Do-it-yourself bracelets made of threads 🥝 easy ways and patterns of weaving

Bracelets are a great addition to any look, and it’s not necessary to spend time looking for him. You can make a beautiful and stylish decoration without leaving your home with your own hands. Weaving bracelets from threads is the most common way. Handmade jewelry will always be in fashion, as they are made exclusively according to the author’s intention, only in some cases masters use ready-made weaving patterns. The availability of materials from which such accessories are made is plentiful, and every day new ideas and schemes appear. In this article, we will describe in detail how to weave a bracelet from threads, beads, chains and other decorative elements. You will learn about what is a bauble, what are the ways to weave bracelets from threads and how to decorate this accessory.

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Bauble - what is it?

A bauble is an accessory in the form of a wrist bracelet made of interwoven threads, ribbons, beads and other materials. It is created manually in different ways and patterns of weaving. Now you can hardly surprise anyone with ordinary jewelry, and thanks to such bracelets you can catch more than one admiring glance on yourself. Many girls perceive a bracelet made of threads as a beautiful jewelry, and sometimes friendships between two people are laid in its creation. It is so nice to give it as a symbol of friendship and love, or just present it to a loved one!

Most often, such baubles are woven from threads, mainly - mouline thread. What color should the threads be - plain or multi-colored? The choice of color depends entirely on your idea and imagination:

  • You can, for example, weave a bracelet in one color, and at the end of the work - add beads, rhinestones or pendants.
  • On such products from threads various patterns, drawings and even inscriptions can be depicted.
  • Threads can be formed in such a way that each part of the bracelet has a certain shape: heart, rhombus, zigzag or wave.

Important! Do not forget that such jewelry can be worn by both girls and boys. In the male version, use darker shades of thread and decoration elements, for example, a Shambhala bracelet using black or wooden beads.

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Methods for weaving baubles

Making baubles is the knotting of four kinds of knots. Below, we will consider two ways to weave such an ornament - oblique and straight. Using such options, you can create interesting drawings and patterns that will differ not only in complexity, but also in the technique of execution.

Oblique weaving

Experienced craftsmen advise beginners to begin their career with creating bracelets from threads, using the oblique weaving method. At first glance, the schemes may seem complicated, but we assure you that this is not so.

The essence of oblique weaving is that knots fit in one direction: from right to left, or vice versa. We will examine in detail the simplest scheme - the classic three-color, which perfectly shows the principle of oblique weaving.

For work, it is necessary to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Mouline thread of three colors (length not less than 60 cm).
  • Pad and pin, clip or tape (for fixing work on the surface).
  • Scissors.

So, we begin work:

  1. At the first stage, you need to make a knot - the beginning of a bauble of threads. Using a pin, we attach the threads to the work surface so that they are motionless.
  2. In this case, we start weaving from left to right so as to tie two extreme threads into a knot, and hold the most extreme one.
  3. After that, the resulting node is transferred to the base of the baubles of thread. Then we make one more same node.
  4. We do the same manipulations with the remaining threads in the direction to the right. Thus, the outermost thread will tie two knots on the following threads.
  5. When the first row is gossip, you can start the next. It is done exactly the same as the first, but the color of the last thread will already be different.
  6. When the bauble becomes the length you need, tie the threads in one knot, and cut off the excess with scissors.

That's all, nothing complicated! Now you know how to weave a bracelet from threads.

Important! If you weave a bracelet from ribbons, then the ends of the finished jewelry can simply be sealed with fire.


Direct weaving

This is a rather complicated job that requires certain skills. Those who have mastered oblique weaving will find it easier to deal with this. The advantage of this method of weaving is a large selection of various patterns due to the fact that knitting knots occurs horizontally.

Such weaving moves first from right to left, and then vice versa. For the direct method, you need to learn how to weave a bauble of two colors, where one will be the background and the other will be knots.

Important! The second color will be much larger, since it will form a picture or pattern of the bracelet.

