How to sew a t-shirt?

Beautiful, original, high-quality clothes are sold in modern stores, so picking up something specific for yourself is not a problem. But it’s much better to purchase no less good, fashionable, durable fabric, to make some thing out of it with your own hands. If you have a sewing machine at home, then this article is definitely useful to you, because in it we will tell you how to sew a T-shirt yourself. Here we describe in detail how to complete each step in order to get a quality item.
to contents ↑How to sew a knitted women's t-shirt on your own?
To sew a t-shirt from knitwear with your own hands, prepare, in addition to the fabric, another small piece of material that will play the role of elastic. It will also require materials for the manufacture of pockets, necks and edging armholes.
The sewing process itself looks like this.
Creating a pattern:
- Use the ready-made option or just take your old T-shirt or shirt, copy its details on special paper.
- There is an option even easier - to tear up old clothes, carefully iron each seam, transfer the dimensions of all elements to paper.
Important! This T-shirt is not fastened in front, so you should make the neck a little more than the volume of your head.
Pocket processing
On the left we’ll make a patch pocket from a finishing fabric-gum, contrasting in color with the main material.
Important! This element is quite complex, so for the first time doing sewing clothes, discard this venture.
But if you decide firmly that it is necessary:
- Overcast the top pocket section, then iron all sides.
- It is better not to use pins, it is more appropriate to catch it with threads, only you need to make sure that they do not fall on the machine line.
Important! In this case, before you sew a jersey from a jersey with a pocket, learn to use an awl.
Edging of the armhole and neck:
- Prepare a fringe strip for the gum fabric. Calculate its width and length yourself, taking into account your own taste and size of the future t-shirt.
- Process with its help the neck and armhole according to the already known scheme.
Processing of shoulder and side seams:
- First, connect two parts of the product with pins or sweep them, then grind the shoulder seams.
- Using overlock, process all the seams.
Armhole Processing:
- Along the armhole of the product, notice the edging strip, then overlock this seam with an overlock.
- Then, flatten the seam from the front.
- Fold the sides of the T-shirt together, check their length again, cut off all the excess.
- Sweep or pin the sides with pins.
- Overlock work on parts that are folded together.
Neck Processing:
- Fold the shoulder seams together before marking the neck.
- Then divide it into four equal parts.
- Proceed to its processing inlay.
- Processing takes place in the same scenario as the armhole. Only the strip for the neck should be connected with the overlock into a single whole.
- Make the edging a little smaller along the neckline; it is advisable to attach it to the neckline before sewing it, divide it into four segments and mark it with chalk.
- Use stationery clips instead of basting thread and pins.
- Neaten the seam of the neck, while pulling the trim slightly.
Important! Make sure that the marks on the fabric and inlay match exactly.
- After stitching the neckline, iron the seam.
T-shirt hem:
- Fold the bottom of the product, iron the hem carefully.
- Using a typewriter, fasten the hem; sew the seam from the wrong side.
- Iron the hem with a steam iron.
T-shirt is ready!
to contents ↑Important! At all stages of the work, do not forget to remove the pins in a timely manner, otherwise - you risk breaking the overlock, the machine and getting hurt badly.
How to sew a children's t-shirt with your own hands?
There are lots of ideas how to sew a t-shirt with your own hands. For beginners, it is the options for sewing children's clothing that are suitable, because it is easier to make it than things for adults. Here you can show your imagination as much as possible, do something unusual, attach interesting buttons, buttons or stripes. This is probably why many women begin to do needlework during the decree. Now you will learn how to sew a knit fabric t-shirt for your child.
Before you sew a T-shirt with your own hands, prepare:
- 0.5 m green light summer fabric.
- A small piece of gray knitwear with the addition of elastin.
- White and black material for creating applique.
- Glue calico or non-woven.
- Black lace.
- A small piece of paper to create a pattern.
- Needles.
- Threads.
- Tailoring pins.
- Sewing machine.
Production of children's t-shirts is carried out according to the following instructions:
- Take advantage of the finished pattern. Print it on standard paper, then cut and glue all the details, as a result - you will get a template for sewing the product. Fasten the back, front and sleeve patterns to the fabric with pins. The template should be as close to the fold line of the fabric.
- Remove all elements, make additional allowances for 7 mm seams on all sides, the only exception is bending. Lay out all the details right in front of you to see which T-shirt will turn out in the end.
- Make an applique. For example, Shaun the lamb. Use the template of this cartoon hero. It should have a head, torso, hairstyle and ponytail. Cut a pattern, according to it, cut out the details, while the head will turn out black, the rest of the details will be white.
- Make a leg of lamb out of lace. Cut it into four segments of the required length, tie knots on one side, melt the ends of the lace to fix the knot as much as possible.
- The legs will have to be hidden under the applique, but since the lace is quite voluminous, it will not work immediately to flash it with the body. First, cut the body of a lamb calico or non-woven flap, place it directly above the legs and quickly glue it by pressing it with a heated iron.
- Put a body of white material on top, fix it with pins.
- Sew the torso manually with white threads, using a seam over the edge of the fabric. As a result, we have a seam that looks like a smooth surface.
- Sew the rest of our fairy-tale beast in the same way. Embroider eyes with black and white threads.
- Start assembling the product from the shoulder seams. Since knitted fabric is used, a straight seam is not appropriate here. It is better to additionally process the edges so that they do not open. Fold the back and front face to face, sweep your shoulders and stitch.
- From gray fabric, cut strips for sleeves and neck. It is easy to calculate the required amount of material - it is enough to measure the length of the neck using a pattern, taking into account the back and front. Then a third should be subtracted from this figure to get the length of the gray segment.
- Combine all the pieces into a bagel and stitch in this form.
- Sweep the neck to the base by turning the gray fabric with the edge up. Spread the neck evenly, fix it on the left shoulder, attach the remaining fabric to the T-shirt.
- Unscrew the neck, stitch on the front side. The seam is best done elastic so that it stretches.
- Attach one sleeve to the base so that its face aligns with the face of the base. Then take it. Overdue in a zigzag seam. Repeat the same procedure with the second sleeve.
- Process the side seams and sleeves in a zigzag seam, starting from the bottom of the shirt to the armpits.
- Sew the gray fabric to the sleeves, while stretching it slightly to keep track of where the machine needle falls.
- Fold the bottom of the shirt and sew it.
Stock footage
Now you know how to sew a T-shirt on a sewing machine and using an overlock for an adult or a child. You can wear such things on walks, wear on country trips. Your child will be delighted with such a new thing that replenished his bright, colorful, interesting wardrobe.
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