How to sew a trapeze dress?

The a-line dress was made several decades ago by the famous designer Yves-Saint-Laurent. He made an extraordinary sensation in the field of fashion industry, becoming a trend for absolutely all seasons. The peculiarity of the style is that it fits all figures without exception. It can be worn by both girls with ideal parameters, and those who want to hide the flaws of the figure or a rounded tummy. In a word - a dress with an A-silhouette is a universal clothing. In order to understand all the basics of sewing such a product, you need to know the secrets of creating patterns 48 and 44 sizes, which must be done with great accuracy. Today we will tell you step by step how to download a pattern for free or to build, cut and sew a trapeze dress, which should be paid special attention, we will familiarize you with useful recommendations. Let's get started with this popular product.

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Who should wear a trapeze dress?

Despite the long period of time since the birth of this style, a trapeze dress occupies a leading position in the wardrobe of the most avid fashionistas of the present time. It is universal due to its simple cut and the possibility of tailoring a product from absolutely any fabric, which allows you to wear it both in summer and winter.

Why a trapeze? But because the dress is narrowed on top and goes to expand to the bottom.

Such a cut is perfect:

  • Thin girls (wide hem well hide thin legs and narrow hips).
  • Full women (hides the flaws of the figure: a wide waist, and a dress with sleeves - "surplus" on the hands).
  • Expectant mothers (allows you to hide an interesting position from prying eyes, without restricting the movement of the pregnant woman).

Important! Girls with a beautiful figure appreciate this dress for its simple style and the ability to emphasize their strengths in a beautiful physique. One of the important advantages of this product is its ability to adapt to absolutely any occasion. It can be worn in everyday life, for work in the office or at a gala event.

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DIY A-Line Dress

For yourself, you can sew several different options for this style. To help you come photos in fashion magazines or online examples where you can find not only the most popular styles, but also a pattern with a detailed description of all the necessary actions.

Important! Such clothes can be worn both with a hairpin and with shoes on low speed. And to complement the outfit, various accessories and a handbag in tone will help you.


Let's look at the most popular styles of A-line dresses that are suitable for each figure:

  • Warm dress for the fall.
  • Long evening wear with a three-quarter sleeve.
  • Short dress with folds.
  • Classic dress in black and white fabric.
  • Extra long outfit with a high neck, elongated hem and transparent sleeves.
  • Bright summer model made of lightweight A-silhouette material.

Quick pattern

We already told you that this product can be made using a finished example of a pattern. Experienced needlewomen can do it quickly and correctly in a short time. Beginners are recommended to make a pattern according to the template of a T-shirt or T-shirt. But what about an inexperienced young girl who only has a desire but no special knowledge?

The scheme of tailoring a trapeze dress without a pattern will come to the rescue:

  1. Choose the right fabric.
  2. We take measurements of the waist, hips, length of the product.
  3. We buy material with a margin for allowances (approximately + 10-15 cm to the original length).


Classic patterns for a-line dress do-it-yourself

Now we will make a trapeze dress according to our own pattern, with which we want to share with you. Such a base pattern will help you stitch a beautiful product without much effort and modify it at your own discretion.

So, the pattern of the A-line dress is performed according to the following instructions:

  • We measure the following parameters and transfer them to paper to build a pattern: the length of the shoulder (starting from the neck), half-circumference of the chest and half-circumference of the waist.
  • We select the length of the product at our discretion.

Important! We do not take into account tuck darts, as they are not provided for our product.

  • We deepen and expand the neck of the back. Making the incision is not too big so that you have the opportunity to sew a zipper or make an open cut with a buttonhole on the top of the product.
  • We expand each detail by 6-7 cm for a small flare, giving texture to the style of a trapeze dress.
  • We draw a new line along the side seam, taking into account the above flare.
  • We close on the shelves the chest tuck by transferring it to the side seams.
  • We shorten the chest tuck by 1.5 cm.

Important! We told you how to make a simple pattern that is suitable for sewing an A-line dress not only for a woman or teenager, but even for a little girl. In the latter version, a children's product can be effectively beaten with lace, textile flowers, a bow and a belt.

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How to sew a do-it-yourself dress for girls?

If you want to make for your little fashionista yourself a simple dress on the one hand and an elegant dress on the other, then our workshop will be perfect for you.

Important! If you are a novice mom, we recommend starting with a sleeveless A-line dress, which can become the basic template for other products of this style. You will spend only a few hours of your free time, and in the end you will get a beautiful outfit with your own hands.

