How to make a ring?

All girls love jewelry, and the more the merrier. But you must admit, sometimes in stores there is not what we want - everything is boring and monotonous. Do you want something unusual and original, for example, a ring? Then you turned to the address for help. In this article we will tell you how to make a ring at home. Such a handmade jewelry is much more pleasant to wear, since a soul was invested in it. Each house has many unnecessary things that can come in handy at work. We will consider each method in detail. Stay with us and you will learn how to make a ring with your own hands from long-forgotten materials. So, let's begin!

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What can rings be made of?

If you decide to do something extraordinary, then use the most unpredictable materials, it is from them that creative and unique jewelry is made. Check out a few ideas:

  • Review your box with long-forgotten buttons. After a little digging, you can find the original buttons of an interesting shape and design.
  • Almost everyone in the house has wire. This is a great helper in creating the basis for the ring. Any wire is suitable for work, regardless of thickness and color.
  • Each girl has beads and beads. Look carefully at the jewelry box. Each girl, for sure, has a torn necklace or bracelet that was once torn. Using them as intended, you will get a bright ring.
  • Never throw away old broken rings. They will serve as an excellent basis for a new ring with your own hands.
  • From old coins you can make a stylish ring, and not only.
  • Satin ribbon will help in creating a feminine and delicate image.

We have listed the basic materials for making the ring with our own hands, and this, believe me, is not the whole list. To create a ring, you can use almost anything you like, you just have to turn on your imagination to do something exclusive.

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How to make a beautiful ring? - Getting ready for creative work

How to make a ring with your own hands at home, using only improvised materials? Yes Easy!

Before you start working with selected materials:

  • First, decide which ring you want.
  • Now we need to determine the size of the future ring. To do this, take a strip of paper and wrap its finger on which you plan to wear a ring.

Important! If you already have a ring on this finger, then use its size in the manufacture of a new ring - this is the easiest way.

  • Now, using a pen or pencil, make a mark at the intersection of one edge with the other.
  • Cut off the excess paper and get the right size for the ring.

Important! You can simply measure the strip - this will be the size of the new ring. The same strip can be used as a template in order to measure the prepared materials.

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Wire ring

Next, we will tell you how to make a ring with your own hands using wire. Wire is the most common material in making rings with your own hands. Remember how in childhood we twisted rosettes made of wire and wore them as the most expensive jewelry? Copper wire is reasonably accessible and durable, while being multifunctional.It can be used for any type of weaving: pigtail, heart and many other figures.

Important! If you do not have experience in weaving rings from wire, then first practice with simple elements, and then you can start creating a complex composition.

This is one of the easiest ways any needlewoman can handle. To make a wire ring you will need such materials and tools:

  • An interesting button or natural stone.
  • Soft wire.
  • Nippers.
  • Round pliers.
  • A piece of cone-shaped tube.

Procedure for making a wire ring:

  • First you need to fix the stone on the wire. If using a bead, then just thread the wire into it.

Important! The stone can be painted using a spray can. To do this, put a pebble on a piece of paper and point the spray gun at it. After complete drying, turn the stone over and work it on the other side in the same way.

  • After - using wire cutters, bend the wire backward, attach it to a conical tube.
  • Wrap the entire conical tube several times with wire.
  • Next - tightly compress all the turns of the wire, and bend its ends up and down.
  • We remove the finished workpiece with the tube and the ends of the wire, fix the turns on the sides of the central stone or beads.
  • With the ends of the wire we wrap the entire ring, about 3-5 times.

Important! Make sure that the coils fit snugly against each other.

  • At the end of the work, cut off the excess wire using round-nose pliers, fix all the connected turns to give a flat shape.

Important! Remember that aluminum breaks quickly, so if you took just such a wire, when creating turns of various shapes, you need to be extremely careful and attentive.

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Pin ring

Do not believe that you can make a ring out of pins with your own hands? You are very wrong. This material can be advantageously used in such an interesting lesson. How? Further we will tell all.

