How to stretch shoes 🥝 long and wide, quickly

Shoes or shoes just bought are pleasing to the eye and seem to fit perfectly. But after the first walk along the street, it turns out that they are either shaking, rubbing, or crashing into a lift. I don’t feel like going back to the store, especially since they look amazing with a new cloak. What to do and how to expand them? In this article, you will learn how to stretch shoes one size larger at home. Some folk methods will not only make your shoes a little bigger, but also soften the skin.

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What shoes can be stretched?

How can I increase the width? Before you begin to rummage through cabinets in search of materials necessary for stretching, look at what your shoes are made of. You can stretch the shoes if they are made:

Important! You may be interested in learning all the details, what is the difference between leather, suede and nubuck.

But rubber boots or plastic beach slippers are not always possible to stretch. However, this is usually not necessary, because these are cheap shoes that can be safely given to a neighbor or even thrown away.

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Basic Rules

The shoes you are about to stretch must be clean. If you have to resolve this issue, read our articles:

In addition, you should not mix different methods of stretching - such actions can lead to the opposite result or damage to products.

Important! Even if the shoes are sewn from a material that lends itself well to stretching, it should be remembered that it can be stretched one size, in extreme cases, two, but no more.

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Professional stretching shoes

In some cases, the best option is to contact the workshop. For example, if the shoes are expensive and do not want to take risks. In the workshop, you will stretch shoes on special pads, using branded materials. The only drawback is that professional stretching can be quite expensive, so it does not always make sense to contact the workshop.

Important! By the way, about professional services. You know that dry cleaning performed by specialists is very effective. Of course, it is not necessary to contact them every week, but once a year before storing shoes - the right decision. Want to learn more about tools and technologies? - Click on the link to a separate publication in which we have revealed the topic in detail "Professional dry cleaning shoes".

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Semi-Professional Stretching

There is also a semi-professional way - stretching shoes on pads with the help of special tools. To tell how to stretch leather shoes one size larger at home, you can find the instruction that you will find on a jar with a spray for stretch marks. You can buy such a spray in any reputable shoe store.

Sellers usually call it that - “stretching”.Using such a substance is very easy - just make it as it is written on the package. The standard instruction is as follows:

  1. Spray generously on problem areas of your new pair.
  2. Wait a couple of minutes to absorb the product.
  3. Try to pull the material by hand or lightly tap it with a hammer if you need to soften the material. If you use a mechanical tool, be sure to lay a piece of cloth so as not to make dents.

Important! If you need to stretch the shoes a size larger at home, then after applying a special tool, put a new pair on your feet with a toe and walk in it for about half an hour around the apartment.

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Folk remedies

However, if you wondered how to stretch the shoes at home by 1 size at a time when there is no spray at hand, and there’s nothing to run to the store - it’s not a problem. There are several folk methods that give results no worse, and sometimes better, than industrial aerosols.

You probably have everything you need:

  • thick woolen socks (one or two pairs);
  • 2 plastic bags;
  • alcohol, vodka or cologne;
  • petroleum jelly:
  • Castor oil;
  • freezer.

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Shoes made of genuine and artificial leather

Mistresses most often have to deal with the problem of how to stretch shoes at home from genuine leather. There are several ways.

Option 1

Put on the thickest wool socks you can find in your closet. However, it is not necessary that the socks are just woolen - you can take cotton, terry or acrylic. The main thing is that they be fat.

So put on your socks and then your shoes. Walk like this around the apartment for two or three hours, until the shoes are carried. This method is the most sparing for shoes, but it may not seem very pleasant - the shoes still crush, and not everyone likes to walk in thick socks in a warm apartment.

Important! With this method, you may not get the desired result the first time. You may need to repeat the procedure daily for a week.

Option 2

Any substance with a high alcohol content is suitable for this method. You can take alcohol, vodka or cologne - you need a little of them.

How to stretch leather shoes a size larger at home using these tools:

  1. Pour the substance into the shoes.
  2. Put on your shoes.
  3. Dampen the shoes with the same substance on the outside.
  4. Walk around the apartment for 1-2 hours.

Alcohol stretches the skin, and the fact that the shoes dry on their feet will give it the necessary shape.

Important! You can purchase or order special pads. The main thing is that they fit exactly in shape and size.

Option 3

Sometimes a very good effect is obtained by using the most ordinary cosmetic cream. A fat cream is suitable - and it doesn’t matter whether it is intended for legs, hands or face. Spread cream on the shoes, inside and out, and feet. Shoe and walk around the apartment for a couple of hours. After this, the excess cream must be removed.

