How to sew a blouse?

Modern stores offer a huge assortment of women's clothing, so choosing something suitable that meets the needs of fashionistas with the most sophisticated preferences and requirements is not a problem. Often it happens that we find a thing of a good style, but something in it does not suit us, for example, fabric or decor. In this case, it is wiser to do the sewing of the desired clothes yourself. In this material, we will present several step-by-step master classes, which describe to the smallest details how to sew a blouse. Do not forget that stylish fashionable things give women a unique image that emphasizes their individuality.

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Features of the manufacture of simple women's blouses

In fact, they are incredibly diverse. Thanks to the huge selection, we can experiment in every way, try on a new image every day - seductive, strict, everyday, romantic, youth. If you decide to sew a white blouse, then you won’t fail, because now it is at the peak of popularity. You must admit that it is much easier to make an exclusive thing from quality material with your own hands than to run around the shops in search of the desired style. Homemade blouse will turn out elegant, ideally sitting on the figure. You will want to wear it constantly, combining with various options for trousers and skirts.

Chiffon and knitted blouses

The main thing here is not to spoil the material, because fabrics such as knitwear, satin and silk are quite finicky. You will have to stock up with enormous patience and perseverance to sew a blouse with your own hands.

Important! It is better to choose a simple pattern, especially if this is your first time doing needlework of such a plan.

These tips will certainly help you:

  • Fabric cutting should be done in only one layer, because when combined, the canvases often rise.
  • It is better to fasten the cut parts with the help of special weights, but not the usual pins.
  • If you do not want to spoil or cut the fabric, your pattern must have allowances for seams.
  • Only cut with sharpened scissors.
  • Adjust the sewing machine in advance so that the stitches are beautiful and even.
  • Set the stitch size lever to 2 mm.
  • Be sure to overcast the edges of the product with an overlock or zigzag seam.

Important! Please note that it will not be possible to sew clothes from knitwear or chiffon in haste, since in terms of cutting they are incredibly whimsical. Take ready-made patterns, so as not to spoil anything and get a quality thing as a result of the work done.


Peplum Blouses

Models with Basques give the female look a touch of modernity and original style. They returned to fashion relatively recently, but were able to linger on a fashionable peak. How to sew a beautiful peplum blouse?

You do not need to look for a pattern for its manufacture - it is sewn easily and simply. It is enough to carry out the following steps in stages:

  1. Take a blouse that sits well on the figure - it will become the basis. Knitted fabric is perfect.
  2. Transfer the silhouette of the old sleeveless sweatshirt to the lace fabric, open them beforehand.
  3. Use knitwear to create a new blouse, because it is stretchy and fits perfectly on you.
  4. Cut everything around the edges and sew the product.
  5. Work the edges.
  6. Make a basque. It can be any length.It is enough to take the fabric of the desired length, fold it four times to form a triangle. Trim the corner. Stitch the basques to the bottom of the future product.

Such clothes will please any fashionista, she has a simple design and perfectly hides the flaws of the figure.

Free cut models

Now we will consider how to sew a blouse with your own hands quickly and without a pattern, which is distinguished by a special style, popularly referred to as “The Bat”. The scheme of work is quite simple:

  1. At the first stage, use the scheme described in the previous version. Repeat all the steps involved in applying the desired fabric to the stencil.
  2. Then circle and draw the neck.
  3. Cut out the details, but do not touch the shoulder lines.
  4. Carefully cut the neckline.
  5. Sew the product, leaving room for the sleeves.
  6. Process overlock.

Your bat blouse is ready! So, having considered the simplest cut options, having a sewing machine, threads and scissors at home, you can create stylish and beautiful things for yourself and your family.

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How to sew an elegant blouse from an old shirt?

As it turned out in practice, you can sew on your own, even at first glance, difficult blouses with your own hands easily and quickly. Patterns can be taken ready-made or built with your own hands, because, as you have already seen, doing this is quite simple.

Important! The blouse option below is useful for a business meeting, a trip to work at the office.

