How to sew a sheath dress?

A universal dress in which one can go, as they say, into a feast and into the world, is the dream of a modern woman. You often have to go to the theater and guests right from work, when there is not a minute to call home and change clothes. A tight-fitting dress that emphasizes the lines of your figure is exactly what you need. It almost never goes out of fashion, it always looks elegant, and even a not very experienced craftswoman can come up with such a thing. Now we will talk about how to sew a sheath dress.

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Choose a model

The variety of styles of sheath dresses is simply amazing. The dress can be with or without sleeves, one-piece, under the neck and with a deep neckline, short and long. In a word, each woman can choose something to her taste. Coco Chanel's famous little black dress is also from the same opera, like many other models of business and evening dresses.

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Sheath dress - do-it-yourself pattern

Before sewing something, any dressmaker begins to think - but where to get the pattern? In this case, there are two options:

  • take the base;
  • to sew a sheath dress without a pattern at all.

The first method is good in that you get ready-made patterns that can only be adjusted to a specific figure - of course, if your measurements do not quite match the standard. In this case, the basic pattern is needed, it does not even have to be modeled. In this way, you can sew a dress from any fabric.

Some materials allow you to do without a pattern. The dress is sewn in a few hours, but only knitwear is suitable, which drapes very well. The process is faster, because you do not have to adjust the fit of the sleeve, make tucks and much more, requiring great accuracy and skill. But there is one subtlety. To work with knitwear, you need a special needle. This material is easy to dissolve, and any unsuccessful puncture can cause your evening outfit to go arrows.

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We make patterns

There are several ways to get a pattern:

  • find the right model in the magazine and translate from there;
  • download from the Internet, print and enlarge as it is written;
  • find in your closet an old blouse or dress, suitable in size, but already out of use, to open and circle;
  • order at the studio.

How to proceed?

  • The best option is to order patterns in the studio. Oh, they’ll definitely build them strictly by your standards. This is especially important if you intend to sew in the future. Any clothes are sewn on the basic patterns - from robes to coats. But it will be necessary to stick the patterns on cardboard or transfer to a thick plastic film.
  • On the Internet you can find a lot of different patterns - both from old books on needlework, and from modern magazines. But you will have to tinker with the cutting - the patterns are not always given in full size, so you need to download, print, cut, stick or stick on the sheet and enlarge in all directions as it is written.
  • The most affordable way is to carve out new clothes according to the old. You must dispose of a suitable thing very carefully, removing all the threads and cutting all the tucks. Oversizes can be ironed or trimmed, depending on what you are going to do next.


Customize pattern

If you are not very sure that the parts exactly fit your sizes, check them out. It is very easy to do:

  • to sew on a pattern something from a very cheap fabric, adjust, tear and make changes;
  • glue a paper dress exactly on the patterns, considering all the allowances.

But you can simply measure the necessary lines. To do this, you need to take measurements:

  • chest girth;
  • waist circumference
  • hip girth;
  • neck circumference;
  • shoulder length;
  • shoulder width;
  • chest height;
  • girth under the chest;
  • distance from the chest line to the waist line;
  • the distance between the waist and hips;
  • sleeve length from shoulder to wrist;
  • girth of the wrist.

Important! The last two measurements are needed if the dress will be with a long sleeve.

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What to sew from?

Before you sew a sheath dress with your own hands according to the pattern, you need to choose a fabric. Classic materials are suitable:

  • velvet;
  • silk;
  • crepe de chine;
  • dense satin;
  • wool with lavsan.

Important! In general, any light but not too thin fabric is suitable. If you are starting a business for the first time, it is better to refuse silk - it crumbles very much and, moreover, slips. For beginners, dense satin or wool with lavsan is most suitable. As for the coloring, it is better to choose a plain or with a textured pattern. Printed motley materials are not very suitable for a sheath dress.

