How to stretch a leather jacket at home?

Leather clothes can last for many years and at the same time look as elegant as on the first day after they were sewn. That is why it practically does not go out of fashion, and even styles do not change very significantly over time. However, sometimes there are troubles with coats, coats and jackets from this wonderful material. In particular, they may cringe or, on the contrary, stretch out. It also happens that from the online store they sent a product that is slightly less than necessary. How to stretch a leather jacket at home? Read about it in our article.
to contents ↑When to stretch?
Is it always possible to increase the size of leather or vinyl clothing? In many cases this is possible. Of course, it is not necessary to hope that it will turn out to turn a children's jacket into an adult or at least into a teenage one. But to stretch a product of 42 sizes to 44 and even 46 is quite real.
Nothing prevents you from trying to rectify the situation if the jacket or coat shrinks a little after they have been soaked in the rain and not properly dried. But in this case, other measures will have to be taken - for example, the skin will need to be cleaned and softened. By the way, the question of how to stretch a vinyl jacket at home is no less interesting. The tools used are almost the same, because vinyl is what is usually called leatherette.
to contents ↑View at home or run to the store?
What substances can be used to increase the size of a leather jacket? The simplest:
- spray for stretching shoes;
- vegetable oil;
- soap;
- glycerol.
Special tools
In any decent shoe store you will find a special spray for the skin. It is most often suitable for vinyl. Using it is very simple. Jacket stretching is not much different from shoe stretching, so for a start you need to carefully read the instructions. The most important thing is indicated there: how long does the process take. It usually takes about a couple of hours. You also need a thick sweater - the thicker the better.
The sequence of actions itself will be something like this:
- Lay the jacket on a horizontal surface - best on the table, face up.
- Apply spray to the outside.
- Put on a thick sweater.
- Put on your jacket.
- Look like this as much as is written in the instructions for the spray.
The procedure is not very pleasant, and it is better to carry it out with the windows fully open. You can take a walk if the weather is dry. If it was not possible to immediately achieve the desired result, processing can be repeated several more times.
Some nuances
The process of stretching leather clothes with sprays is not very complicated in itself. But there may be subtleties that should be considered. For example, such:
- the jacket has no lining;
- the skin is too hard.
Option 1
Lack of lining makes life much easier. To stretch a leather jacket at home, you can treat the thing with a spray immediately on both sides, and this will enhance the effect of the substance, which means it will increase the chance to quickly achieve the desired result.
Option 2
If the skin is tough, processing will take a little longer:
- The surface must be covered with a thick layer of spray.
- It is necessary to let the jacket lie down for a while so that the substance is absorbed, and only then put on.
- The chance to immediately stretch hard skin to the desired size is minimal, so it is more than likely that the procedure will have to be repeated several times.
If you need to stretch part of the jacket
It happens that the product does not converge in only one place. Most often these are shoulders. In this case you don’t have to put on a jacket. But you need larger shoulders than the ones you always use:
- Hang the item on a large hanger.
- Apply the spray to the place you want to stretch.
- Stretch the skin slightly at this point.
- Leave the jacket hanging for a couple of hours.
- Try on the product, if necessary - repeat the procedure.
Another simple and cheap way to stretch a leather jacket at home is a soap shower. You will need:
- spray gun;
- soap;
- warm water;
- a measuring cup will help a lot, but, in principle, you can do without it;
- deep cup;
- funnel (can be made of paper).
Important! Soap is suitable for anyone, but best of all - odorless laundry. Water should be warm, but not hot. The ideal option is 40-50 ° C.
As in the previous case, you need a thick sweater. Essentially, a soap solution replaces a spray:
- Dissolve 1 part soap in 4 parts water.
- Stir the solution thoroughly.
- Pour the composition into the spray bottle - sometimes it can be done simply from a cup, but quite often a funnel is required. To make it, roll a piece of thick paper into a bag and cut a corner.
- Only work on the outside of the jacket or the outside and inside if the product has no lining.
- Put on a sweater, a jacket on it, and walk a couple of hours until the skin dries.
This method is suitable for products from natural and at the same time quite soft skin. If the material is hard, it is better to use other types. Stretching a vinyl jacket this way also fails.
to contents ↑Important! You can stretch the jacket with soap on a hanger, but in this case it must not be allowed to touch the furniture.
