How to sew a denim jacket with your own hands?

We all want to look stylish and tasteful. Over time, denim clothing, which has a special density and natural composition, is gaining more and more popularity. A variety of denim jackets to this day are quite a fashionable thing in the wardrobe of every person, it is especially fashionable to wear jackets with fur. Of course, any women's and men's clothes can be bought, but why overpay if, for example, no less interesting outerwear can be sewn from old jeans. For sewing such a jacket, you can use different types of material - stretch, denim, chambray, jim, broken twill, eikru. You can also download various patterns on the Internet for free. Regardless of whether you will buy fabric or use the one that you have, you will save a lot. Today we will figure out how to sew a denim jacket with our own hands.

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Simple idea of ​​tailoring a denim jacket

So, we came to the most important thing - tailoring a fashionable denim jacket. Today we will look at several ways to make such clothes with our own hands. Since denim varieties of fabric are quite dense and pliable, it will not be difficult to work. Patterns can be made in many ways. Which ones? You will learn more about this later.

For tailoring jeans and the work itself we need:

  1. Ready pattern.
  2. Any denim fabric 2 meters long.
  3. Filler (preferably synthetic winterizer).
  4. Lining fabric optionally 1.5 meters long.
  5. Fur collar made of natural or artificial pile.
  6. Threads in tone of fabric.
  7. Needle.
  8. Scissors
  9. Sewing machine.
  10. Elements for decoration.

Important! In this case, the length of 2 meters includes all the details of the pattern. As a result, you should get a jacket to the lower back (to the tailbone). Keep in mind that the size directly depends on your parameters and personal preferences.


Getting started:

  • To start, we make a pattern. Many examples are presented on the Internet. The most important rule is to build cutting according to your personal sizes, taking into account all allowances for seams and other elements of sewing.
  • We transfer all the elements of the pattern to the fabric and synthetic winterizer.
  • Next, we sew the filler to the selected denim, making horizontal lines to fix the padding polyester inside the jacket.
  • Sew pre-cut pockets to the side seam, bending the edges to the wrong side.

Important! In order to prevent the pocket from clinging inside the product, it can be sewn manually to the connection line of the two front halves.

  • We sew two shoulder seams on a typewriter.
  • Now we sew the cut sleeves to the upper shelves and grind the side seams.
  • We take a pre-cut lining fabric and sew on already sewn lines of synthetic winterizer.

Important! Do not forget to overcast the edges of the lining.

  • On the wrong side of the fur collar, you need to sew a strip of similar denim.
  • We sew the collar to the neck of the jacket with our own hands.
  • We decorate the product at our discretion - embroidery, rhinestones, spikes, lace, inscriptions and other elements of decoration.

Important! In this master class, you can sew a men's jeans jacket. Leave it in a classic version or make it brighter - the customer decides, and you just fulfill his pleasant whim.

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How to make a denim jacket pattern? Technology features

How to sew a denim jacket and properly build a pattern? Before you start sewing a jacket, you need to make a pattern, based on personal measurements taken, since the basic pattern provides only the component parts of the product.

What measurements should be taken?

You need to measure the following parameters:

  • Half chest circumference.
  • Half Waist.
  • Hip line half girth.
  • The width of the chest.
  • The length of the back.
  • The length of the desired product.
  • Shoulder width (from the neck to the beginning of the arm).
  • Arm length (depends on your preference).

If necessary, you can make changes to the pattern, changing, for example, the usual classical form to a more unusual one.

Important! All allowances for seams must be taken into account precisely on the pattern, otherwise the fabric will already be cut out and you will not be able to fix anything. If you choose stretch fabric, then slightly reduce the allowances, as such material stretches well.


Stitching and Decorating a Stitched Denim Jacket

To give our product a factory look, it is necessary to purchase the right accessories, which will be no worse than the one used for sewing branded clothing, namely:

  • Durable denim threads.
  • Normal threads for overcasting.
  • Zippers (preferably metal).
  • Buttons and rivets.

Important! The remnants of the fabric can be used favorably, for example, to sew the original jacket for your child, complementing the product with your favorite characters on a glue basis. A bold decision will be the pattern of pockets, collar and other elements from a completely different fabric that is more contrasting in color. In decorating children's clothing, you can show all your creativity.

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How to sew a jacket from old jeans?

Just don’t try to throw away your family’s old jeans. Of these, you can sew an excellent warm jacket without having much experience in cutting and sewing.

We prepare the necessary materials and tools:

  • Two pairs of old jeans (preferably the same density and color).
  • Woolen jacket.
  • Lining fabric.
  • Full length metal zipper.
  • Two beautiful buttons.
  • Threads in tone of fabric.
  • Thick needle.
  • Scissors.
  • Thimble.
  • Sewing machine.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. We are looking for a ready-made pattern for sewing a denim jacket.
  2. Next, take the necessary measurements.
  3. We transfer everything to paper, excluding details such as collar and sleeves. If there are no pockets in the basic pattern, then we model them with our own hands, since in this master class they are included in the product.
  4. Add allowances for seams and tucks.
  5. We pick up 2 pairs of old jeans, wash, steam well and cut them into pieces so that the left and right parts are in harmony with your pattern.
  6. Transfer the pattern to the fabric, cut out all the details.
  7. Now it's time for a warm sweater, which serves as the basis for a denim jacket. Adjust the front and back of the jeans on the jacket along the side seams, forming tucks. The front and back denim should consist of two halves sewn together by one central seam.
  8. Stitch the zipper in the front of the jacket, grabbing a woolen collar.
  9. Now we attach the pockets, make a loop and sew buttons.
  10. At the final stage, we sew the lining to all the details of the jacket.

That's all! Warm jeans jacket is ready!

Important! If you knit well, then the sleeves and collar can be made of durable wool yarn, and then just sew on, following the steps described above.

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DIY denim jacket for a girl

When spring or autumn comes, many parents think about buying a solid demi-season jacket. Unfortunately, now clothes are quite expensive, so we will show how to sew outerwear for children on their own with minimal cost. You only need to spend 2-3 evenings creating an original item for your princess.

So, we will prepare everything you need, namely:

  • Denim.
  • Lining fabric (in this case we use flannel).
  • Threads in color.
  • 5 buttons for a fastener.

We begin to sew a denim jacket on a girl with our own hands:

  1. We take all the necessary measurements from the child's blouse, and the sleeves must be re-measured on the model.
  2. We transfer all measurements to denim, taking into account bends of 1-2 cm on the side seams, and on the sleeves and bottom - 4 cm.
  3. Sew together the back with the front, and then sew the sleeve to the shoulder seam.
  4. The bottom of our children's jacket will be decorated with small assemblies that need to be taken into account when creating the pattern.
  5. Now we need to sew together the upper and lower parts of the jacket, forming 3-5 small assemblies.
  6. We cut out all the details of outerwear from the lining fabric and sew it with jeans material, making additional lines in the shoulders and at the side seams of the product.
  7. We make holes along the edge of the two sides of the front of the jacket and fasten the fasteners.
  8. We bend the bottom a few times, and then sew on.
  9. We decorate the jacket with a satin flower or cartoon applique.

The children's jacket is sewn, it remains only to ask the opinion of the most important expert!

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Now you know how to sew a denim jacket with your own hands. Agree, this is not so difficult. This versatile outerwear goes well with both jeans and other things - trousers, skirts and shorts. A denim jacket can be worn as a light decoration or as a warm protection against the cool wind. Imagine, create, experiment!


