How to fold a jacket?

Many people in the process of professional activity often have to go on long trips. In this situation, it is necessary to have information on how to compactly pack clothes in a suitcase so that after transportation it does not lose its original appearance. Especially the jacket is the most difficult item to transport, since it is very bulky, the fabric is wrinkled quite easily, and there are many details on the product. In this article, we will look at how to fold a jacket into a suitcase so that it does not wrinkle.

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Before traveling or a long business trip, you need to prepare a jacket or an entire suit. To do this, perform the following actions:

  • Clothes should be dry cleaned or washed on their own, and then ironed carefully.
  • It is advisable to eliminate all the “wrinkles” that originally appeared.
  • After washing and ironing, it is necessary to check the lapels of the jacket, since you can hide small creases on any part of the clothing except the lapels.
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How to fold a jacket?

Applying the correct folding technique, you can avoid the appearance of small folds and creases on the products. Consider several options that will help to maximize the appearance of the product after transportation.

Important! Almost all methods recommend turning the jacket on the wrong side. Thus, the finishing fabric of the suit is protected from contamination. If the upper part of the jacket is crushed, it can be turned out, and large creases will not be noticeable. In addition, it has been experimentally proven that finding the jacket in the wrong position allows you to perfectly keep your shape.

Method number 1

How to fold a jacket so as not to wrinkle:

  • First of all, we turn out one of the sleeves and align the rack along the shoulder line.
  • The second sleeve does not need to be twisted. We insert it with the shoulder into the shoulder of the inverted sleeve, carefully align along the entire length.
  • After that, lay out the jacket on a horizontal surface and align the sides.
  • We correct the sleeve and spread it on top. The end result is a rectangle that has equal sides. Such a folding process forms a void inside the shoulder, and when wrinkled, a crease occurs.

Important! To avoid torment and smoothing after a trip or a long business trip, the void inside the shoulder can be filled with socks and underwear.

  • Carefully turn the clothes prepared in this way into a roller, while trying not to bend the material very much, trying not to wring the fabric.

Method number 2

In order not to spoil the appearance of the jacket, we fold it this way:

  1. Take the jacket by the collar and twist on the wrong side only one shoulder.
  2. With the second shoulder we insert the half of the jacket into the formed space. If you managed to do everything right, then the front surfaces of the shoulders should be in contact with each other. At the same time, the jacket is turned to the wrong side.
  3. We align the seams of the product halves themselves so that a rectangle forms.
  4. The resulting design is doubled.

Method number 3

This folding method involves not turning the jacket to the wrong side.In this case, shallow folds form in the places of kinks on the front side of the product. Therefore, when you travel, you can’t get your jacket out of your suitcase and put it on at the solemn moment at the same time.

How to fold a jacket in a bag:

  1. Unfold the product on a horizontal plane so that the back of the jacket is at the top.
  2. We take the jacket with one hand at the midpoint of the shoulder and mentally find the midline along the back surface of the product.
  3. We wrap part of the jacket to this line.
  4. Align all seams on the sleeve.
  5. We wrap the other side of the product in exactly the same way.
  6. The third inversion occurs by folding the resulting rectangle in half in half so that a square is formed.
  7. Put the jacket in the bag.


Method number 4

To correctly fold the jacket, you must perform the following actions:

  1. Together with the sleeves, we turn the jacket on the inside.
  2. We put our hands inside in order to spread our shoulders well.
  3. In one hand we connect two shoulders, and with the other hand we take the product in the middle of the collar.
  4. Carefully straighten the clothes, especially pay attention to the seams that are located along the length.
  5. We correct the fabric from both the front and the wrong sides.
  6. Turning over through the elbow, along the horizontal line we turn off the upper part of the suit. The result is a square bundle. This form does not take up much space and may well fit in any bag or suitcase.

Method number 5

How to fold a jacket to maximize its original appearance:

  • We place the upper part of the suit on the table or on any horizontal surface.
  • Button all buttons.
  • Gently turn the clothes with the buttons down.
  • With one hand we hold the product in the middle of the shoulder seam, with the other hand we take the lower part of the jacket and we wrap the side with the sleeve on the back of the clothes.

Important! It is necessary to check that the fold line does not warp and there are no wrinkles.

  • Now go to the sleeve. We bend the sleeve along the armhole line so that it is in strictly parallel relation to the previous bend.
  • Using the same technology, you need to fold the upper part of the suit on the other hand, and just fold the second sleeve.

Important! If you did everything right, then the complex thing should be in the shape of a rectangle, while the sleeves are folded on top and are parallel to the side bends. If the first time you did not succeed, then the product must be folded again.

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How to pack a jacket in a suitcase?

After you have learned how to fold clothes correctly, you also need to pack them in a suitcase. Consider a few recommendations:

  • Wrap the folded item in a film of polyethylene. She is able to further protect the suit from extinction. You can use different packaging - it can be an ordinary bag, a bag with a zipper or a dry cleaning bag with handles.
  • When you close the bag, it is necessary to hold the air a little, thus creating air space around the suit. It is able to prevent squeezing and much smaller folds appear.
  • When you place a folded thing in a suitcase, then choose the right place. It is necessary to check that nothing squeezes on the sides, and at the top there is only neatly folded clothes. It is not recommended to place heavy objects having an irregular shape on the side, top or bottom of the package.
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How to remove a suit from a bag?