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For genuine leather only

There is a way in which only genuine leather shoes can be stretched - artificial or suede cannot handle such aggressive handling. For this method, you need a kettle, water and a basin.


  1. Boil the kettle.
  2. Pour boiling water over shoes or boots.
  3. Shoe or put shoes on the pads.
  4. Let the skin dry.

Important! With boiling water, you can sometimes stretch rubber or plastic shoes. The method of action is the same as for the skin.

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Other methods for different materials

In this section, we offer you methods that can be suitable for both genuine leather and other materials.

Vaseline and castor oil

If you want to stretch expensive shoes made of very high quality leather, use castor oil or petroleum jelly. It is better to stretch the shoes on the pads, but if they are not there, it is possible on the feet.

Lubricate the shoes well inside and out with petroleum jelly or castor oil, put on the pads and leave for about a day. Castor oil, by the way, is suitable not only for stretching, but also for the care of leather shoes, so with one shot you can kill two birds with one stone.

Grain will help you out

People have worn leather shoes since ancient times, and, therefore, they also came up with ways to stretch it for a long time. Now some methods may seem quite exotic, but they give an excellent effect, especially when it comes to thick leather boots.

Important! For this method, you need grain - any, but preferably large. American farmers, the first to use this method, used what was growing in their fields - wheat or corn.

Mode of application:

  1. Soak the grain.
  2. Fold it in plastic bags.
  3. Place the bags in boots.
  4. Put your boots in a warm but not hot place.
  5. Wait approximately 12 hours.

Important! Soaked grain will begin to swell gradually, stretching the shoes. Only it needs to be pulled out in time.

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Shoes can be frozen

Stretch shoes a size larger at home using the most ordinary water:

  1. Pour water into plastic bags.
  2. Put the bags in boots.
  3. Put your shoes in the cold for 12 hours.
  4. Bring your boots into the room.
  5. Wait for the ice in the bags to melt.
  6. Take out the bags.

Important! If these are shoes and it’s summer outside - put them in the freezer of your refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

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Imitation leather: there are nuances

How to stretch faux leather shoes at home? Some methods that are used to stretch shoes made of genuine leather are also suitable for boots made of artificial leather.

Of course, there will be no harm to the shoes if you walk in it, wearing thick socks. The trouble is that artificial leather is less elastic than natural, so such a gentle method may not immediately work. Get ready for wearing shoes for a few days. To make the process go faster, lubricate the internal surfaces with petroleum jelly.

But stretching with alcohol is an almost universal method.

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How to stretch fabric, suede or nubuck shoes

Shoes not made from leather or leatherette can also be stretched at home. However, methods with alcohol or petroleum jelly in this case are clearly not suitable. But unnecessary newspapers can be very useful. The algorithm is simple:

  1. Wet shoes.
  2. Crumple the newspapers.
  3. Fill the shoes with paper.
  4. Put the shoes to dry in a warm, but not hot place.
  5. Remove the paper.

Besides, suede shoes and fabrics can be wet, put on pads and dried.

Important! Suede itself does not tolerate water very well, so after drying the shoes will need to be processed.

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How not to make a mistake with the choice?

Stretching shoes is not very difficult, but it’s better to do without it. For this, all you need is the right choice of shoes in the store. This is especially important if you buy shoes through the online store.

Important! In an ordinary store, the main thing is to try on shoes well. If the shoes are squeezing somewhere or too tightly fitting (for example, in the rise) - set aside this pair and choose something else. Refuse to buy and if the skin seems too tough.

If you are going to buy shoes in the online store, you must accurately determine your size.

  1. Lay a piece of paper on the floor.
  2. Put your foot on it.
  3. Circle the foot.
  4. Measure the length of the foot between the most convex points of the heel and thumb.
  5. Round the resulting size to the nearest 5 mm to the larger side.
  6. Look at the store’s website what size corresponds to this length.

Important! To buy shoes in the online store it is very useful to know and completeness. Measure it with a centimeter tape at the most convex points in the bow. Keep in mind that manufacturers do not always take into account completeness, they sometimes use average sizes.If your leg is wider than average or the rise is greater - try to choose models where fullness is indicated.

You can apply a little trick - to measure the same model in a “real” store, and then buy it online, because it may be cheaper. Read more tips and secrets in the article. "How to choose the right shoe size?".

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We hope that you were able to solve the problem that arose suddenly and stretch the shoes one size larger at home. Henceforth, be more careful, try to go shopping in the evening, when the leg is already slightly swollen, then all these methods will no longer be useful to you.

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