How to sew a blouse from scarves?

In summer, it is better to wear bright and attractive outfits to attract the admiring glances of others. From this article you will learn how to sew a blouse from scarves and many other things from this material. You can believe that such an outfit will definitely not leave you unnoticed. The peculiarity of making clothes from purchased scarves is that the pattern does not need to be done at all. Such a product can be sewn even by a girl who has never picked up a needle and thread - for this work she will need only 2-3 hours. From silk scarves you can make not only blouses, but also original dresses, tunics - silk products will look very nice when walking along the beach.

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Method 1

For further work, you only need:

  • Two scarves (preferably silk) - sizes should be large enough.

Important! The colors of the scarves can be the same and contrasting - it all depends on your taste.

  • Chains to be used as straps.
  • Sewing machine.


You can make a dress or a blouse from scarves with your own hands, following the simple procedure:

  • Take the cooked matter.
  • Make two holes at the top of each scarf, thread the prepared straps into them.

Important! Holes need to be done, slightly shifted from the center of the silk fabric to the desired edge.

  • Fold both halves of the blouse with each other, lay the side seams.

The blouse is ready!

Important! It is better to wear such an element of clothing, decorate it with a neat belt that fits the design of the ornament on the scarves. It is better to fix the free edges of the product at the back - so your image will look neater and more feminine.

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Method 2

Consider how to make a dress with just three shawls. In order to please yourself with such an easy piece of clothing, it is recommended to observe a two-step algorithm:

  1. Sew adjacent sides of the panels without making the seam about 16 cm to the edge. There will be two pieces of fabric in front, one in the back.
  2. Sew on braid - it will play the role of straps.

Important! Wearing such a dress is better with a thin belt.

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Method 3

You do not need to do a pattern for a blouse from scarves with your own hands here either. Ultimately, you will have to get a dress that can be shortened under a blouse, or you can leave it as it is.

For further work, prepare the following materials:

  • Two large square silk shawls.
  • Two small scarves from the same material.
  • Sewing machine.

The following work consists of three stages:

  • Blouse. Put the handkerchief at an angle, tuck it inward and sew the tape from the wrong side.

Important! If necessary, you can lengthen a piece of fabric by cutting off a part from the bottom and sewing it partially on the back - so it will be easier to tie the back.

  • Skirt. Fold the corner inward, sew the tape from the wrong side, the same manipulations must be carried out with the second fabric. On the one hand, handkerchiefs must be combined by sewing them, and on the other, sew buttons. A do-it-yourself skirt from scarves is ready.

Important! To make the product asymmetric, one of the scarves can be shifted from the center line.

  • Belt. Next, the scarf must be folded into a triangular shape, then bent again so that a wide strip is obtained. Later, if desired, it can be sewn so that it does not lose shape.
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Method 4

Now let's try to make a piece of clothing that can be used both as a blouse and as a dress.

Materials for the manufacture of a garment:

  • Two identical large silk scarves.
  • Sewing machine.
  • A belt that matches the design of the material in color.

The work itself is very simple and consists of only two simple steps:

  1. Fold the prepared materials, walk along them with a machine seam along the shoulder line.
  2. Run side seams.

The dress is ready! It remains to choose a suitable belt for the product.

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Method 5

Before you sew a blouse from scarves, you must prepare the following items:

  • Two scarves of delicate colors.
  • Safety pins.
  • Scissors.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Tape measure.

The essence of the work is as follows:

  1. Fold each piece of prepared material in half.
  2. With safety pins, indicate where the center of the banner is.
  3. Mark on each silk piece the width of your shoulder.
  4. Chip two tissues along the marked shoulder line. The overlap should be in front.
  5. Measure and sew manually panels on the shoulder line.
  6. Measure the distance from the edge that is below the square to the waist.
  7. Also sew handkerchiefs with your own hands.

The blouse is ready!

Important! It is better to wear such a product with a wide, or - on the contrary, narrow belt.

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From this article you learned some original ways how to make a blouse from a scarf. Continue to create and maybe you will have your own original ideas for making such items of clothing.

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