How to put a scarf in a jacket pocket?

A pocket square or a pasha is a classic that will always be in fashion. Since the beginning of the 19th century, this accessory has acted as a symbol of delicate taste, wealth and style. It is a means of expression in the conservative framework of men's fashion. Many men devote too much time to choosing a suit, shirt and scarf, and they completely forget, and sometimes don’t know, how to put the scarf in their jacket pocket so that it is beautiful and stylish. There are several simple and simple techniques for folding a chest accessory. Today we will tell you how to fold a scarf in a jacket pocket in order to enhance your status and make your image more business-like.
to contents ↑Rules for wearing a scarf in a jacket pocket
A simple pocket square is at least several centuries older than a modern men's suit. How many of us do not remember what role this small shred of matter played in Shakespeare's Othello? Although, many argue that this men's accessory has its roots since the time of the Renaissance, when square napkins for hygiene were brought to the courtyard of Richard II from across the ocean. Since then, the pocket square has become an integral part of the modern costume, and you can watch it in the jackets of presidents, Hollywood stars, businessmen and ordinary citizens who monitor their image. By right, a square flap of fabric has potential, and is able to take its rightful place among men's accessories of the A-class.
In order to properly wear a nosepiece in your jacket pocket and look respectable, we suggest that you listen to the designers' tips:
- Avoid the monochrome accessory with a suit. According to stylists, the scarf should not exactly repeat the color and pattern of the suit, in particular the jacket. The accessory should be of some interest in terms of pattern or color.
- The nosepiece should be perfectly clean and neatly folded. Very often in a bustle you can accidentally hook a handkerchief, so from time to time look at your chest scarf, always watch for its cleanliness, neatness and graceful styling.
- Always wear two scarves: one for beauty and one for cleanliness. Never use a chest accessory as a hygiene item. Always have a spare handkerchief, keep it in the back pocket of your trousers or in the inside pocket of your jacket to be ready for any surprises.
- Do not use machine-sewn products designed specifically for chest pockets of jackets. As a rule, they look flat and have an abundance of protruding threads from the seams. Use the nozzles and fold them beautifully by hand to emphasize the finished look. In addition, the handkerchief can always be folded into completely different shapes.
- Begin to shape your image with the main outfit, and select accessories in accordance with the color of items of clothing. For example, a burgundy with a burgundy shade goes well with a burgundy tie.
- Start purchasing accessories with scarves of universal colors and patterns. Products of simple colors (white, black, gray) without a pattern can easily be combined with any jacket. As for the pattern, the eternal motives never go out of style. It can be a chess pattern, polka dots or a paisley pattern.
How to fold a scarf into a jacket pocket?
Of course, in order to achieve an original and stylish image, sometimes you need to master some silk origami skills.We offer several simple ways to fold the scarf, which will help you navigate the endless assortment of shapes and styles.
Method number 1. Rolled square
This is the simplest and most classic version known as the “presidential." This form is perfect for a formal tuxedo with a bow tie (tie), and for wearing a blazer.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Carefully smooth the fabric on a flat surface.
- Fold the product in half several times until its size matches the size of the chest pocket.
- Carefully insert a handkerchief in your pocket so that a thin rectangular strip about 1.5 cm peeks out.
Method number 2. Triangle (one corner)
This option, how to fold a scarf in a jacket pocket, is a bit more complicated, but more attractive and quite versatile. You can wear a pocket scarf for both work and celebration.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Lay the product on a flat surface.
- Fold the fabric several times to make a diamond shape.
- Fold the rhombus in half to make a triangle.
- Wrap the lower corners of the triangle inward. As a result - the figure in the form of a house should turn out.
- Insert the “origami” in the breast pocket, leaving only the top corner of the handkerchief on top.
Important! For a triangle, scarves made of cotton or linen are best suited. They look great, sit tight in your pocket and do not lose shape.
Method number 3. Triangle (two corners)
The method is more complicated, and you will need some practice before you can make a scarf in your jacket pocket. But this unique and sophisticated uniform is perfect for a tuxedo and linen jacket. The accessory, folded in the shape of a triangle with two angles, emphasizes your personality and exquisite taste.
Choose a product made of light silk or linen for this option, and follow the instructions to fold the scarf nicely into your jacket pocket:
- Follow the first two steps described above and get a handkerchief folded in the shape of a rhombus.
