How to sew men's underpants with your own hands for beginners? Patterns for sewing at home

In the hot summer, not a single defender can do without stylish, loose shorts. Such a piece of clothing, sewn by you personally, will be an ideal gift for your man and certainly will not leave him indifferent. A master class on how to sew men's underpants with your own hands for beginners, patterns for quick work, you will find many useful tips in this article.
to contents ↑We are building a pattern
Before proceeding to the pattern, you need to take some measurements:
- Half Waist - Art.
Important! The letter C means girth, O means girth.
- Half-circumference of the hips (along the buttocks) - Sat.
- Product Length - Di.
Before starting work in the upper left corner of the graph paper, you need to put point A. From this point on two sides, you need to draw two lines - horizontal and vertical.
Next, the following steps must be observed:
- From the marked point down, we postpone a segment whose length will be the same as the measurement of Di. This point will be called N.
- Next, mark the step line. From the very top, we postpone the measure of Sat and add 3 cm. We will call this label the letter “B”. Then a horizontal line is drawn from this point (we will call it BG1) - it will be the step line. HH1 - 2 cm. From a point called H1 draw a line that will be parallel to the AT.
- Let's move on to the width of the waist and front half. From mark A, put the measure С right to the right along the drawn line and add 3 cm - let's call the mark T. From the point just marked, draw a perpendicular to the bottom edge of the sheet. When this line intersects with the step line, put the label H2. Connect the points H and H2 with a slightly concave line. TT1 has a length of 1 cm. We connect points A and T1 with a straight line.
- Width of stride, front half. Now from B1 you need to put 0.1 measurements O to the right and add 5 mm - we will call the point the letter G. The length from B1 to B2 will be 9 cm (the auxiliary point). Now we need to connect the labels B2 and G with a concave line, and GN2 - a straight line.
- Now, to sew men's underpants with your own hands, patterns, you need to draw the back half. The length of the segment T1T2 will be exactly 2 cm. We connect the marks T and T2 with a straight line, from the point T2 we will continue it higher. Now from T2 you need to postpone 4 cm upwards and put the point A1 so that A1 and T2 are 4 cm apart. A, A1 are connected by a straight line.
- The step width of the back will be 4 cm (segment GG1).
- The width of the bottom is 3 cm (segment H1H2).
- Now we postpone from the point G1 down and to the left 10 mm. G1G2 - 10 mm.
- Extend the stepping line of the back half. H3H4 = 10 mm. Labels H and H4 are connected by a slightly concave line, points A1 and G2 by a slightly convex line
Cutting the product
Underwear needs to be cut on a material with a seam on its side. You can tailor it unfolded without a seam on the side, provided that the width of the fabric allows it to be done.
Important! Perhaps you asked yourself a question: from what fabric to sew men's shorts or underpants? Both products are recommended to be made of cotton material, because it, like no other, passes clean air through itself.
During cutting, allowances should be left on the material:
- On the hem of the bottom of the pants - 20 mm.
- For assembly on top - 40 mm
- 10 mm to the remaining seams.
The elastic should have a width of 3 cm. It is measured by the waist of a man (there should be a slight tension).
to contents ↑Important! If desired, a lace can be inserted with an elastic band.
Making shorts
This section will describe how to sew men's shorts with your own hands patterns for beginners. In fact, tailoring shorts and shorts for men is almost no different from each other. For this reason, consider a simpler method of manufacturing such a garment. This method is suitable if you want to surprise your man, why taking measurements from him is not very convenient.
In order not to torment yourself with sketching patterns, you can simply take other shorts of your loved one and circle the front and then the back halves first.
Important! Do not forget that to all this you need to add allowances for seams of 10 mm and 40 mm for hemming the bottom and elastic.
You will need both the front of the shorts and the back. If you doubt the quality of such work, transfer the pattern to a piece of paper - you will have to spend a lot of time, but such a drawing will serve you more than once.
Important! If you wish, you can cut out a pocket of the desired shape and size, however, you must take into account that you need to leave an allowance for bending of 20 mm on top, and 5-10 mm on the other sides.
When all the details are cut out and then cut out of fabric, it is necessary to process all sections so that the material does not crumble. Make it better with a side seam or a zigzag seam.
In order to sew men's shorts, you must follow the algorithm below:
- Smooth inside allowances on pocket.
- Sew a pocket at the top and sew the same part of Velcro there.
- Sew the second part of the Velcro to the back half of the product - focus on where the pocket will be located.
- Sew a pocket to the back of the product.
- Attach the two halves with the sides, sew them together, using a straight seam on the machine.
- Iron them in the same direction.
- Lay another decorative seam on the side of the iron to fix it. Such an action is done on both legs.
- Sew step seams, then iron them.
- Finally sew the legs on both sides.
- To iron seams in one direction, walk along them with a decorative seam, having retreated 5-8 mm of a straight seam.
- Make a hem on the bottom of the product.
- To top up in order to insert an elastic band into it.
- After the elastic is inserted, it needs to be flashed.
Shorts are ready!
to contents ↑Important! Do not forget to flash the hole that was left for her.
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From this article, you learned how to sew men's shorts and underpants. Continue to create and delight your loved ones with your original work.
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