We proceed to the manufacture of the bracelet in a direct way:

  • First of all, you need to create a bobbin base from threads. To do this, you need to fold the threads in half, which will serve as the background for this bracelet.
  • On the one hand, which is closer to the bend, we tie a thread, which will be leading in the entire process of weaving.
  • We tie all the background threads with this thread so that the result is a beautiful, even loop.

Important! If you run out of thread during the weaving process, do not rush to be upset. The situation can be corrected by tying a new thread of the same color on the wrong side of the bracelet. The resulting nodule will be completely invisible to others.

  • In the next step, we knit certain knots on the background threads, gradually moving to the opposite side.
  • When the first row is ready, you can go to the second. The second row weaving will be carried out according to the same principle of action as in the first case, only in the opposite direction. Experienced craftsmen call this method “snake” or “wave”.

After practicing weaving bracelets from two colors of thread, you can try your hand at using more threads or start creating your own personal patterns.

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Mouline thread bracelet with a heart pattern

Such a romantic bracelet is well suited for jeans or a bright summer dress.

To make it, you need 4 threads of mouline thread - red and blue.

Step-by-step instruction for weaving:

  • Each color is laid out one by one and knotted with one knot, leaving a tip of about 8 cm for mounting on the surface.
  • We fix the material on the board and divide it in two - in each half there should be 4 threads of different colors. In each part, we lay out the threads symmetrically with respect to the opposite half to obtain a mirror reflection.
  • We start weaving on the left with a red thread, threading through the second one and we get a knot. We repeat these steps again, since it is necessary to do two nodules at once. We continue to weave the red thread around the third and fourth - eventually it will move to the center.

Important! We tighten the red thread well, since we need dense knots to create a seamless pattern. Do not forget to do 2 knots in a row - this is very important.

  • Now we turn to the right side - here we are doing the same work as with the left side, only the opposite - from right to left. If you do everything right, the right red thread will move to the center. This will mean that the first row is completed correctly.
  • In the same way weave the second row - move the leading extreme right and left threads to the center.
  • We form hearts. To do this, take the second blue thread and weave around the left extreme, fix with two knots. We do the same with the second half - we make binding around the right extreme thread.
  • Now again we take the left second thread, we make knots around the third and fourth so that it is in the middle.
  • We perform exactly the same manipulations with the right side - the second red thread.
  • The second thread on the left - we tie two knots around the leftmost thread.
  • Now you need to fill the heart with blue thread. To do this, we make knots around the third and fourth threads, heading to the center of the pattern.

Important! We repeat all the steps alternately in mirror image - first the left side, then the right, and do not forget about the heart. The figure will tell the further course of weaving knots.

  • Then weave the usual two rows - such as at the very beginning, and after - we proceed to the formation of the heart. We alternate two ways of weaving until the very end of the baubles.
  • When the bracelet comes up to your wrist, we knit all the threads, and cut off the excess part.
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Bracelet infinity

The execution of such a technique is quite complicated, but you can also figure it out. Believe me, the result will pleasantly surprise you!

For such a bracelet, we need threads of two colors (the choice of threads and color is at your discretion).

Consider a step-by-step master class:

  • The first step is to do 3-4 pieces of each color, about a meter in length.
  • We start weaving from threads of the same color. We take the left last thread and make a knot, laying it on the second thread. We make nodes alternately - from left to right. Using this method, we interlace the threads of a different color, but from right to left.
  • In the next step, we begin to interlace the strips of two colors. Starting from the middle of the bracelet, weave the left thread to the right side, and the right one to the left. That is, with a thread of one color we tie a series of knots on the threads of another color, and vice versa.

Important! As a result, a noticeable transition of different colors of threads from one side to the other should result.

  • Using the same technology, we continue to weave the bracelet to the desired length.
  • We finish the work with a strong knot and cut the excess thread with scissors.

Important! To decorate such a bracelet, you can use beads to match the color of the product itself or contrasting shades.

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Wish bracelets

This is a rather interesting bracelet that is woven both for the fulfillment of desires and for protection from the evil eye. This decoration can be found not only in children, but also in adults. Now it is the most popular.

