How to distribute faux leather shoes 🥝 what to do if tight sneakers

Often we buy sneakers that, at first glance, seem perfect in size. But having passed some distance in them, we understand that they are small for us or, in some places, sit not in the shape of a foot. Of course, walking in uncomfortable shoes is harmful to the legs, and it is terribly uncomfortable. Therefore, in order not to have to go for a new pair or endure constant corns, because sports shoes are used, as a rule, very intensively, we will analyze the solution to this problem. So, how to carry sneakers that are shaking at home?
to contents ↑Work with different materials
If possible, shoes should be exchanged for a more suitable size. If this is not possible, you can deal with it on your own. Not many people know how to carry sneakers that they press at home. But most materials used in production are stretched. There are the following methods for this:
- Genuine Leather. Genuine leather shoes can be stretched by wearing it a couple of days at home. To speed up the process, it is best done in wet wool socks. The process will take 2-3 days.
- Suede. Suede shoes are stretched using ice. The material is stretched due to the fact that hardened, the water expands. For this method, you will need a sealed bag with water poured into it. The package must be placed in shoes. Next, the shoes are put in the freezer for one day. The bag should be pulled out after the ice has melted.
- Textile. To increase the size of shoes made of textiles, it is necessary to pour boiled water. Then immediately put on and wear until it dries.
- Leatherette. Leatherette products stretch long enough. To do this, wear socks soaked in an alcohol-containing substance, and then wear sneakers.
to contents ↑Important! This procedure should be repeated about 10 times, but it all depends on the original quality and thickness of the material.
other methods
Even perfect-sized sneakers can be inconvenient. This is often due to the fact that they are new. What to do if sneakers are pressed:
- Walking around the house in new sneakers for several days, having preliminarily greased the back with soapy water or alcohol.
- Turn on the hairdryer in the hot air mode, direct it to the leg shaking area and keep it for several minutes.
- It is necessary to soak cotton socks in warm water, wring out and put on. Wear shoes over them and walk in them until the socks are completely dry.
Important! After that, put a few lumps of folded newspapers in the sneakers so that they absorb the remaining moisture.
- Strongly wet the inside of the sneakers with vodka or alcohol and put them on. Then you need to wet the outside, and wear them for several hours.
- To stretch the sneakers, we need a special spray, which can be bought at any shoe store. To stretch it is necessary to apply a spray to the inside of the sneakers, you can tap a little through the fabric with a hammer in problem areas, walk into them until it becomes noticeably softer.
Important! Before using the product, it is necessary to check the compatibility of the material of the sneakers with the spray, applying it to the least visible place.
- For this method we need a hairdryer. We turn on the hot air mode and warm the place, which is inconvenient.Care must be taken in the seam area, since glue may leak when heated.
Mold holder
Many people ask themselves questions: what to do if the sneakers are small, can sneakers be stretched to a size? In order to stretch the shoes to size, you should resort to a radical method - solving the problem mechanically using a mold holder.
Important! Shaped holders are called wooden blocks, with the help of which there is a tensile force. They can be purchased at specialized shoe stores.
Mold holders are made from various materials:
- wood - birch, beech, cedar;
- plastic.
Important! We do not recommend saving on good wooden blocks, since plastic ones are not strong enough and short-lived. It is better to buy quality products, albeit somewhat more expensive, because they are always useful!
Mode of application:
- Before using mold holders, it is necessary to apply a special spray for stretching. You can also use alcohol or glass cleaner.
- Then you need to insert the pads in the shoes and leave in this condition for a day.
- If necessary, repeat the procedure.
Stock footage
Remember that the choice of sneakers must be approached more carefully! It’s better to choose shoes of the right size than to be tormented with their posting. And for this, go to the store after dinner, be sure to fully step on both legs during the fitting, go through the boutique to understand that you are really comfortable in the new pair.
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