How to arrange trousers on the sides?

It is very rare that one of us stays the same size all his life. For many, the weight goes along a sinusoid - it increases, then decreases. And so from time to time it turns out that our favorite clothes are no longer in size. If the thing is too big, then this does not matter, but what if it suddenly turned out that your favorite trousers became tight? It’s a pity to throw it away, and you can’t wear it anymore. Our advice: in no case do not throw away trousers, but simply remake them. Today we will tell you how to arrange the trousers on the sides and increase them in size. We will offer you some ideas that will help you increase your pants with your own hands and give them a new interesting life.

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If the pants are small, what should I do? Master Class

The choice of how to remake trousers depends on how small they are. If you need to increase the size, insert a wedge, alter and make them with stripes or slightly expand, then use our ideas, depending on the specific case.

Option 1

Increase the size of the trousers with allowances for the seams. If, of course, the material allows you to:

  1. Open the belt, assess the stock of tucks and allowances for the seams.
  2. Carefully align the side seams and tucks on both sides.
  3. Then - again sew the seams, reducing the allowances to the required size.
  4. Sew the belt in place.

Option 2

If there is not enough allowance for the seams, then use a tape of the appropriate color and width as inserts. Sew it on the front and rear halves with an overlap (we are talking about side seams).


Option 3

To increase product volume, use a pair of strips of suitable fabric. Make them into the side seams.

Important! You can use material from other, old trousers. The main thing is that the fabric be related in color, or - on the contrary, contrast. It all depends on your taste, preferences and imagination.

Option 4

If the jeans have become a little small, then you can arrange the pants on the sides in such a simple way:

  1. Moisten your pants with water and put them moist on your body.
  2. Walk around in wet trousers until they are dry.
  3. If necessary, repeat the procedure two to three times.

Important! After such a stretch, wearing jeans will become more comfortable. This method is applicable to leather trousers and pants made of thick material.

Helpful hints:

  • If the pants are classic, then use black, gray, brown braid. Trouser braid is used for sewing men's trousers (inside, bottom of trousers).
  • If the trousers are summer, then focus on the color of the product and its cut. You can use plain, color, with ornament and contrasting braid. It's a matter of taste. To make the repaired thing look harmonious, trim the existing pockets with the same braid.
  • Pants made of very light, airy fabric, such as chiffon, can be increased with lace inserts.
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How to make pants one size larger?

It is not difficult to alter the trousers, increasing them by 1-2 sizes, you can do this due to the side seams (some place the back seam as well). We are getting thicker mainly in the abdomen and waist. And if the bottom of the trousers (their volume) suits you well, then use the method of triangular inserts in the side seams. They will be only in the upper part of the trousers, and the lower part will remain unchanged.

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Full size trousers

If you are not satisfied with the volume of trousers along the entire length, you will have to cut rectangular inserts along the length of the product. How to arrange the trousers in the belt and hips - we will now tell.

For work you will need:

  • Scissors.
  • Blade.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Needle and thread.
  • Material for inserts.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Open the belt.
  • Spread the side seams all the way to the bottom.
  • Open the rectangular inserts from the prepared material.

Important! Calculate the insertion width according to the required increase. For example, if you want to add 6 cm to the volume, then the width of each insert should be 3 cm plus 1-2 cm for the seam allowances. The length of each insert is equal to the height of the trousers. Measure the value with a ruler at the open side seams. And don't forget to add to the allowances above and below.

  • Insert the prepared strips of fabric into each side seam.
  • Sew side seams with inserts.
  • Work on the bottom of the leg.
  • Sew on a belt.
  • Redo the clasp. For example, instead of buttons on the very edge, fasten the hook.

Important! You can alter the button to increase a little volume. And if the belt does not suit you, then you can add a small insert on each side.

Helpful hints:

  • If you need to significantly place the trousers on the sides, then you will have to change the whole pattern and alter all the details. In this case, it is easier to buy new trousers or to postpone the thing until you lose weight, and the figure will take its previous shape.
  • If after the alteration at the waist the trousers are a little large, then put the belt in your belt and tighten it tight.
  • Add a small device in the form of a small strap to the belt. If at the waist you lose weight, then with the help of a belt you can reduce the volume of trousers. It is easy to make - only a small additional piece of material, a buckle and a few rivets are needed.
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Men's trousers have become small in the belt - what to do?

You can increase the pants in the belt with the help of triangular inserts. Usually, in addition to the belt, it is also necessary to expand the pants on the hips in order to increase the volume of the trousers. Therefore, proceed as follows:

  • Spread the side seam to about the bottom of the pocket.
  • Cut the belt along the side seam of the trousers.
  • Measure the required belt width. Determine how much you need to increase the existing belt, divide this figure in half.
  • Cut two triangles from the fabric with the base equal to half the size of the required insert, and the height equal to the length of the open joint.