To work, we need:

  • Pins
  • Beads.
  • Elastic thin elastic band.
  • Chain with small links.

So, let's start creating an 80s-style ring using pins:

  1. To get started, take a pin and string beads on it. The amount of beads is up to you.
  2. Through both ends of the pins, thread two thin elastic bands.
  3. Now we take the next pin and put it on the elastic with the same method, only its head should look in the opposite direction.
  4. Carrying out the same manipulations, we alternate the pins in turn until the desired circle is obtained.
  5. At the end of the work, tighten the gum and fix it, hiding all the nodules.
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Satin Ribbon Ring

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Satin ribbon of medium width.
  • Thick wire for the base of the ring.
  • Pliers.
  • Scissors.
  • Nippers.
  • Needle with thread.
  • Glue gun.
  • Glue.

The following describes the step-by-step process for making a ring from a tape:

  • First of all, we measure the necessary length of the wire, and cut off the excess with wire cutters.

Important! In order for the future ring to be strong enough, we recommend making a few turns with tape. You can multiply the girth of the finger by 3 and get the required length of the satin ribbon.

  • Now just wrap your finger in wire using pliers. Thus, we get the foundation of the future ring.

Important! In this case, you can take a dimensional cone, as it is much faster and more convenient.

  • We take a satin ribbon and with the help of a glue gun imperceptibly fasten to the edges of the wire. We begin to tape the entire ring with tape.

Important! It is necessary to make sure that the tape, when wrapping the circle, is snug enough to the wire.

  • When the tape is wound around the ring, we cut off the excess material, and after that we fix the end with glue.
  • Next, cut off a piece of tape, about 10-15 cm, and cauterize the ends with fire.

Important! In order to prevent the edges of the tape from raining, you can heat the scissors with fire before cutting.

  • We form a bow from the ribbon, and fix the middle with stitches.
  • Glue the bow to the base (where the end of the tape is glued).
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Coin ring

You can make a ring from a coin, but this is a rather complicated and laborious process. For help, you can ask a person who has the skills to work on the processing of metal products.

In order to start making a ring with your own hands using a coin, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Drill.
  • Fine sandpaper.
  • Coin.
  • A small piece of metal.
  • Hammer.
  • Soft fabric.
  • Steel spoon.
  • Emery roller.
  • Polishing wheel.
  • Clip for decoration.

Now let's get to work:

  • At the first stage, we take a coin, put it on the edge and place it on a metal base.
  • Press the base with a teaspoon.
  • Then we do painstaking work. We take a hammer and knock on a teaspoon until the coin becomes flat.

Important! Constantly monitor the process of flattening a teaspoon. Try to hit the coin with the same force for the most even edge.

  • Then with a drill we make a hole in the very center of the coin. When drilled through, the coin will be securely fastened.
  • Now we grind the edge of the coin with sandpaper until the surface shines.
  • Next, using a drill, increase the hole in the circle. We constantly change the drill for a larger one, until the necessary circle for the future product is obtained.

Important! When you form the size of the jewelry, constantly try on it so that in the end the ring does not turn out to be large.

  • Using the emery roller, polish the inner surface of the ring.

Important! If desired, an engraving can be done on the ring, but for this you need to contact a specialist.

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Button ring

If you do not have a suitable base for the ring, then you can buy it in a store for making jewelry. On this basis, you can attach various materials: button, stone, plastic, shell and other materials. In this case, we will tell you how to make an original ring from long-forgotten buttons and a piece of fabric.

For work, we need such materials and tools:

  • A round piece of black felt (diameter 5 cm).
  • Bright buttons.
  • Superglue or glue gun.
  • The basis for the ring.
  • Pliers for jewelry.
  • Scissors.


Getting started:

  • If there are loops on the button, then remove them with pliers.
  • Next, glue the buttons on a piece of felt according to the scheme: from the center - to the edge of the circle.