Important! Weaving protective bracelets began in distant Israel. They believe that such a decoration serves as a charm against evil thoughts and even gives a person strength, luck in all his endeavors. The Slavs thought that such a bracelet could cure some human diseases. But in India, such a red thread means love for a loved one. Such a protective bracelet of desires takes place in such a teaching as Kabbalah.

To make such a bracelet, it is better to take a woolen thread of red color. On which hand to wear it is up to you, but there are certain differences in tying the thread on the right or left wrist:

  • if you wear a red thread on your left hand, then a person will protect himself from bad influence and thoughts;
  • if on the right, it will attract wealth and luck.

Weaving such jewelry can be done in different ways: by twisting two tows together, braiding with a pigtail and in other ways.

Important! Protective bracelets can be decorated with a variety of elements: a clover leaf, a blue eye from the evil eye, Jewish hamsa and other pendants.

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How to weave a bracelet of thread and beads?

Weaving such a piece of jewelry is quite simple, so even a beginner needlewoman can handle it. As a result, we get a stylish bracelet with a chain inside. Interesting? Then let's get started!

For work, we prepare:

  • Threads of green and pink color (length 1 meter).
  • Safety pin.

Getting to weaving decorations:

  • Fold the threads together in half, fix the knot so that a loop is formed at the bend. We pass the knot into the pin and begin to weave the bracelet.

Important! Please note that in the center there should be two main threads, and at the edges - workers. During weaving, the main threads must be tightly tightened.

  • After that we tighten two knots of green threads, then we bring them into the center so that the main threads become green.
  • In pink we make the same 2 knots, and then again we change the base thread, but already to pink. After these six pairs of nodes, three more green threads should follow.
  • We string a bead on the main threads, and after that we tie another three green knots.

Important! So repeat until the necessary length of the decoration is formed.

  • We divide the threads into two parts, weave them with a pigtail, tie them into a knot, and cut off all the excess.
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Thread bracelet - pattern with chain

Do you want an incredibly fashionable jewelry? Then combining threads with a chain is your option. Such an original decoration will become a real highlight of your image. Stay with us and you will learn how to weave a bracelet from threads with your own hands.

For work, take:

  • Two sets of floss pink and green (15 threads each).
  • Wide chain.
  • Invisible to hair.

Important! Threads should be about 4 times longer than your chain.

Getting started:

  1. We connect both parts to each other in a knot. We put invisibles on each bundle to easily stretch the threads through the links of the chain.
  2. From below we stretch a pink bundle through the first link. In the same way, only from above, we apply a green beam, we also thread through the first link. This weaving resembles the weaving of a normal braid from hair.
  3. We perform such manipulations with the rest of the links in the chain. Alternately weave the parts until the chain ends.
  4. At the end of the work, we fix the ends with a tight knot.

Important! In this case, we bound the bottom of the chain, and you can also process the other edge if desired.

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How to decorate bracelets?

The bracelet made of bright threads is certainly beautiful, but this does not mean that it cannot be supplemented with various jewelry.

Let's consider in more detail what you can add a beautiful woven bracelet:

  • Locks are the easiest way to decorate baubles.
  • Various suspensions can be picked up on a thread using a connecting ring: hearts, a lighthouse, letters, an infinity sign and much more.
  • Rhinestones can be glued to the finished bracelet using “Moment” glue or a glue gun, or you can buy a thread with ready-made rhinestones.
  • Beads or beads will perfectly decorate any slightly boring bracelet. They can be easily threaded or simply sewn in a ready-made accessory.
  • Spikes will add audacity to your new look, not only in the summer, but throughout the year.

Important! Before you want to decorate the bracelet with spikes, buy special mounts to fix the decor on the wrong side of the product.

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Now you know how to weave a bracelet of thread with your own hands. There is nothing complicated! From such simple and affordable material, you can give life to a new designer accessory. It is so interesting when, for every summer look, there is your own stylish jewelry made by yourself. Always be on top, because you deserve it!

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