How to sew a jumpsuit for a newborn with their own hands? Patterns

How to sew a jumpsuit for a newborn with their own hands? Patterns Such clothes for babies are of interest to many young mothers who like to needlework. Even before the baby is born, a woman has an irresistible desire to do something for her child with her own hands. Even those who had no idea about sewing and knitting, are beginning to become interested in this topic. Probably, you can not meet mommy who would not tie her scarf to her son or daughter. Of course, you can buy clothes for a child, now the choice is huge, but it’s so nice to do it yourself, to put a piece of your love and warmth in a thing.

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Practical clothes for the smallest

Hats, scarves, mittens, socks - the most popular products of “mom's handmade”. And for those who like to sew more than knit, we can offer a couple of models of children's overalls. According to most parents, overalls are the most comfortable clothes. If earlier in the wardrobe of the baby there were sliders, vests, socks, mittens, scratches, now this whole set can be completely replaced with one overalls.

Light jumpsuit is also called “slip” or “little man”. So, this very “little man” is not so difficult to sew with your own hands, if there is a sewing machine. You will find fabric for tailoring in any specialized store. Sewing overalls, even insulated, will not take much time. So uncover the machine, and go!

Since you need to have several light little overalls for the season, you can get your hand on them, and then confidently sew and warm.

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DIY overalls

How to sew a jumpsuit for a newborn from light fabric? First of all, you need to take care of the availability of all necessary materials.

You will need:

  • Cotton jersey of a calm shade.

Important! For sewing clothes of size 56, a cut of 0.5x1 m is enough.

  • Knitted trim or riban for finishing the neck and other details.
  • Linen buttons and a press for them.
  • Threads in tone of fabric.
  • Doublerin.
  • Sewing machine and sewing supplies.
  • Iron.
  • Colored patches for decor.

Important! Before sewing, it is recommended to wash and iron the fabric so that the finished product does not decrease and does not deform after the first wash.



  • Having prepared all the necessary materials, transfer the overalls pattern to the fabric, taking into account the location of the shared thread and adding allowances to the seams.

Important! Add 1.5 cm to the bottom of the sleeves, 0.7 cm is enough for the rest of the seams.

  • If you want to decorate the slip with an applique, then cut out the details from the colored rags, reinforce them with a doubler on the back. It can be, for example, a funny elephant with three colorful balls.
  • In order not to complicate your work afterwards, sew the application immediately to the desired part of the overalls. Sew it first, and then carefully sew it on the machine.

Important! To prevent parts from moving during sewing, rotate the fabric with the needle down. At the end of the decor you need to steam it with an iron.

  • Next, collect the jumpsuit.It is very convenient to grind parts using an overlock, but this is provided that you have it. Start with shoulder seams. Then sew sleeves into the armholes.

Important! It is recommended to first notice that everything is evenly laid down, the middle of the sleeve ridge coincides with the shoulder seam.

  • Sew a gusset to the back. It is also better to notice it first, so that it is located strictly in the center.
  • Then sew an inlay over the neckline, line of fasteners, bottom of the sleeves. Sew and steam with an iron. Cut the lower corners of the neckline near the neck, and sew the upper corners to the neck.

Important! Make tension on curved areas looser.

  • At the next stage of sewing, fasten the bar for the buttons (length - 22 cm). And also bend inward the allowances on the sleeves, stitch with a knitted zigzag.
  • Sew trouser legs and fasteners with a single seam. Similarly, with a single seam, sew the bottom of the sleeves and sides.
  • At the last stage of the work, sew on the bottom of the leg of the track (first the socks, then the soles).

Important! If you are not sure that you will immediately be able to sew evenly, pre-accept.

  • It remains only to fix the buttons on the bar. Make the distance between them about 5 cm. Do not forget that there must be one button in the center of the gusset and two on two sides of it, just below.

Important! From the rest of the fabric, if possible, you can sew mittens (“scratches”) and a bonnet on the strings.

If you need a warmer jumpsuit, you can sew a similar model from warm soft knitwear.

Important! A very good option for tailoring children’s overalls is “Capiton” jersey. This is a soft multi-layer knitwear with a relief pattern. If sew a jumpsuit for a newborn from the capitone, he will not only look very beautiful, but also give the baby a sense of comfort.

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How to sew a jumpsuit for a newborn on cuffs for home?

As practice shows, the jumpsuit on the cuffs, although not as comfortable as with socks, but it lasts longer. If the whole man in a couple of weeks may be small, then the jumpsuit on the cuffs can last up to 4 months.

What will be needed for sewing?

  • 0.5 m of children's knitwear (if on a newborn).
  • Ribana cut (or another highly extensible knitwear measuring 10x150 cm).
  • Doublerin.
  • Sewing supplies.
  • Buttons and press for their installation.


  • To start, print and transfer the pattern with chalk to the fabric, while taking into account the location of the shared thread (place the details along it).

Important! As a rule, the pattern is designed for size 56. If your child is larger or you sew for growth, then it needs to be increased in length and breadth. Do not forget about seam allowances. You should have two sleeves, two parts of the front and back.

