How to fold shirts?

Every business person must know how to fold shirts so that as a result they do not have to be ironed. Such a science is accessible not only to employees of shops and dry cleaners, everyone, if desired, can learn to quickly and correctly fold a delicate garment for packing in a suitcase or just for storage in a closet. In this article, you will find the basic rules on how to fold your shirt so that it does not wrinkle.
to contents ↑Preliminary preparation
Uncomplicated actions will facilitate the process of neat folding of shirts. Knowing them, you will spend much less time packing a travel suitcase:
- If you have several shirts that need ironing, it is best to iron them all right away, and then start to fold them. So you save your time. It is better to start ironing from the collar, then iron the sleeves, and, lastly, iron the center.
- Immediately after ironing, do not take up folding clothes. First, hang the shirt on your shoulders, fastening the top button. Leave the garment for half an hour. During this time, the fabric will have time to cool, and when folding it will no longer rumple.
- It is necessary to monitor the parallelism of the lines. A folded wardrobe should not be skewed or tapered to the bottom.
- When folding inside a shirt, you can place a piece of cardboard. It should be placed on the back of the shirt, as in production packaging. Such an insert will maintain the correct form of clothing for a longer time.
- For safety reasons, it is better to wrap expensive shirts when packing in a suitcase with soft thin paper. So you can protect the fabric from unforeseen stains on the road.
- When packing shirts in a suitcase, pack them from the top. Do not crush delicate clothes with heavy things, otherwise - ugly folds or creases form from pressure.
- Folding shirts in a suitcase should be a “jack”, so that the collar of the top shirt is in the hem of the one below. This will not only contribute to a more compact placement of things, but also reduce the risk of tissue deformation.
Important! It is advisable to support something collar. To do this, you can use a special holder from the packaging of a new shirt, a scarf or other similar small things.
- If frequent business trips are a part of your life, then you should think about buying a portlet - a special bag for transporting shirts and suits.
to contents ↑Important! Easier to learn the science of folding shirts will be for those people who are well versed in geometry at school. Here you will need the ability to visually divide the object into parts and align along the edge line.
Getting to work. Method number 1
How to fold a long-sleeved shirt? The procedure will be as follows:
- Turn the ironed shirt on the front side and button all buttons.
Important! Do not forget about the buttons on the sleeves.
- Put the wardrobe on a flat surface with the back facing up. Smooth the product with your hands so that there are no creases or creases.
Important! To fold clothes, you can use a clean floor, table or flat bed.
- Start folding from the left edge. With the fingers of one hand, grab the middle of the shoulder.Mentally draw a straight line to the bottom of the product, with your other hand grasp at this point. Bend the selected part behind the back.
- As a result of the previous folding step, you should get the diagonal placement of the sleeve. Leaving a sleeve like that is not worth it, it can be very wrinkled. Bend it parallel to the sidewall.
- Do the same with the other side of the shirt. Both gloves must lie next to each other.
- Now bend the bottom of the shirt in the palm of your hand.
- Fold the remaining rectangle of fabric to the collar in half.
- Carefully turn the shirt over and you can safely put it in a closet or suitcase for storage.
We looked at one simple way how to fold shirts so that they do not wrinkle. But there is another option, which some may like more.
to contents ↑How to fold a shirt so that it does not wrinkle? Method number 2
- Lay the shirt back up on a solid, level surface.
- Divide mentally the clothes along into three equal parts. Bend one third back to the middle of the shoulder.
- Take the sleeve of the bent part, fold it into three additions.
Important! In order to keep the cuff perfectly smooth, it should be left open.
- On the other side of the shirt, do the same, then fold it to the middle of the shoulder. With the sleeve of this part, we act somewhat differently - lay it out in parallel, and point the cuff up to the collar.
- We bend the bottom of the shirt with the width of a palm up, after which we fold the shirt again in half to the collar.
How to fold a short sleeve shirt?
Shirts with a short sleeve can be folded in one of the above ways. This process will be much simpler, because you do not need to do operations with sleeves. A small sleeve is enough just to bend.
to contents ↑How to fold a shirt so that it does not wrinkle in a bag?
Sometimes, in order to save space in a suitcase, they prefer not to fold the shirt, but to fold it. With this method, fewer horizontal and vertical folds also appear.
Important! The twisting method is suitable for polo shirts, batista clothes, silk and other delicate fabrics.
- Unfold the wardrobe in the same way as in the case of the classic folding scheme - with the back up, while all the buttons of the product are buttoned.
- Fold the sleeves back along the shoulder seam.
- Roll the shirt, starting from the bottom and moving up, up to the collar.
Important! Do not make the roller too tight, as this can lead to tissue deformation.
- The collar does not need to be twisted. It is on him that you apply the resulting “roll”.
to contents ↑Important! The clothes are packed in a bag with the collar down.
How to quickly straighten a shirt?
Sometimes even the correct folding of clothes does not protect her from the appearance of ugly wrinkles and bruises. How to quickly fix such defects?
Steaming is the best way to save the situation in this case.
Important! This method is only suitable for cambric, cotton, silk and other delicate expensive fabrics. It is better not to process shirts from flax with steam, since matter can sit down.
The best steam producer for these situations would be a steam generator. It will bring your clothes to a perfectly ironed state in a matter of minutes. If you do not have such a device, then you can use steam from an iron or a kettle.
Important! After steaming, clothes must be left to dry for an hour. After that, you can take advantage of a beautiful and smooth shirt for its intended purpose.
A faster option is to place the shirt on a hanger above the bathtub by turning on hot water so that the room is saturated with steam. The door must be closed. To achieve a good result, clothing is enough to spend 5-10 minutes in such a “steam room”.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Knowing how to put a shirt in a suitcase so that it does not wrinkle, you will ease your life on the trip, because for collecting for a business meeting you just need to remove the shirt from the bag and put it on. If the collection and packing of the suitcase were done correctly, then the shirt will not need additional ironing.
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