How to smooth a leatherette jacket?

Nowadays, faux leather jackets are quite popular - they are cheap, and styles, colors and cut just make you confused when choosing such a thing in the store. It is very comfortable to wear, but even with it the question sometimes arises: “How to smooth or straighten a jacket from a leatherette?”. From this article you will learn how to pat a eco-leather jacket and how not to damage your favorite thing.

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Types and features of the material

Before you determine which method to use in order to smooth out artificial skin, you need to find out which type of this material is in front of you.

Nowadays, the most popular are the following types:

  1. Dermatin (granitol) is the cheapest and most common skin imitation on the market. It is based on a layer of cotton fabric or synthetics with nitrocellulose sprayed on its surface. This material is not durable and practically does not lend itself to smoothing at home.
  2. Polyvinyl chloride (cured, vinyl and PVC). Used for the production of clothing, which is popular among fans of subcultures, as well as for erotic clothing. Raincoats and bags are made from this material from time to time. So it will not be surprising if your jacket turns out to be from this type of leatherette.
  3. Stretch leather - consists of a layer of fabric coated with a polymer that contains a large amount of elastane, lycra and other elastic fibers. It is mainly used to “fit” clothes on the figure.
  4. Kirza - this type of skin substitute is popularly known for its strength and durability. Almost does not need ironing, as it is very difficult to wrinkle.

Important! There is also recycled leather - made from scraps of skins crushed and pressed into a single layer. But this is already more a category of cheaper genuine leather.

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How to iron a leatherette jacket with an iron?

One of the most frequently asked questions by consumers is: “Is it possible to iron artificial skin with an iron?” Yes, you can, if you follow all the rules of this process.

Ironing - basic rules

  1. Before ironing a jacket from a leatherette, turn it with the wrong side out so that the leatherette does not touch each other anywhere.
  2. In no case should you stroke the front side of eco-leather.
  3. Temperature mode select the lowest that is only available for the iron. The steam mode must be turned off; otherwise, you will permanently damage the product.
  4. You can apply steam only if the crumpled place does not want to be smoothed out, and the iron itself is at a certain distance from the lining of the jacket. In this case, the effect of steam on the material should be short-term, and keep the device at a distance of about 10-20 cm from the product.
  5. To iron your sleeves when you don’t have any special equipment on the ironing board, roll up a terry towel so that you get a thick roller. They put it in the sleeve and thus smooth it. Do not forget to turn out the sleeves, like the whole jacket.

Important! Ironing is permitted only on jackets made of dermatin and polyvinyl chloride.

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How to iron a leatherette jacket without an iron?

There are many ways to smooth leatherette at home without the help of an iron. Consider the most popular and effective.

Method 1

In order to smooth out a leatherette jacket, use this very delicate method first:

  1. Hang the product on a coat hanger.
  2. Spread out all the folds and leave it for a few days.

Important! Even if your thing does not smooth out completely, it will certainly look newer and neater. But for this, the hanger must be matched exactly to the size of the jacket, otherwise you won’t achieve the desired effect.

Method 2

If the previous option did not help you or helped, but not completely, use this method. In this case, to smooth the leatherette, we need: water, a spray and a hanger ideally suited to the size of the jacket.

Do the following:

  1. Turn the jacket inside out.
  2. Spray water from the spray gun onto the surface of the material so that it gets wet, but do not overdo it. Water should not run off things.
  3. Gently hang the product on a hanger.
  4. Straighten all folds very carefully and allow to dry.

Important! You need to dry it at normal air temperature, in the shade, so that your thing does not sit down and lose its shape.

Method 3

This option will help you smooth out the artificial skin on the jacket. For this:

  1. Get hot water in the bathroom. Fill it somewhere by ½ so that the humidity does not become quite high.
  2. Hang your jacket as high as possible over the bathtub and leave it to steam for about 3-4 hours.
  3. After time, carefully remove and dry your item.

Method 4

This method is ideal if you need to straighten not the whole jacket, but only a separate part of it. To smooth leatherette in this situation, use the following instructions:

  1. Turn your jacket out and hang it carefully on your shoulders.
  2. Give the necessary shape to the place you are going to smooth out. If it is a sleeve, insert a rolled towel into it.
  3. Take and heat the iron.
  4. Now you need to, holding a iron at a distance of 10-20 centimeters from the thing, steam the jacket in the rumpled place.
  5. Dry after processing.

Important! You cannot let out too much steam at the same time. Ideally, you can only steam from the nozzle.

Method 5

One of the most popular folk remedies used to smooth out a leatherette jacket is glycerin. It’s worth using this substance gently, since a leatherette, which is demanding for care, can react unpredictably to it.

First, check the following algorithm on an inconspicuous section of the jacket.

  1. Take a clean rag and soak it in glycerin.
  2. Treat the surface to be smoothed several times with pauses. This will give the leatherette softness and elasticity.
  3. Hang your item on a hanger and let it straighten after processing.

Method 6

Also, to smooth out a leatherette jacket, you can use a mixture of vinegar, water and a washing conditioner. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Mix all the ingredients in proportions one to one.
  2. Pour the solution into the spray gun.
  3. Spray the mixture on the jacket on the front side, hang it on a hanger and leave for an hour.
  4. If light spots occur, remove them with a damp soft cloth.

Important! Is there not only a faux leather jacket in your wardrobe, but also other things? You are wondering how to iron your favorite faux leather dress or other garments from the same material. Everything is quite simple - any of the above methods is suitable for the items of clothing in your wardrobe. Before ironing a faux leather dress using the methods described above, make sure that one or another processing method is allowed for it.

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How to smooth a leatherette bag?

Faux leather things are different. Therefore, if you have a need to smooth a leather bag or a bag made of faux leather, do the following:

  1. Take a cotton sheet or bedspread.Wet and wring this thing thoroughly.
  2. Cram paper or material inside to stretch your skin as tight as possible.
  3. Put a wet cloth on top.
  4. Leave to dry completely.

In addition, in order to smooth the skin on the bag, you can use the following:

  1. Fill the bag as previously indicated.
  2. Lubricate creases and dents with cream. If the bag is light, you can use warm milk.
  3. After drying, wipe the item with a soft cloth - this will give it a shine.
  4. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Important! This method will allow you not only to smooth out the leather bag, but also to give a fresher look to your item.

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Precautionary measures:

  1. Some leatherette products can be washed with a light spin. After such washing, the thing is straightened, convinced of the absence of wrinkled areas and dried on a hanger.
  2. Some skin types are forbidden to steam or apply chemicals to them.
  3. Before processing your item, always check the label on it.
  4. Sometimes a lining may sit in the jacket. You can smooth out such things with a spray gun, while softening the front side.
  5. If you are afraid of damaging your thing, trying to smooth out the creases yourself - take it to dry cleaning. It will cost more, but guarantees that the thing will remain intact will be higher.
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This article lists almost all the methods and recommendations on how to properly and quickly smooth out faux leather items at home. Using our tips, you can quickly and safely stroke your jacket or bag without turning to professionals for help. We hope you can get the expected result!