  • From ribans we cut cuffs for sleeves and trousers (4 pieces 8x17 cm), as well as a collar and 2 straps for buttons (31x5 cm).
  • With a doubler, we strengthen the fastener strips so that they keep their shape. We attach these planks to the central edge of the front planks. Sections are preferably treated with an overlock or knitted zigzag.
  • At a distance of 0.5 cm from the plank on the front side of the shelves, we lay a seam along the plank. In the lower part of the plank, we overlap one on the other and fix it with a seam.
  • Now connect the back to the front. We start with the shoulder seams, then we sew in the sleeves, and then we connect the bottom of the sleeves and the side of the overalls with a single seam.
  • It remains to sew the step seams. If you are not sure that you will be able to stitch the parts evenly the first time, then we sweep them first. After all the seams are laid, process the sections.
  • Now we sew the cuffs. Fold the cuffs face inwards and sew them into a ring. Twist, fold in half, put a sleeve (trouser leg) inside, align the edges and lay a stitch at a distance of 0.7 cm from the edge. Cut the slices.

Important! In order for the cuff on the jumpsuit to look beautiful, it should already be sleeves. The cuff needs to be slightly stretched while sewing.

  • The collar detail is folded in half and swept to the neck.Both ends of the gate that are adjacent to the bar of the fasteners need to be tapered obliquely. When you have placed everything exactly, sew on a typewriter and process the slices. On the front side of the overalls, lay the finishing line at a distance of 0.7 cm from the neck. It remains only to fix the buttons on the bar using a special press.

Important! In general, there are many patterns of overalls for newborns on the sites of needlewomen. They are all very similar to each other. There are patterns of slips that have a different arrangement of fasteners: the front bars are overlapped relative to each other, the upper has a corner on which two buttons are located.

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How to sew a jumpsuit for a newborn for the cold season?

You will need such a jumpsuit for the home, when the heating is still not on, damp and cold, and on the street, in late spring, early autumn, on a cool summer evening. This model will be with a hood. DIY sewing overalls for a newborn from warmer fabric is as simple as from thin.

What is needed for sewing?

  • Velor, fleece, knitted fabric with fleece, another elastic warm fabric, comfortable for the baby (115x150 cm).
  • Doublerin.
  • Slanting inlay 1.5 cm wide.
  • Elastic band 1 cm wide.
  • Buttons with a press.
  • Sewing supplies.


  • First print the pattern for sewing overalls, then transfer it with chalk to the fabric, taking into account the margin for seams of 1.5 cm.
  • First sew the parts along the back seam. Then sew the sleeves on the back and front parts of the jumpsuit.
  • Sew the hood separately: sew tucks on it, and then connect the side parts to the middle.
  • Fasten the doubler with the bead, sew it to the front of the overalls.
  • Now sew the hood to the neckline.
  • After that, sew the tape on the sections of the hood and parts of the front.
  • Lay side and step seams.
  • Fold the bottom of the sleeves and trousers 1.5 cm and sew so that later you can insert the elastic inside. We leave a couple of centimeters not stitched, we insert an elastic band, and only now we finish the seam.

Important! You can sew decorative ropes around the edges of the hood so that it can be tied in windy weather.

  • The last step is to place the buttons. They will need 7-8. Using a press, set them at an equal distance from each other.

Important! At will, you can decorate the jumpsuit with something. It can be embroidery, applique. An interesting option would be to sew ears on the hood: bear, hare, cat ears or foxes. Thus, your baby will look even more charming.

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How to sew a jumpsuit for a newborn for walking outdoors in cold weather?

An insulated overalls, sewn by yourself, will cost less than the store. Sewing it is a little more complicated than previous models, and it will take more time, but the result will please you. It will be a jumpsuit with closed legs and a hood.

You will need:

  • Fabric for the top (waterproof, non-marking), for example, raincoat fabric, nylon, mixed fabric.
  • Lining fabric (nylon, knitwear, cotton).
  • Sintepon or other practical insulation.
  • Lightning.
  • Sewing supplies.


  • At the beginning of the work, as always, we print out the patterns and transfer them to the fabric of the top, lining and insulation.
  • First, we attach the insulation to the details of the upper fabric (backs, shelves, sleeves, etc.).

Important! Adjust the machine a bit so that there are no skews - increase the stitch length and loosen the thread tension.

  • We assemble the front of the shelf from three parts.
  • Further along the middle sections we collect the details of the back.
  • Now we connect the central part of the shelf with the lateral parts of the overalls. Do not touch those sections where lightning will be sewn.
  • We connect the shelf with the back along the shoulder sections.
  • Now we sew the sleeves into the armholes, and also lay a single seam along the bottom of the sleeves and side sections of the future overalls.
  • Sew the bottom of the sleeves and trousers, and it remains to sew in zippers that go from the neck obliquely to the middle of the legs.

Important! If you want, you can decorate embroideries or appliqués before the jumpsuit. It’s better to decorate the decor at this stage, since then you will sew in the lining.