As soon as you arrive at your destination, you need to unpack things in the reverse order:

  1. We take out the clothes folded over the packaging from the suitcase.
  2. We get the packaged jacket itself.
  3. We open the packaging and straighten the product, while paying special attention to all the folds.
  4. We turn the upper part of the suit on the front side and hang it on the shoulders.

Important! In some cases, even carefully made packaging is not able to protect the clothes from wrinkles. Therefore, before putting on a suit, it is nevertheless necessary to first check it for the presence of small folds, and try to correct the situation.

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How to fold pants from a suit?

Most likely, no one will travel in one jacket. As a rule, all official events and special occasions imply the presence of a costume. Therefore, going on a long business trip or a pleasant trip, you must also have the skills of folding trousers.

Important! Before packing the trousers, they must be brought to a smooth appearance. To do this, fold the bottom of the suit vertically in length. This option is very convenient for a product with arrows, and for clothes without arrows. It is necessary to level the trousers according to the folds that are in the waist area.

Method 1

How to fold pants from a jacket:

  1. After you have connected both legs in a vertical direction, they must be folded vertically one more time. This folding helps save airspace.
  2. With this folding, the clothes most likely will not fit in a suitcase or bag, so it is recommended that you lower the lower part of the suit even more compactly.
  3. If there is enough space, then the clothes must be folded 3-4 times.

This folding option can create creases located in inappropriate places. To prevent such a problem, you should perform exactly the same actions that are recommended when packing a jacket:

  • pack the pants in a plastic bag or in a special bag for clothes;
  • fold the trousers onto neatly folded products;
  • There should not be any convex or heavy objects on the two sides.

Method 2

If there is not enough space in the suitcase, then the clothes can be rolled up:

  1. Trousers are folded in half and laid out on a horizontal surface.
  2. We begin to fold the product from the belt, as a result - a dense bundle is formed.

Important! This technology puts pressure on the trouser area much less, which reduces the likelihood of wrinkling. In addition, much less space is required when transporting in a suitcase.

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Folding shirt

A shirt is always attached to the costume. For a long trip, they require several. If you know how to fold them correctly, then it costs nothing to transport shirts in a pristine, ironed state.

How to fold a shirt to a jacket:

  • First of all, you should wash and carefully iron all the necessary shirts.

Important! After ironing, the shirts should cool for a while so that wrinkles do not occur.

  • Button all buttons. You will have to spend some time on such a procedure, since several shirts are required.
  • Next, on a horizontal surface, turn the shirt down face down, straighten all the seams and folds.
  • We lay out and unfold the sleeves.

Important! If you still have a plastic bag from the dry cleaning service, then you need to roll it in the shape of a square and put it along the center of the shirt. This procedure helps to create an additional air gap and helps prevent wrinkling.

  • Visually draw two parallel lines along the back, along which we turn the edges of the shirt inward so that in the middle they connect.

Important! For the convenience of determining the passage of these lines, it must be remembered that both sides of the collar should have at least 2.5 cm and no more than 5 cm of textile.

  • Straighten the sleeves along the edges located outside. As a result, you have an even parallelogram.
  • Next, we place the sleeves along the formed edge of the shirt so that they are on the same line with them.
  • We straighten the shape of the created rectangle, straighten the folds and sleeves to an even state.
  • We pass to packaging.As with trousers, vertical pleats look more natural on a shirt than horizontal ones. If you have enough space in your suitcase, then the shirt can be folded in this position. If there is no bulk bag, then you need to tuck the bottom of the shirt. Do not worry about it, since the lower edge is covered with a jacket and may not be 100% ironed out.
  • We put the shirt in the package and leave some of the air to create air space.
  • We put the packed product in a bag or suitcase face up. The remaining items of clothing are placed on top of the shirt and on both sides.
  • Upon arrival, we take out a shirt from a suitcase, hang it on our shoulders, and, if necessary, smooth it out.
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Useful Tips:

  • If you have to travel frequently or make long business trips, try to purchase a special package or bag for a suit. If you do not often travel long distances, you can purchase a similar bag for hire, which are offered by transport companies. Such a bag allows clothes to be kept in perfect condition, even if you had to be on a long trip.
  • Do not pack immediately after ironing. They should cool completely. If this recommendation is not followed, then a large number of folds will appear during transportation and storage.
  • For those who spend a large amount of time on trains, it is advisable to purchase a special bag, the so-called portlet, for transporting suits and shirts.
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What if the clothes are wrinkled after transportation?

Sometimes situations arise in which even carefully packing the clothes can cause your product to wrinkle during transportation. If you need to urgently put on a wardrobe item and there is no way to iron a thing, then there is a technique for restoring a decent look to your things.

You can use the “steam method” by turning on the hot water in the bathroom and closing the door tightly. When the temperature and humidity rises, you need to hang the shirt on your shoulders and leave for 20 minutes.

Important! After drying, do not immediately put on the product, it is better to wait a while, otherwise - the thing will rumple even more.

As a rule, this method is quite effective. But if you have a product made of cotton or linen fabric, then with such an impact on your product there will be an even greater number of folds than they were originally. Therefore, in this case, you will have to use an iron and smooth out the formed folds.

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Now you know how to fold a jacket, trousers, shirts and other things so that they do not crinkle, and you do not have to spend a lot of time ironing them after the trip.

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