Vegetable oil
Another simple but very effective way to increase the size of leather clothes is with vegetable oil. Any suitable:
- sunflower;
- olive;
- castor;
- corn.
Important! The best option is castor, which will not only stretch the skin, but also soften it much more effectively than others.
For processing, you still need napkins and a bowl, as well as a long tweezers or a wand. The procedure itself will be as follows:
- Pour oil into a bowl.
- Bring it to a boil.
- Take a napkin with tweezers or wind it on a stick.
- Soak it with vegetable oil.
- Lubricate the surface you want to stretch.
- Put a jacket on a thick sweater, walk a couple of hours.
- Remember to periodically lubricate particularly tight places with oil.
to contents ↑Important! For products made of thin leather, which, moreover, have no lining, this method is not suitable - the oil may leak out and stains will remain on the sweater.
If the jacket got stiff
If, after improper drying, the jacket not only shrinks, but also becomes stiff, radical measures will have to be taken. You will need:
- hot water;
- glycerol;
- large pelvis;
- a lot of plastic bags;
- a lot of old clothes and just rags;
- Scotch.
Important! Water should be very hot - it’s best not to mix it with cold.
- Draw water into the basin; do not turn off the tap completely.
- Put a jacket in the basin so that it is completely drowned.
- Make a weak pressure, put the basin under the tap and leave it all alone for one and a half to two hours, just make sure that the hole in the bathtub is open.
- Wait until the item is completely saturated - this can be recognized by color, the jacket will become completely plain.
- After a couple of hours, remove the product and touch the skin - it should be warm and soft.
- Button the jacket.
- Fill plastic bags with rags and old clothes.
- Tape them tightly with tape.
- Fill the jacket with bags, not forgetting about the sleeves.
Important! Stuffing must be very tight, preventing air from entering.
- Hang the product on its shoulders, dry it in the fresh air, but in a place well protected from direct sunlight.
- After the jacket dries (and this happens after about 12 hours), bring it into the room and treat it with glycerin.
Important! Glycerin is best lubricated with a sponge or piece of cotton wool wrapped in cotton. It is necessary that this substance covers the entire surface. Glycerin has an amazing ability to draw excess moisture and soften the skin. It is necessary to apply several layers, without pulling out packages with rags.
- After that, hang the jacket again on your shoulders in the fresh air and wait for 14-16 hours - during this time the glycerin will be completely absorbed. Only then can you get the packing.
Another way with soap
You can stretch your jacket in a different way. As in the previous case, you will need bags with clothes. It is better to take soap, shampoo or fragrance-free gel. For 200 g of liquid soap, 300 g of hot water is taken, all this is thoroughly mixed. Next, we act in this sequence, if you need to stretch a leather jacket:
- Soak a leather item in hot water for an hour.
- In this case, you must constantly maintain the temperature, that is, drown the jacket in the basin, and put the basin under the tap, from which hot water flows with a low pressure.
- Spread a plastic film on the floor (for example, one that is designed for greenhouses and greenhouses).
- Secure the tape with tape.
- Take out your jacket.
- Apply soapy water to it.
- Also treat the inside, with a lot of solution to be applied.
- Fill the buttoned jacket with bags and leave to dry on the floor.
Leather jacket stretched - what to do?
Owners of leather goods often face directly opposite problems. From long wear, individual places can stretch out. To cope with this scourge is easy. There are several ways:
- suture individual fragments or products as a whole;
- give dry cleaning.
We sew a leather jacket
This can be done if you have some experience in sewing. If the leather jacket is not stretched very much, you can do the following:
- Support the lining below.
- Spread the side seams.
- Sew them by increasing the allowances by 0.5 or 1 cm.
- Do the same with the side seams of the lining.
- Sew the bottom.
Dry cleaning
To restore the skin to its former beauty and original size will help in dry cleaning. They use special compounds that can not be done at home. But before you leave your favorite jacket in the workshop, do not forget to consult a technologist - he must be firmly convinced that the company has the right substances and the workers know how to use them.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Now you are ready to fight for the appearance and size of your favorite thing. Always act carefully, realistically assessing the quality and value of your thing, then you can avoid the unpredictable results of any of your actions.
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