  • After you have cut out parts that repeat the details of the top from the lining fabric, we sew them in the same order, only leave a hole for turning out along the middle seam of the back.
  • Sew the lining to the central part of the shelf, then to the sides of the shelf, then to the neck.
  • The final touch - we turn out our ready-made jumpsuit and carefully manually sew up the remaining hole on the lining.

As you can see, street do-it-yourself jumpsuit for a newborn - This is quite a feasible task even for young mothers.

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Tips for choosing overalls for different seasons

Not always young mothers have the time and desire to to sew an overalls for a newborn with their own hands. Therefore, it is very important to know what to look for when buying such goods in stores.

Warm jumpsuit for the street:

  1. Before buying, specify what exact growth this jumpsuit is designed for. Standard, for newborns you will be offered 56 p. But your child may not fit these standards. Consider that there should be a reserve, because children grow, and inside you will pry other clothes. Throw another 10 cm to the growth of your baby - this size and look for it.
  2. For newborns in winter, it is most practical to buy an “envelope” on fur (if your child is not allergic to animal hair). The baby will be comfortable and you will be comfortable wearing it. For older children who are already sitting and learning to walk, of course, you need a classic jumpsuit with legs.
  3. Consider a heater. If it is natural or artificial fur, then it is desirable that it be unfastened, for the convenience of washing. If the insulation is sewn inside, then it should be light, modern, keep heat well.
  4. The fabric of the top must be waterproof and windproof, so that in snowy or rainy weather, the jumpsuit retains heat.
  5. Inspect the seams - they should be even, without gaps and protruding threads. Also, clothes should not have extraneous chemical odors.
  6. It is optimal that the jumpsuit fastens with a zipper. It is convenient and practical. Buttons can also be used for newborns, because they do not move much in the stroller, but in older children the buttons can be unfastened when moving, and cold air can enter between the adjacent buttons.
  7. It is good when the jumpsuit fastens from the top to the very bottom. It is much more convenient to dress a child.
  8. When choosing street winter clothes, give preference to proven European brands. You will pay more, but you won’t worry about the quality and safety of fabric, insulation, hardware strength.

Important! For regions with harsh winters, we recommend paying attention to the Scandinavian manufacturers Kerry, Reima, Lassie.


Demi-season jumpsuit:

  1. For newborns, it is more practical to buy a transformer overalls (turns into an envelope), from six months - a classic.
  2. It should be lightweight, waterproof.
  3. For children who are already crawling, they go - a non-marking coloring with a minimum of decor and accessories, in which you can get confused, tear and pull in your mouth.
  4. Well, if the insulation comes unfastened, it is very convenient for washing.
  5. As for winter overalls, lightning is preferable to buttons.
  6. For children who already go themselves, it is necessary to have a hood and pockets (put mittens, a nosepiece, for example).
  7. Take the size with a margin of at least 10 cm.

Warm jumpsuit

Such clothes are worn under a winter jumpsuit or worn on cool days of summer, late spring or early fall. Most often, it is sewn from fleece and velor. What do we pay attention to when buying a finished product?

  • Insulation (fleece, fleece, velor) should be soft, light, without extraneous odors.
  • The inside of the overalls should be made of natural fabric.
  • The seams should be flat, even. Coloring is calm.
  • The less decor, the better, preferably embroidery, applique.The ears on the hood will look funny.
  • As in previous versions, a zipper closure will be much more convenient than buttons. Better if it is along the whole body.

Important! It is especially inconvenient when the jumpsuit is worn over the head or worn from the bottom up and fastens on the shoulders.

Thin jumpsuit (slip, man):

  • For everyday wear, usually 3-4 sleeps are bought. The fabric of such clothes should be as natural as possible, hypoallergenic and pleasant to the body. Usually used for sewing cotton knitwear.
  • Carefully read the composition on the label, feel the fabric.
  • Check the seams. They should be flat, and better outdoor.
  • The color is calm.

Important! Bright colors suggest a large number of dyes, and they can cause allergies.

  • A slip for newborns should be with traces and “scratches,” so that you don’t have to wear it all separately, and the fewer elastic bands on the clothes, the more comfortable the baby is. Older children can buy a slip on cuffs.
  • Slips are usually fastened with buttons. It is desirable that they are located to the bottom of the legs. So it will be more convenient for you to change diapers and change your baby's clothes.

Important! When buying, inspect the quality of the buttons. For European manufacturers they serve for years, but for cheap manufacturers they can go bad right away.

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“Little Men” are very practical and comfortable clothes for both the baby and his parents. Following the detailed instructions from the article, you can sew without problems jumpsuit for a newborn with his own hands. Pattern made easy and does not require special calculations. A large assortment of similar clothes for the smallest is also available in stores, however, you should not buy the first slip with a beautiful pattern. It is better to adhere to the recommendations for the selection of finished products described in the article. Thus, you will avoid possible problems with the wear of the product and the reaction of the baby’s delicate skin to poor-quality fabric.

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