- Grasp the top edge of one of the corners and slightly shift it to the side. As a result - two triangles should turn out.
- Fold the lower corners of the resulting figure, place them in the breast pocket of the jacket so that the two upper parts of the triangles are visible.
Method number 4. Triangle (3 corners)
This option is suitable for sophisticated mods. If you have mastered the technique of forming a triangle with two angles, then it's time to master a new option - a triangle with 3 angles. It is ideal for both business meetings and special occasions.
Important! A linen scarf, cotton, or heavy and heavy silk is best suited for this method.
Step-by-step instruction:
- As in the previous methods, form a rhombus from a fabric.
- Fold the shape in half.
- Wrap the side corners so that they are on the sides of the central corner, but are located at the same level with it.
- Turn “origami” on the other side, fold the side parts inward. You should get a figure resembling a torch.
- Fold the bottom sharp corner into the shape.
- Carefully place the handkerchief in your pocket so that the top three corners are visible. The cascade from the corners looks very pretty.
Method number 5. Inverted cloud
A scarf made of dense silk fabric is suitable for this method. The cloud will look great at daytime gala events, but this option is not suitable for a tuxedo.
Proceed as follows:
- Use your fingers to hold the scarf in the middle so that the ends of the product hang down.
- Hands grab the fabric between the center and the corner. In the center you should get a cloud.
- Wrap the ends inward.
- Elegantly place the nose in the pocket with the center up.
Method number 6. Minimized Cloud:
- Form a triangle from the fabric.
- Turn the fold line of the shape up.
- Grasp the fold line with both hands and bend the ends. As a result, a crease should appear in the middle, and the side lines should align in the center.
- Fold the bottom of the product and put the accessory in your pocket so that the edge of the fold peeks out of it.
Method number 7. Cooper
This is the simplest and most straightforward option. It is quite simple to execute:
- Take a cloth and make a depression in the center.
- Supporting the top of the fabric, fold up the lower ends and insert the accessory into your pocket.
- Spread the top of the protruding scarf (optional).
Method number 8. Aster
This is a rather unusual way of folding the nosepiece, which can give your appearance a looser look. Proceed as follows:
- Grasp the fabric by the center.
- Lift the corners of the scarf to the middle.
- Fold the bottom edges.
- Fold the accessory in your pocket. As a result, you should get an unusual silk cloud with two tips on each side.
Method number 9. Kagni:
- Fold a rhombus out of fabric, then a triangle with the ends up.
- Bend the lower corners of the triangle so that they overlap the opposite corners.
- Make a cone from the sides and fold it inwards.
- Fold the bottom of the product and insert it into your pocket.
Believe me, you will definitely attract attention with your appearance!
Method number 10. Folds:
- Fold the scarf four times. After this, make a few folds.
- Fold the accessory in half, put it in the pocket with the fold up.
Important! To make the folds on the accessory look more interesting, change the angle of the scarf.
Method number 11. Arbitrary
This is the most frivolous way of folding a chest scarf, however, they should not be neglected. This option of folding the nosepiece is not suitable for a business suit, but it will be in perfect harmony with a tweed jacket or casual suit.
Important! The arbitrary method has a lot of names: “wine glass”, “casual” or “layered”, but the essence is the same - a scarf with a pattern or pattern should show the largest part of the fabric above the pocket.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Clench your fingers into an incompletely clenched fist.
- Put a handkerchief on top of the fist. The center of the product should be in the middle of the fist hole.
- Push the center of the scarf to the middle with your fingers of the other hand, collecting it in the resulting bundle.
- Fold the bottom edge of the spout and insert it into your pocket.
- Spread the top of the product as your imagination tells you.
Useful Tips:
- If a cotton or linen scarf doesn’t want to keep in shape, try a little starch during ironing. Silk shawls never starch.
- If the pocket is slightly small, it constantly falls into your pocket, so put a piece of cloth or a paper towel on the bottom.
- You can wear a jacket with a scarf both with a tie and without it. If you decide not to use a tie in your appearance, then pick up cufflinks to the pocket square that will be in harmony in color.
- It is not necessary to choose the tone of the nosepiece to a tie or shirt, you can find an option close to the color of the trousers.
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Do not be afraid to experiment and come up with your own ways of folding a handkerchief for your jacket pocket. Create your own images, be original and attractive. And we hope that our tips and tricks have helped you master the art of decorating chest pockets!
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