How to sew a t-shirt?

In the summer you always want to look easy, bright, regardless of the heat, heat, showers and other weather conditions. And here you can not do without a top and T-shirts. Many people immediately run to the store, not thinking that these things can be sewn on their own. But this is a big savings. For the money you spend on buying one product, you can do two or three, or even more things, no worse than factory ones. How to sew a shirt and top? Now we will tell.

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How to sew a shirt on the straps?

Before you start the first method, make sure that all the necessary items are at hand. Among them:

  • An old T-shirt with which you will take off the parameters.
  • Paper with which you will build a pattern.
  • Material of your choice.
  • Needle with thread.
  • Ruler.
  • A simple pencil.
  • Scissors.
  • Pins
  • Sewing machine.


Master Class:

  • The first thing you need to do a pattern. Fold the old thing in half vertically and lay it on paper. Circle the contours with a simple pencil. Thus, the front and back of the thing will be the same.

Important! If you want to make a shirt with a neckline, you need to do two patterns. The first for the front side, and the second for the back.

  • The next step is to work with the material. You have the right to use any, but if you are new to this business and are afraid not to cope, it is better to take knitwear. It is much easier to work with it. Pin the pattern to the fabric with pins.
  • Circle the contours on the fabric and cut out the details on them.
  • Fasten both parts with pins or pins, and then sweep.
  • Sew the item on a sewing machine, but remember that thin fabrics are needed for light fabrics, and thicker ones for coarser ones.
  • The last moment is to bend a little and sweep the edges in the area of ​​openings and necks.
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Second way

If you are frightened by the construction of the drawings, then the next option, how to sew a top with your own hands without a pattern quickly, you will come in handy. The old T-shirt will help you with this:

  • The first thing you need to decide on a t-shirt.

Important! The best option is a one-color thing one size larger than yours. If possible, take a men's t-shirt.

  • Draw a marker line on which to cut the neckline. Cut the sleeves and the goal line parallel to the seams.
  • The last moment is working with straps. Form rectangles in the area that remains at the sleeves. Tie the ends in a knot from the inside.

This option is great for those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to sew a do-it-yourself top for beginners.

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Classic style

If you are a lover of clothes in the classical style, then you will probably be interested in the question of how to sew a top from satin with your own hands.

Some believe that this wardrobe item is an element of pajama style, and in ordinary life only vulgar girls and women wear it. This is absolutely not the case. One has only to choose the right combination, for example, with a trouser suit.

For a beginning seamstress, it is best to use a pattern. Just download the basis of the drawing from the Internet and transfer it to paper with your own parameters. Next, proceed as follows:

  1. Tucks from the classic top are always near the armpits. That is why you need to transfer the tuck from the shoulder to the side seam.
  2. Next, draw a neckline with the desired neckline.
  3. Draw armholes for the hands and give the base a fitted (straight) look.

Once the drawing is finalized, you can proceed to the most interesting part - sewing:

  1. Cut out the pattern, attach it to the material and circle with chalk or a simple pencil.
  2. The second step is to cut out the painted parts.
  3. Attach them to each other. First, sweep by hand, and after that - you need to sew on the sewing machine in a zigzag.
  4. The hanging threads at the ends can be knotted or masked with stitches in the seam.
  5. The last step is to sew on the sewing machine along the bottom, neckline and armholes for the hands.

Your item is ready!

Important! For such a model, jewelry in the form of lace or guipure will be very appropriate.

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Romantic natures will certainly be interested in how to sew a lace top with your own hands. In our case, Italian is used, but you can take any kind.

Your actions:

  • Attach the purchased pattern to the material and pin it with pins.
  • Carefully cut parts, leaving a couple of centimeters for allowances in the area of ​​cuts.

Important! Similar actions need to be carried out both with the front of the product and with the back.

  • Then cut the neck in a semicircle. It is better to immediately process the edges with a lighter, candle or matchstick so that the lace does not fall off.

Important! The edge of the sleeves and bottom must be cut according to the pattern of the matter.

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How to sew a do-it-yourself topic for a doll?

If you have a daughter, then she must have repeatedly asked to sew clothes for her doll. In fact, making a top for a toy is quite simple. You need to proceed as follows:

  1. Put a sock on the doll to measure the desired length, and then cut it.
  2. Make holes for the hands on the “upper” side.
  3. Do not forget about the decorative elements, because almost every little girl loves sequins, lace, ribbons, beads, etc.

This method is good in that you can sew a topic with your own hands without a pattern.

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How to sew a topic for a girl with your own hands?

Little girls do not yet have a pronounced female figure with meandering shapes. Therefore, sewing clothes for them is much easier than for an adult girl. For example, in this way, you can update your child’s wardrobe:

  1. Measure your baby’s waist. The resulting figure is the length of the square to be cut from the fabric (of your choice). We need two such squares.
  2. Cut a thick strip for quilling.
  3. Tuck the top and bottom of the product and sew with a straight seam.
  4. Boca also need to flash on a sewing machine.
  5. Sew the strip at the top and tighten the thread.
  6. The final point is to grind ruffles to the topic.
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How to sew a short top with your own hands?

You will need:

  • Black matter.
  • Rubber.
  • Scissors.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Pins

How to act:

  1. First, cut four triangles with curved sides. These will be the cups of the future top.
  2. Cut a thick strip for the main part.
  3. Fold the two parts of the cups and chop them with pins. Sweep with a thread and a needle, and then sew it to the main part.
  4. Sew everything on a sewing machine.
  5. The final step is to shorten and sew the straps.
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As you have seen, there are a large number of ways to sew a topic. Now you do not need to go to the store and spend a lot of money on one thing, when you can do several for the minimum amount of money. The main thing is to catch that very creative mood and get down to business!

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