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Fabric calculation for a sleeveless dress

If you want to sew a sheath dress with your own hands, you already have a pattern and you have looked at the fabric, you need to decide how long you need to cut:

  1. Take the largest horizontal measure - in most cases this is the circumference of the hips, but it happens that the circumference of the chest.
  2. Compare it with the width of the selected cut.
  3. If the cut width is greater than this measure, 1 length will be required, if less, then 2.
  4. Do not forget to add 10-15 cm to the processing of parts.
  5. If the dress is with a sleeve, add 1 more sleeve length.

Important! Modern fabrics are often made wide - 140-160 cm, sometimes even 200 and 220. This allows needlewomen especially not to worry about whether there is enough material or not. But on sale you can also find fabrics with a width of 100, 90 and even 70 cm, and in this case, you need to carefully calculate everything.


Well, now you will receive an answer on how to sew a sheath dress for beginners (it is also a sheath dress). It is best to wash and iron the cotton fabric (for example, satin) before work, in the extreme case - to iron through wet gauze. Otherwise - after the first wash of your new outfit, you may encounter an extremely unpleasant phenomenon - he will sit down. The cutting method depends on the width of the fabric. Your new outfit will have a one-piece shelf, and the back consists of two halves.

Option 1

If the cut is wide, fold it in half lengthwise so that the edges coincide:

  1. Place the half of the shelf so that its middle line coincides with the fold line.
  2. Apply a back pattern to the free space.
  3. Circle all this, leaving allowances of 0.5-1.5 cm, depending on the type of fabric (for bulk materials there should be more allowance).

Option 2

We also fold the narrow fabric in half along the lobar:

  1. Circle the shelf in the same way as in the previous case, that is, the middle cut of the pattern should coincide with the fold of the fabric.
  2. Overlay the back pattern by moving the mid-section of the back from the fold of fabric to the width of the allowance.

Important! A whole-cut back can be cut out of a narrow fabric, making an incision for a zipper.

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Preparatory work has been done, so now it will be easy to answer the question of how to quickly sew a sheath dress:

  1. Stitch the back, leaving a slit for the zipper.
  2. Sew all the tucks.
  3. Sweep the shoulder and side seams - you can not sweep, but chop it with pins.
  4. Measure your creation.
  5. Stitch the seams.
  6. Flatten the allowances on different sides and cover them in any convenient way (fine, if there is an overlock, but you can also handle this task manually).
  7. Cut out a sharpening for the necks - circle the cutout of both parts on the fabric, set aside 2.5-3 cm and draw a parallel arc.
  8. Attach the front trim part to the main part so that the front sides are in contact, and notice.
  9. Similarly, take note of the back edge.
  10. Stitch the details.
  11. Iron the seams to the wrong side.
  12. Fold the free edges 0.5 cm.
  13. Sew on the front side with a finishing stitch (can be sewn by hand with a blind seam).
  14. Sew the shoulder seams of the stitches.
  15. Handle the armholes in the same way.
  16. Sew a zipper.
  17. Cut the hem by folding it 0.5 and 2.5 cm.

Sleeveless sheath dress is done. According to the same pattern, you can sew a dress with a square neckline, a V-neck or neckline.

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Sheath dress with a sleeve on a pattern

The procedure will be almost the same as in the previous case. The difference is only in one action - after all the tucks are sewn up, the side and shoulder seams are sewn, you will need to sweep and sew the sleeves. This process seems to many beginner needlewomen incredibly complicated, although, in fact, this is far from the case.

When you translate a pattern from a magazine, be sure to transfer the alignment points, they are always on the patterns. And when cutting the dress, these points must be identified - for example, with stitches, chalk marks or pins:

  1. Before sewing in a sleeve, knit an okat with small stitches and pull it slightly.
  2. When bushing a sleeve into an armhole, align the marked points.
  3. After the sleeve is swept, the dress must be tried on - the armhole should not be too tight, and you should feel comfortable even in the outfit that is not yet ready.
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Sheath dress in a couple of hours

Sewing on a pattern of classic fabrics requires a fairly long time, and not all beginner craftswomen have the patience to finish the job. They want to see the result immediately. Therefore, it is better to learn to sew with models-minutes - a beautiful little thing made by yourself, not only complements the wardrobe, but also inspires confidence.

