How to smooth a leather jacket after purchase?

Few people like to go around crumpled things, because they immediately spoil the impression, even if you picked up a very sophisticated outfit. The problem is very easily solved in 5 minutes, if it is a blouse, dress or even pants - armed with an iron, select the correct mode and iron. But what to do with outerwear, how to smooth a leather jacket after purchase, if you want to wear it as soon as possible? You will find some simple solutions to this problem in this article.

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The most delicate way, but have to wait a bit

The easiest way is to have patience and act carefully, but for sure. In this case, you can not only smooth the folds on the leather jacket, but do not damage the material. So - it will serve you long enough and in the coming season you will not expect trouble in the form of unforeseen expenses for a new thing.

In this case, no special measures need to be taken - just hang the product on a hanger of a suitable size, leave it in this form in a room under normal temperature conditions. With your hands, gently smooth the material periodically to speed up the process and after a couple of days, a maximum of a week, the skin will be smooth, without creases and folds.

Important! In no case do not hang the thing in direct sunlight, near heating appliances. This can lead to drying out, deformation, fading of the shade. As a result, you will not be wondering how to smooth a leather jacket after purchase, but how to restore it. And this is already more laborious.

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Quick way

If by all means you need to speed up the process and after a couple of hours show off in the new thing, proceed as follows:

  1. Turn on the good pressure of hot water in the bathroom.
  2. Close the bathroom door tightly.
  3. Wait 20-30 minutes until the room warms up well and is filled with steam.
  4. Hang the jacket on a hanger and place the product on a linen thread on it.
  5. Leave in this form with the water on for another half hour.

Important! Make sure that the spray does not get on the thing so that it does not become wet. Once all the creases are straightened, hang it on the same hanger in a regular room, lightly wipe the surface of the material with a dry, clean cloth and let it hang still for 30-60 minutes.

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We use modern household appliances

Many people today appreciated all the advantages of steam generators, cleaners and do not think of doing homework without such a device. If you purchased such a unit, it is quite suitable to straighten a leather jacket after purchase. If you are just planning to purchase such a device, our review will help you “Which is better - a steamer or a steam generator?”.

Important! The effect will be the same as after a hot bath, only much faster and more accurately.

When straightening the material on the jacket with the help of a steam generator, remember these rules:

  1. Set the device to the optimal mode of operation - not too intense so as not to wet the product completely.
  2. Direct the stream of steam in strips, sequentially over the entire surface of the thing.
  3. The distance from the outlet on the steam generator to the leather jacket should be at least 20-30 cm.

Important! It often happens that even a new thing is somewhat rude. This can be affected by improper storage conditions.And in the process of wearing such a defect can occur if the thing is very wet or if you looked after it incorrectly.

You can correct the situation with any leather product if you use proven effective methods to make skin soft.

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Method for extreme people - iron a leather jacket or skirt

If you prefer not to buy all the new home appliances entering the market in a row, steaming in the bathroom is also not impressive and you still decided to iron your leather skirt or jacket, you know, this is possible. But one must act very carefully so that tanning does not form, and the jacket does not “sit down”.

Ironing technology for a leather jacket with an iron:

  1. Set the lowest temperature on the iron.
  2. Place the desired leather item on the ironing board.
  3. Spread it well with your hands.
  4. Put thick brown paper on top.
  5. With light, sliding movements, without pressure and long holding in one place, drive the iron over the paper on top of the clothes.

Important! Once you have finished the process, carefully hang a jacket, skirt or coat on a hanger. Allow things to “cool” and take on their normal form.

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From this article, you learned all the ways how to smooth a leather jacket after purchase quickly and with minimal effort. We hope that you will be able to get exactly the result you are counting on and you have not spoiled the thing in a hurry.