Important! Buttons must be darkly attached to the felt so that the result is a round shape.

  • After the glue has completely dried, we cut off the excess felt from the sides with an even or zigzag line.
  • Well coat the base with glue.
  • We glue the previously made fabric with buttons on the base.
  • We are waiting for the finished ring to dry completely and enjoy the new thing.

Do-it-yourself ring at home is ready!

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Bead ring

You probably made different rings from beads in your childhood? Its large assortment makes it possible to express your imagination. It all depends on your desire and work experience. Beads can be taken in various designs: to glue, string on a fishing line or sew. Of course, the jewelry will not look presentable, but with the help of beads and beads you can create a pretty pretty ring.

To get started, we need:

  • Thin wire.
  • Beads (at your discretion).
  • Beads.
  • Glue.
  • Nippers.
  • Pliers.

We begin to make a ring of beads and beads:

  • First you need to measure the size of the future ring. To do this, multiply the girth of the finger by 3 or 4 and add 2 cm.
  • The resulting length is cut off from the copper wire.
  • Next, we string the beads onto the wire.

Important! Please note that 1 cm should remain at each end of the wire. The edges of the wire must be sealed with glue so that the beads do not crumble.

  • Wrap a wire with beads around the finger or use a dimensional cone.We bend the remaining ends - we will need them later to fix the ring.
  • Now we begin to manufacture the ring. We take the wire and cut three parts 2-3 cm long.
  • Two beads are strung on each piece. We bend the ends of the wire so that the beads do not roll.
  • After that, we bend all three parts in half, which forms a depression in the center, lay the beads at the ends of the wire.
  • In the recess we place the previously prepared base by threading parts of the wire through it.

Important! Do not forget that the bent edges of the wire should be located only near the ring.

  • Now bend the pieces of wire so that the beads are located tightly to each other.
  • We twist all the ends of the wire so that the beads are on top.
  • With the ends that were previously bent, we finally fix the ring.

Important! In the manufacture of a ring of beads, you can use various options: weaving in one or more rows, combine beads with other materials. Do not be afraid to experiment, and you will succeed!

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Leather ring

Agree, not every girl wears a ring of leather, but this does not mean at all that you need to give up such an interesting idea. We will tell you the easiest and most affordable option.

The list of necessary materials to create a ring of leather:

  • Leather lace of any color.
  • Wire.
  • Pliers.
  • The basis for the ring.

Important! The base can be of different thicknesses, since after the entire manufacturing process it will be possible to adjust the size by simply moving the wire spiral.

Learn more about all the steps:

  1. First, we wind the wire on the base, make several revolutions, stretching the bumps.
  2. After - cut the ends of the wire, and so that they do not prick, bend into loops.
  3. Now we take a leather lace and begin to bind in a spiral around the base of the ring, skipping the end of the skin from above from above the wire, then from below, constantly alternating. We repeat this procedure in the opposite direction.
  4. We continue to weave until the entire base of the ring is wrapped in leather lace.
  5. After all the procedures, cut the lace and hide the tip under the loop.
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Chain ring

What can a finger ring be made of? Have you ever thought of a chain? But in vain. From the chain you can make a beautiful and delicate ring. Almost everyone has a torn chain that cannot be repaired, and it is a pity to throw it away.

In order to start work, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • Pliers or tweezers.
  • Chain.
  • Small ring clips.

So, we begin work on making a ring from a chain:

  1. Take a chain and wrap around a finger. In this way, we determine the size of the ring and cut the correct length of the chain.
  2. The excess part is carefully cut off.
  3. Using the ring with a clamp, we fix both ends with pliers.

Important! If desired, the ring can be decorated with small pendants, securing them to the chain link.

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Stock footage

Now you know how to make a ring with your own hands from improvised materials. Agree, this is not so difficult. Having familiarized yourself with the basic ways to create a ring, you can easily make a stylish and original ring. Use your creativity in the right direction, and you will surely succeed!


