English lock on earrings 🥝 clasp did not open, how to open

Earrings with an English lock are a durable and beautiful invention of professional jewelers. This method of fastening occupies a leading position among all popular fasteners. But, unfortunately, many representatives of the fair sex are faced with a certain problem and do not know how a ringlet is unfastened on their ears, how to remove and open earrings with an English lock. There are times when a girl goes to a specialist to have her or her child unfasten such a tight lock to remove the jewelry. Let's see how easy and quick to remove such earrings.
to contents ↑English latch - device features
What is the English latch on earrings? The English castle is also called Schwenz Castle. It used to be used for heavier and more massive jewelry, but now it is widely used for the manufacture of smaller jewelry (children's earrings).
The English latch consists of a schwenzie and a small pin. Shvenza is a narrow metal strip that covers the earlobe from the bottom, and the pin is inserted in the center of the earlobe, where the puncture hole is located. The pin has a base slightly narrower than the width of the shvenza, therefore, falling into its hole, the shvenza closes the lock with a barely audible click. Due to this design, earrings with an English clasp are considered the most reliable and convenient in the process of using jewelry.
to contents ↑Advantages:
- Reliability.
- Convenience.
- Attractive appearance.
- It is extremely rare that the fastener bends.
- An opportunity to close a wide puncture with its elongated design.
- In a dream it is impossible to prick a fastener.
- Decoration with such a lock is very difficult to lose.
- There is no possibility to adjust the fastener.
- Not suitable for a wide lobe (tightly compresses it).
- Designed for people who wear earrings without taking off.
- Many people cannot figure out how to use a similar fastener.
- If mistreated, the lock can be loosened, which will lead to repairs in the workshop.
- With self-adjustment of the pin, you can achieve the curvature of the product.
to contents ↑Important! If during the operation of jewelry you have a loose castle, this does not mean poor product quality and a factory defect. Most likely, this was due to your ignorance of the correct use of the English clasp.
How to remove earrings with an English lock?
So, we come to the most important thing. Let's figure out the question of how to remove an earring with an English castle:
- We hold the schwenzoo with two fingers of the right hand, and pry the pin with the thumb of the left hand, pushing it up.
- Make sure that the junction of parts fits snugly against each other. If they are loosened, you should contact a jewelry repair workshop.
That's all the manipulations! Now your English castle is open, and you can freely remove the earring from your ear.
to contents ↑Recommendations
The English clasp for jewelry is made of the same metal as the earring itself - most often it is gold or silver. Since these metals are very soft and ductile, when using earrings you need to follow a few simple tips:
- You need to open the lock without much effort, and close it just as weakly - waiting for the first click. If the shvenza went further than the recess in the pin, this means that the lock is broken and requires immediate repair. If you try to repair it yourself, then you can bend or even break off the tip or half of the English fastener. Do not experiment, but entrust the repair to a professional.
- Remove earrings with an English lock before going to bed, playing sports, while visiting the pool or sauna, while washing and especially dyeing the hair of the head, when playing actively with children and when removing the woolen sweater over the head. So you will avoid not only breakage of the product, but also pricks of the clasp in the neck, as well as the loss of expensive gold jewelry.
- If you can’t cope with the opening of the English latch yourself, then call for help from households who can clearly see the whole mechanism and the essence of the whole problem.
- If this is the first time you encounter this type of clasp, then practice removing and putting on the earrings several times, so that later you can do this without any help.
- If you are unable to unfasten the English clasp, then drop a little olive or sunflower oil on the pin. After such actions, the mechanism will become more plastic and pliable.
- To remove earrings with an English lock, you can use tweezers, which you need to use very carefully, so as not to scratch expensive metal.
- The most important rule that you should remember before starting any manipulations with the puncture opening is to observe the rules of hygiene: wash your hands and disinfect your earlobe and jewelry with medical alcohol.
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We really hope that now you can easily remove earrings with an English lock. And the above recommendations will help you protect your favorite jewelry from various mechanical and chemical influences. Let your jewelry be not only beautiful, but also comfortable! Enjoy the shopping!
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