You can also sew a sheath dress in a quick way - from knitwear that drapes perfectly. No fuss with patterns, no tucks - the most elementary process. And if you also make the neckline-boat that is fashionable now - you will not have to think about whether you have a symmetrical neckline or not. To stitch something like this, you need:

  • knitwear;
  • threads matching color and quality;
  • scissors;
  • long ruler;
  • sewing supplies.

Since the knitwear has a large width, you will need a cut equal to the length of the product, with centimeters added to it for processing parts. The dress will consist of several elements:

  • one-piece shelves;
  • two halves of the back, it is done with a zipper;
  • two sleeves;
  • two panels of the skirt.

All parts are rectangles:

  1. Draw a rectangle, one side of which is equal to the half-circumference of the chest, plus 2-3 cm not allowances, and the second - the distance from the base of the neck to the waist, this will be a shelf.
  2. Draw 2 identical rectangles for the back - one side is equal to the semi-girth of the chest divided by 2, the other is the distance from the base of the neck to the waist, as in the previous case.
  3. Cut 2 identical skirt panels - these are also rectangles, one side is the distance from the waist to the bottom of the hem, the second is the half-circumference of the hips.
  4. 2 more rectangles will be needed for the sleeves - the sides are equal to the length of the sleeve and the height of the armhole.



Sewing such a dress with a sewing machine, an overlock and a special needle for knitwear is quite simple. The knitwear is draped wonderfully, it fits itself exactly as your figure requires. The main thing is to do everything carefully:

  1. First, sew the back along the midline, leaving a cut for the zipper.
  2. Completely sweep the side seams of the shelves and backs, leaving holes for the armholes.
  3. Sweep the sleeves along the bottom seam.
  4. Sweep the sleeves to the armholes.
  5. Stitch the side seams and stitch the sleeves.
  6. Stitch the side seams of the skirt.
  7. Sew the skirt along the top edge with a basting seam.
  8. Make assemblies - they will be small, but you can also sew a dress with a full skirt if you wish.
  9. Sweep off the bodice and skirt, stitch it.
  10. Try on what you got.
  11. Mark on the shoulder sections to what extent they need to be sewn, and do not forget about the symmetry.
  12. Stitch the shoulder seams.
  13. Sew a zipper.
  14. Treat the stocks - if they are too wide, trim them and then overcast.

As for the hem, neck and bottom of the sleeves, there are several possible processing methods. Some types of knitwear can simply be treated with an overlock. But for the neck you can make a slanting inlay from the same fabric, and for the sleeves - cuffs.

Important! If the neckline is large enough, and the knitwear stretches well, you can do without zippers.

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Other options for sheath dresses

Knitted sheath dresses can be the most unexpected styles:

  • with one-piece bodice and skirt;
  • high waisted dress;
  • a dress with a one-piece back and a front on a yoke.

The style depends on the size of the rectangles you cut. So, for example, for a one-piece dress they need only four:

  • 2 identical for the front and back (sides are equal to the length of the product and the semi-girth of the hips);
  • 2 - for sleeves, with sides equal to the length and width of the sleeve.

For a dress with a high waist, the bodice details have sides equal to the distance from the shoulder to the armhole and the half-circumference of the chest, and when cutting the skirt to the length from the hem to the waist line, an additional distance equal to the length from the waist to the bottom of the armhole is added. Also lies the option with the front on the yoke, only there the back will be solid.

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Stock footage

In a word, modern fashion gives beginner needlewomen a lot of opportunities to show their designer talent - beautiful things in which you will always look elegant, are often sewn very simply and in just a few hours.


