fibers. Enzymes, bleaches and substances with a strong chemical effect can damage the structure of the fibers, so you should be careful when choosing.

Special detergents for products with artificial filler are also on sale, in which case they can be safely used.

If you do not plan to completely wash the thing, separately find outHow to clean a down jacket?.

Rule 2

A good and less time-consuming option is to return the product with syntepon filler to a dry cleaner, where specialists carefully clean your item from contamination, bringing it to its original form.

If you still decide to wash the product at home, it is better to do it with a washing machine, since it will be impossible to completely remove traces of detergent with your hands, and soap stains will remain on the clothes. But you can still wash the jacket on the synthetic winterizer manually.

The main thing is to choose more suitable detergents for each method. A separate review will help you fully understand than washing a down jacket so that there are no stains.

Rule 3

Pay attention to the signs on the label. Very often, the information indicated on the label is enough to wash the thing, without damaging it.


Washing procedure:

  1. Wash the product by first turning it inside out.
  2. Difficult stains are locally removed with laundry soap or special stain remover.
  3. You must also carefully check the pockets and remove all contents from them.
  4. To protect the product from scuffs during the washing process, you can put it in a special fabric bag, which eliminates the likelihood of any damage.
  5. To wash a jacket on a synthetic winterizer, as a rule, the “synthetics wash” mode is best suited, at which the water temperature does not exceed 30 degrees.
  6. To avoid soapy streaks, it is best to set an “extra rinse” and use liquid detergents.
  7. During washing, it is better to completely turn off the spin in the washing machine.
  8. After washing, squeeze out excess water with your hands and let it drain by curling it up and putting it in a sink or basin for 30 minutes.
  9. After excess water drains, lay the item on a horizontal surface, previously covering it with a large towel.
  10. After a while, when the item dries a little and remains wet, hang it on your shoulders, changing the drying position to vertical.
  11. After complete drying, the iron can be smoothed with a small heat through the fabric folds formed during the washing process.

Important! Remember that products with artificial filler should not be dried near fireplaces, heaters and in direct sunlight.

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If all efforts were unsuccessful, then most likely the product is hopelessly damaged and you have to buy a new thing.