You will need such a simple set to work:

  • Classic shirt.
  • Top that fits your size perfectly.
  • Lace fabric.
  • Scissors and threads.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Pins

You will be able to sew a blouse with your own hands without a pattern without a pattern, using this instruction:

  1. Lay out the shirt on a flat surface, then attach a top folded in half to it. Focusing on its neck, carefully cut the neck from the shirt to remove all unnecessary. Cut the armhole according to the same principle.
  2. If you don’t like the buttons on the shirt, cut them off and use it with the back. That is, the back of the shirt will be the back of the blouse. To make the product more elegant, cut out a piece of lace that completely repeats the front of the shirt in shape. Chip both parts with a pin, carefully aligning the edges of the product.
  3. It is time to try on a blouse - this will allow you to fit it in size, determine the armhole and neckline. Put it on, pin the details in the places where you want to make tucks with pins. Remove it, using an ordinary plate, adjust the neckline of the future neck.
  4. To make a fashionable blouse, sew a decorative collar with your own hands. To do this, use scraps of material left after working with the shirt. Cut four identical elements, that is, two for each part of the collar. Inside the face, connect the parts, pin them with pins, sew on a typewriter, leaving a couple of centimeters unstitched. Turn them out, sew this hole.
  5. Attach the resulting collar to the blouse, then on top lay the curved part cut from the remaining fabric, pin all the details with pins.
  6. Check the collar - it is necessary that there are no folds on it. If all is well, then boldly sew. Tuck the collar, then iron, cut all the threads sticking out of it.
  7. Now you should make the sleeves. You can make them from the sleeves of the shirt that we previously cut off. They will have to be narrowed down a bit. Sweep the parts along the upper and lower edges, gently pull the thread so that they narrow to the desired size.
  8. Turn the blouse inside out, take the sleeves to it, aligning their upper part with shoulder seams and the lower part with side seams. Adjust all the assemblies, pin them together and sew the parts. Cuffs can be made on the sleeves below. It is enough to cut a rectangle out of the fabric, fold it in half, then sew on the wrong side. Then unscrew the upper part, iron it with an iron.
  9. It remains only to process the bottom of the blouse. It must be tucked 1 cm, chopped with pins, stitched on a typewriter. Then turn the product on the front side, iron.

Now you probably know how to sew a simple blouse with your own hands for beginners from improvised materials. It can be combined with classic skirts, trousers, even jeans.

Important! Do not be afraid to experiment with accessories and shoes, since such clothes allow you to create stylish and original images.

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How to sew a light tunic blouse?

In any wardrobe, a light summer blouse will find its place. With your own hands, even a novice seamstress can do it. Before you begin, prepare the following:

  • Silk or satin material, approximately 75 cm. Its quantity is determined by the desired length of the product plus a couple of centimeters for allowances.
  • Threads matching the shade of the fabric.
  • Needles for knitwear or thin fabrics.

Next, follow this diagram:

  1. Fold the material in four layers face to face.
  2. Open the tunic right on the fabric. First place a towel or blanket under the material to stabilize it. Flatten everything carefully and pin it with needles. With a soap or a chalk, draw lines of a pattern.
  3. Cut out all the elements of the pattern so that you get two identical parts - the back and the front.
  4. Machine cut sections of sleeves and necks. Tuck the edges of the product, stitch on a typewriter. Fold again and sew as close to the first seam as possible.
  5. Stitch side and shoulder seams with a linen seam. Fold the product on the wrong side first, then sew.
  6. Turn the product inside out, once again stitch the seam.
  7. Trim the bottom of the blouse, process in the same way as the neck.

Your tunic is ready, it can be decorated with a thin belt or some other interesting accessory.

Important! According to the same pattern, you can sew a blouse for obese women who are constantly trying to hide their shortcomings, but do not like to wear too baggy clothes.

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As you can see, there are a lot of options for blouses. In this article, we have offered you the simplest ways of sewing, having tested which and getting a good result, you can proceed to the manufacture of more complex models of clothing.

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