Materials and tools:

  • The fabric of your choice (cotton, putty knife, thick knitwear, wool mixture). The length of the fabric is equal to the length of the finished product.
  • Paper for building patterns.
  • A simple pencil.
  • Ruler.
  • Tape measure.
  • Threads in tone.
  • Needle.
  • Scissors.
  • Pins for chipping.
  • Chalk or remnant.

Important! Choose a fabric that is not too stretched to sew this dress. If you buy synthetic fabric, then your finished product will sag, making the dress unattractive.


Master Class

We will tailor the product, taking as a template a simple T-shirt in bright color (a T-shirt with an interesting print will work well). So, let's take a look at a detailed workshop on tailoring A-line dresses:

  1. Fold the fabric in half. We put our shirt or t-shirt on top of the material, draw a contour, draw a line on the bottom of the armhole.
  2. Measure the chest circumference in the model. We mark with a centimeter on the central line half of the previous value. We connect the obtained points with the top of the shoulder.
  3. We draw from the points at an angle to the bottom of the line the amount of expansion (flaring) we need.
  4. Cut out the resulting silhouette.
  5. We chip, sweep, and then grind the side seams.
  6. We process the armhole, neck and hem with an oblique trim.
  7. We cut out a pocket from a quadrangular cut of fabric, overcast seams and attach to the main product.
  8. Sew the lace ribbon to the bottom of the outfit.

That's all the work! A-line dress is ready to use!

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How to sew a do-it-yourself trapeze dress with a sleeve?

If you want to sew a sundress with sleeves, then it is better to make a sleeve with one seam. Now we will consider a pattern for a dress with similar sleeves.

Materials and tools:

To create a pattern, we need:

  • A T-shirt is right for you.
  • Thick paper.
  • Tape measure.
  • Long ruler.
  • Scissors.

Working process:

  1. Fold the T-shirt four times and put it on a pre-prepared paper for the pattern.
  2. We bend the sleeves of the product so that they do not interfere with our future work.
  3. Circle the borders of the t-shirt
  4. Draw a line along the length of the template, mark the fourth part of the hips + 7 cm per allowance along it.
  5. We connect the marked line with the bottom of the armhole.
  6. Cut the neck along the contour, circle the sleeve folded into two parts. Add the required length to the workpiece and cut it out.

A pattern for a dress in the shape of a trapeze with sleeves is ready!

Important! Based on the above pattern, you can sew not only this style on your own, but also experiment with other interesting models. To do this, you will need to make two breast tucks and narrow the bottom of the product.

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How to sew a trapeze dress on a yoke?

This option of tailoring is suitable for those girls who want to get not only practical, but also a more original dress. We want to note that such a pattern requires certain knowledge and skills in sewing, so if you are a beginner, start with an easy option without a pattern.

Materials and tools:

  • A piece of fabric with a length equal to 2 lengths of the finished outfit.
  • Paper.
  • Pencil.
  • Scissors.
  • Ruler.
  • Pattern.
  • Tape measure.
  • Chalk or a piece of soap.


Sewing technique:

  1. We measure the length, starting from the shoulder and ending with the line of the chest, and from the shoulder to the center of the scapula.
  2. We measure the chest circumference of the model and divide the resulting figure in half.
  3. Based on the obtained parameters, draw an equilateral rectangle.
  4. We draw a shoulder line along the shelf.
  5. Round the neckline to the right to the depth we need. To perform this action, we used a pattern.
  6. We measure the length of the shoulder armholes and mark the points on the left.
  7. We postpone the length of our armholes from below and above from the shoulder. Round the resulting line, forming it 3 cm deeper than the back of the product.
  8. We make the rest of the details. The length of the upper part of the trapezoid is the half-girth of the chest.
  9. Draw a line of the length of the dress-a-line on paper.
  10. Set aside 7 cm to the right to expand the skirt. Draw a trapezoid with a pencil.
  11. Cutting the sleeves. If you want an outfit without them, then skip this step.
  12. Now we cut out all the previously marked parts and transfer them to the fabric.
  13. Stitch seams, try on a product, and then finally grind it on a sewing machine.
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  • Always leave allowances at the side seams, at the neck, sleeves and bottom of the dress a little more. This is very convenient for those who do not have special skills in making clothes with their own hands. Performing such simple actions, you can “tailor” the dress for yourself at any time so that it fits perfectly in shape.
  • Before the cutting step, pin the fabric with pins so that the material does not move when sewing stitches.
  • Familiarize yourself with the various workshops on building patterns for a trapeze dress, and, after weighing your abilities, take on sewing a workable outfit.
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After familiarizing yourself with simple workshops and listening to our tips, you can quickly and easily sew an A-line dress with your own hands. The pattern of this outfit can be modified to get another sundress in your wardrobe. Do not be afraid of experiments with the style, because everything is in your hands!

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