How to sew a sweater with a basque?

A peplum blouse is not only a trend of this season, but also a basic thing that should be in every woman’s wardrobe. She is able to complement the overall outfit, make it more elegant and emphasize the female waist. Today, such things are not cheap and, unfortunately, not every fashionista can afford such an expensive purchase. But do not get upset. We will tell you how to sew a jacket with a Basques on your own. In addition to the fact that it will cost you much less than the purchase of a new product, but also in the wardrobe you will have the trendy thing of individual tailoring.

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Let's plunge a little into history

Such a fashionable element of women's wardrobe appeared in the XVI century. At that time, the Basque was part of the Basque costume, who lived in the northwestern part of Spain. It was from there that she got her name.

Like most elements of the wardrobe of a modern woman, the basque was originally part of the men's suit and was widely used in the court of Queen Victoria. After some time, this element gradually began to move into a women's wardrobe, rapidly gaining popularity. In those days, it was made in the form of numerous assemblies that were attached at the waist level.

Starting from the XVII and XIII centuries, the Basque has migrated exclusively to the women's wardrobe and has become its integral part. And in the twentieth century, she was officially “brought” to the couturier cristour Cristobal Balenciaga. After that, other designers began to include Basques in their collections, and they still do so today.

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Why are the fair sex so fond of the Basques?

The reason for this popularity was that the Basques, as not one other element of the women's wardrobe, is able to visually reduce the waist and give expressiveness to the figure of each woman, emphasize all its advantages, hide visible flaws. For girls whose waist line is not too pronounced, the Basque helps to identify it, visually enlarge the hips. That is why this element of the women's wardrobe every year is becoming more and more popular and in demand.

Important! Basque is a rather universal thing, but if the style is incorrectly selected and combined with other types of clothes, it can not only ruin the image, but also emphasize all the shortcomings of your figure.

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What can I wear with a peplum blouse?

This top is best combined with skirts and trousers, which will also emphasize your figure.

Combine a peplum blouse and skirts:

  • The most ideal option is to combine such a top with a pencil skirt.

Important! When choosing this outfit, you should remember that the narrower the skirt, the much more advantageous and more beautiful the peplum will look.

  • Short peplum blouse and mini length skirt. Such an outfit will give your image additional flirtation. The most important thing is that the length of the peplum should not overlap the length of the skirt.
  • A duet with a narrow maxi length skirt. This is ideal for an evening party or graduation party. The blouse embroidered with beads or embroidery and the fishtail-style skirt will not leave anyone indifferent, and you will become the queen of the evening.

Important! If we summarize the above recommendations, it becomes clear that the skirt can be of any color and length.A mandatory fact is the fitting style of the skirt and the presence of high-heeled shoes.

Peplum Blouse + Pants

As with skirts, the styles of trousers should also be extremely tight. Therefore, the best option is to combine it with jeans, leggings or jeggings. For the office, narrowed trousers of a classic style with arrows will be appropriate.

Important! In order to further emphasize your waist and complement the outfit, you can safely use a belt fastened at the waist level. It can be ordinary fabric, leather, or all kinds of bows. In this case, everything depends entirely on your taste preferences.

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We sew basques on our own

The peplum belt is a universal accessory that can complement absolutely every women's outfit. You can make such a belt yourself. For this you will need:

  • 07-1 meter fabric 140 centimeters wide;
  • Scissors;
  • Threads in color;
  • Needles;
  • Centimeter;
  • Tailor marker or crayon;
  • Tailor pins;
  • Sewing machine.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Fold the fabric four times. In the upper part, measure a quarter of the waist circumference, and to the bottom - the length of the future product.
  2. Cut two such parts for the front and the wrong side.
  3. Using a sewing machine, the bottom of the workpiece and side seams should be sewn.
  4. Cut the belt. Its width depends entirely on your taste preferences.
  5. Iron all workpieces well.
  6. Sew the belt to the product.
  7. Attach a hidden zipper to the side seam.

Important! If you are engaged in needlework, you can additionally embroider the basques with thread or embroider with beads.

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Sew a peplum blouse

Self-tailoring of products is not only much cheaper than acquiring a new one, but also allows you to have a unique thing that is made taking into account the characteristics of your particular figure. In order to sew a peplum blouse with your own hands, you will need:

  • Tissue cut;
  • Threads in tone;
  • Needles;
  • Base pattern;

Important! You can build a pattern yourself or use one of your favorite blouses for these purposes.

