How to make a dress pattern?

Any novice seamstress who decides to engage in sewing clothes is faced with a rather difficult job associated with drawing up a pattern. This is an integral part of creating new things, in addition, there are certain rules according to which they are made. Today we will learn how to make a dress pattern yourself, because without it you can’t create a beautiful and stylish outfit according to your figure.
to contents ↑Where to start making clothes?
Before you start sewing any thing, for example, a women's dress or summer sundress, you must first decide on the most suitable model. Maximum attention should be paid to the style of clothing, to decide whether you want to get a loose dress or a tight-fitting dress as a result.
If you define the style correctly, then it is easier to make an increase in the calculations. For example, you want to sew a tight-fitting outfit of a specific size, you have decided on the model, then you need to take a centimeter to take measurements from yourself or the person to whom it is intended. How to do it right? What exactly is measured? How to learn how to make patterns of clothes yourself using improvised materials?
In addition to a centimeter, you will need another pen, pencil or chalk and a sheet of paper. Then the centimeter should be applied to the shoulder line and lead it to the place where the dress should end, as a result - you will get the length of the product. Next, you need to make calculations, all measurements and record the following data:
- The length and width of the back.
- The length, width and height of the shoulder.
- Half neck and chest.
- Half circumference over the chest.
- Half waist and hips.
- The depth of the armhole.
Key Measurement Rules
To make a pattern for a dress, it is necessary to perform key measurements correctly. Therefore, it is important to clearly know from which point the centimeter is carried out.
Follow these guidelines for the necessary measurements:
- The length of the back should be measured, starting from the seventh vertebra to the line that limits the waist.
- The height of the shoulder is obtained as a result of conducting a centimeter from the highest point of the shoulder to the place connecting the waist line with the spine. That is, in the end you get a slanting line.
- The width of the shoulder, which will be needed to build the pattern, is measured by applying one part of a centimeter to the highest point of the future shoulder seam and leading it to the point where the shoulder ends.
- To get the girth of the sleeve, you should determine the most complete part of the shoulder, then grasp it with a centimeter. The tape should be closed outside the surface of the hand.
- The length of the sleeve is determined from the highest point of the shoulder, then the tape is passed from the outside of the arm, passes along the forearm and ends at the limit of the desired length.
- You can calculate the half girth of the neck, given its girth. It is enough to wrap a measuring tape around the neck and divide the resulting figure in half.
- The remaining measurements of the half-circumference of the chest, waist, and hips are made according to a similar principle.
- The width of the back is calculated using a simple formula. It is important to pay attention to the protrusions in the region of the blades, because the measurement is carried out from one to the second blade. Then the resulting figure is divided in half.
- Breast width is determined in two approaches.First, we obtain the value by measuring from the front corner of one to the other axillary cavity, skipping the protruding parts of the bust. You will get the width of the chest. Next, you need to determine the width of the front of the body, taking into account the distance between the protruding points of the chest.
How to make a pattern yourself?
After receiving all the necessary measurements, you can begin to create our main element. Consider how to make a pattern for a dress in stages. For work, you will need thin paper or tracing paper. Take a photograph showing the outfit that you want to sew, looking at it, transfer your measurements to paper.
Important! Note that the pattern should consist of two parts - the back, shelf (front of the product). Be careful about sketching.
Transferring all numbers to tracing paper looks like this:
- Take a piece of paper the length corresponding to the length of your outfit, indent about 10 cm from the top, put point A in the upper left corner.
- From point A, draw a line vertically down, put point D so that it is equal in length to the length of the dress.
- Horizontally from point A, draw a line whose length is equal to the half-girth of the chest with an allowance of 1.5 cm, set point B.
- Draw a line from point B vertically, set point C so that it is parallel to point D.
- Connect the resulting points to get the segment of the CD.
- Set aside the point G along the AD segment from point A, which corresponds to the depth of the armhole with an allowance of half a centimeter.
- Follow the same steps on the second side and set the point G1.
- Connect the dots and get the segment GG1.
- From point G, measure the width of the back, put the end of the loop at the end.
- Count from the AL point the width of the armhole with an allowance of half a centimeter and the width of the chest with an allowance of 1 cm.
- Then, according to the measurements made, mark the lines of the hips and waist in the drawing, draw the proposed neckline, and outline the lines of the tucks.
Now you know how to make a dress pattern, what are the next steps? After making the pattern, you need to check how correctly you composed it, then carefully cut along the contour of the paper. Then you should attach paper to the fabric, grab it with invisibility, circle with chalk or pencil. At the last stage, it is necessary to cut out all the details of the product according to the obtained contours. It remains only to sew all the details with a sewing machine.
to contents ↑The role of darts on finished products
Beginning seamstresses need to familiarize themselves with information on how to make tucks on a finished dress, since with their help you can make smooth transitions from bottlenecks to points with volume. A tuck is an excess of fabric that is simply sewn up, thereby giving the product the necessary shape:
- The most important is the chest tuck, as it is designed to give a rounded chest line. It is located, as a rule, on the shelf of the pattern down from the shoulder seam to the center of the chest. Breast tucking can begin from any seam of the shelf, but it always ends in the direction of the bulge of the chest.
- In addition to breast tucks, there is also a shoulder tuck that gives a roundness to the back, a tuck in the waist, which allows you to remove excess in the waist and creates a smooth transition to the hips.
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Now you are familiar with the features of building patterns for dresses. We hope that the result of the work done will pleasantly please you with a beautiful, comfortable and well-fitting thing!
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