Important! Remember to add 1 cm on each side to allowances.

  • Sew in the triangle inserts carefully. Make a decorative stitch on top.
  • Now you need to increase the belt. To do this, cut out the inserts in the form of rectangles. The width of the rectangle is equal to the size of the increase in the belt and another 1 cm per allowance. The height of the insert is equal to the height of the belt, multiplied by two (to double up) and plus the seam allowance.
  • Open the trouser belt from the cut line on both sides by about 2 cm. So that it is convenient to stitch the inserts with the belt.
  • Sew the inserts with the belt from the wrong side.
  • Mark the seam with a basting, smooth on both sides.
  • Turn the belt to the front side.
  • Wrap the waist allowances on the wrong side.
  • Stitch a belt on trousers with a decorative stitch.

Important! Purchased trousers are usually long in length, so you can cut and hem them at the bottom, and then use the trim for inserts.

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How to stretch skinny jeans?

Jeans are versatile clothing. Denim pants are everything - from small to large. And of course, no one is in a hurry to part with them. But often jeans are reduced in size after the first wash. In some cases, the pants are reduced in length, and in some - in width.

What could be the problem?

Using the above methods for jeans is quite difficult. And for what reasons:

  • Jeans are a fairly dense fabric. Not every machine can handle such material.
  • Having dissolved the external decorative seam, you have to re-lay it. For this work, a special denim thread is required.
  • The thickness at the deferral is quite large.Therefore, during operation, it is necessary to reduce the thread tension and increase the pitch. You can only use needle number 90.

As you can see, it is rather difficult to sew and sew jeans at home, and it is better to entrust this work to specialists from the studio.

If you decide to stretch jeans made of cotton or denim yourself, then use proven methods and available tools. We offer some simple ways to stretch denim pants. Choose the most suitable option for you and proceed to “resuscitation”.

Method number 1. Stretching

These methods are very easy to carry out at home:

  1. Moisten the fabric on both sides using a water spray.
  2. Stand with two feet on a damp cloth in the pocket zone (if you need to stretch the waist and hips).
  3. Keeping the feet in place, lift the opposite part of the trousers.
  4. Grasp the fabric with both hands and stretch it in the direction in which you want to increase the jeans.
  5. Repeat the procedure for stretching the legs 10 times (the button should be unfastened).
  6. Repeat the same manipulations with the second leg.

Important! Take a note and a couple of additional tips:

  • If you want to increase the length of the leg, then stand on the dry part of the material in the area slightly above the knee.
  • The stretching method can be carried out in pairs. Pre-wet the product and with the help of another person, stretch the pants in different directions along the seam. Follow the stretching procedure carefully, without jerking, so as not to tear the product. Do not pull the jeans by the straps and loops, as they can tear.

Method number 2. Soak

This is a simple but quite effective way to increase the trousers in volume.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Put on jeans, completely fasten them on all buttons and a zipper.
  2. Fill the bathtub with warm water, completely dip into it.
  3. After 15 minutes, the fabric will soak in water and begin to stretch.
  4. While in the water, pull the jeans well at the hips, waist and seam. Stretch the material in the problem area for 10 minutes.
  5. Get out of the bathtub and, without taking off your pants, let the material dry out a little.
  6. Do some stretching exercises in wet jeans.
  7. After the clothes have dried, put on jeans and do some more exercises to stretch your trousers.
  8. Repeat this procedure several times until the jeans have finally reached the desired size.


Method number 3. Expander

Buying a “belt stretcher” can solve the problem with the small size of the product. Use the tool as follows:

  1. Jeans fasten with all the zippers and buttons.
  2. Soak your clothes in water.
  3. Place the expander in the middle of the product (in the waist area).
  4. Lock and extend in length.

Important! The expander is effectively used for elastic materials - denim and stretch.

Method number 4. Ironing

The normal ironing process when using the “Steaming” option will help to increase the product at the waist and hips. Moist hot air and steam will warm the fabric and allow it to stretch:

  • In order to achieve maximum efficiency, put on your pants warm and walk around them a bit around the house.
  • If you want to stretch the trouser leg in length, then put gauze on the wet trouser leg and pull the jeans. Stretch the fabric at the same time with your hands, immediately run the iron over it.

Important! This method allows you to stretch clothes in length by 3-4 cm.

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It is not so difficult to stretch jeans and increase trousers by several sizes - you only need patience, accuracy and desire. Use our tips and tricks to tailor your favorite pants to your size, and be irresistible!