  • Tailor pins;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Centimeter;
  • Tailor's marker and remnant.


When all the materials are prepared, you can begin to work:

  • If you have built a new pattern, then you should transfer it to the fabric. As for the use of other, older patterns, in this case, the transfer of the pattern to the fabric should be done after you transfer the darts from the waist to the chest.

Important! If your pattern is uneven, you need to bend the fabric in half and thus correct.

  • Add a few centimeters of allowances to the drawing and cut out the elements of the future product.
  • Sweep away all the blanks of the future blouse. At this stage, you can make some adjustments, after which - sew with a sewing machine.

Important! The future product needs to be cut along the waistline, since it is the basque that will be sewn to it.

  • The next step will be the manufacture of the Basques. To do this, cut out 2 strips from the fabric, the width of which is equal to the triple volume of the waist, and the length will be determined purely according to your desire.
  • Sew the strips together.
  • Using tailor pins, lay the folds and sweep them.
  • Ready basques attached to the blouse.

Important! Depending on the type of fabric, there is a need to secure a hidden zipper in the side seam of the finished product. This applies to dense and natural fabrics that have poor stretchability.

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We sew an elegant suit

In addition to a simple peplum belt and blouse, you can also sew a suit, which can be either an element of a daily wardrobe or a cocktail outfit. It all depends on the type of fabric and accessories that you choose. The most popular today is a peplum blouse and a midi-length pencil skirt.

Sewing blouses

The process of tailoring a suit you need to start with tailoring a blouse:

  • Using the old pattern, about 6 centimeters should be put on the back and front for the depth of the armhole.

Important! This parameter is purely individual and is determined taking into account the features of your figure, so you can change it.

  • Transfer tucks from waist to chest.
  • Using the pattern, draw the reliefs of the front and back of the product.
  • Cut the pattern along the new relief lines.
  • The breast upper tuck needs to be cut and closed on the front half of the blouse.
  • A small groove that has formed on the front of the blouse should be closed during the modeling process.
  • The finished pattern needs to be ironed and aligned.
  • Independently adjust the depth of cut of the blouse by adding a couple of centimeters for stock.
  • Next, make a basques. To do this, it is necessary to postpone the length of the future basque from the front and rear slats on the pattern.
  • From the waist line to the left and right side at a right angle, again postpone the length of the future product. Using a compass, draw a quarter circle.
  • Using the pattern, you need to connect the lines to the side.
  • Transfer the pattern to the fabric, and then cut out all the elements and sew.


Tailoring skirts

Once you have finished working with a blouse, you can immediately safely proceed to sewing a skirt. To do this, you need to know the following parameters:

  • The length of the skirt, then DU;
  • Hips, then AB;
  • Waist circumference, then FROM;
  • The length from the waist to the widest part of the thigh, then DTB.

We sew with our own hands a skirt for a peplum blouse:

  • The sewing process should begin with the construction of the pattern. Draw a rectangle with a length equal to DU + 20 centimeters, and a width equal to OB / 4 + 4 centimeters. Put a mark on DTB.
  • In order to draw a waistline, the OT parameter must be divided by 4 and add 3 centimeters. The resulting value should be offset from the right side, starting from the top width of the rectangle. We connect this point with the mark DTB.
  • Step back from the bottom of the outer edge of 6 centimeters. Draw a line to it from the DTB point.
  • Fold the fabric in half. Further from the finished pattern you need to cut 2 blanks.
  • Fold the two halves of the skirt facing each other, stitch and trim the edges.

Important! In order for the seams not to spread, it is necessary to process the edges with an overlock. If this is not the case, you can simply leave about 0.5-1 cm of allowances.

  • For the waist, fold the fabric twice 3 cm wide and sew with a sewing machine using a “zigzag” stitch.
  • You hem the bottom of the finished product in the same way as the belt, only the width of the tack should be 1.5-2 centimeters.

That's all, your guest is ready!

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As you can see, sew a blouse with a Basque with your own hands is a very simple task, which even a novice can do. The most important thing is to turn on your imagination, and by applying the above tips and recommendations in practice, sew an absolutely unique thing that only you will own.

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