How to sew a chiffon skirt?

Chiffon has been known for a very long time. This is a thin, flying fabric of silk fibers, very light and delicate. Once, clothes made of such material could be afforded only by noble persons. Now any woman can wear a fashionable skirt made of this material. Clothing designers still love such fabrics and offer many interesting styles, while the fact that the finer the fabric, the simpler the model is noteworthy. Very often, even a pattern is not needed. How to sew a chiffon skirt? We will discuss this now.

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Choose a fabric

The fewer seams, the better for an inexperienced seamstress. And this means that you need to choose the widest section that you can find. As a rule, a chiffon has a width of 150 cm - this is enough to quickly solve the question of how to sew a long chiffon skirt.

She may be:

  • straight;
  • moderately flared;
  • very flared;
  • to assembly;
  • from wedges.

Important! Sewing a narrow skirt in the style of the 50s of the last century or typical “modern fish” is not very advisable; a wide one will look much better. In addition, the sun, a half-sun or “tatyanka” can be sewn without a pattern at all, while for a straight and narrow model, the patterns must be very accurate.

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Where do the patterns come from?

Before sewing a long chiffon skirt with a straight silhouette, you need to make patterns of two parts - the halves of the front and back parts. Building it yourself is a long and laborious affair requiring precision. Of course, if everything is calculated correctly, the result will be wonderful patterns that will come in handy more than once. But you can do much easier if you have an old skirt, already unnecessary, but ideally suited in size. It can even be with a hole or a stain of paint, this does not play a role. The simpler the style, the better.

Getting to the process:

  1. Open the zipper and cut off the other fittings.
  2. Spread all seams, including hem hem, belt and tucks.
  3. Cut allowances or iron them carefully on the wrong side.
  4. Tucks cut.

Important! You can leave the open skirt as a pattern, or you can circle it on paper, cardboard or plastic film, and sew something else from the fabric. If you decide not to transfer anything anywhere, but leave everything as it is, fold the parts in half, cut them or iron the bends.

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Fabric calculation

Since you already have a pattern, to calculate the amount of material you need only one measure - the length of the product:

  • If the cut width is greater than the circumference of the hips, you need a piece of one skirt length, plus 10-15 cm for the belt, bottom processing and various small details.
  • If the fabric is narrow, you will need 2 product lengths, plus another 20-30 cm.

Important! For the first experiment, do not choose a material with a large pattern - it will need to be combined, that is, the fabric will need more than one and a half times.

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Open a straight skirt

Cutting is done on a shared thread, that is, the fabric must be folded in half, aligning the edges:

  1. Overlay the front of the fabric with the middle of the front aligned with the fold.
  2. You can fix the pattern with tailor's pins or sweep.
  3. Place the back of the pattern on a free area so that between it and the front there is a gap equal to at least two allowances.
  4. Circle the patterns with sharpened chalk (do not forget about the darts!).
  5. Leave 1 cm allowances for all sections except the bottom - leave 2 cm for the hem.
  6. Cut the workpiece.


A straight chiffon skirt with your own hands is sewn quite quickly. For this you need:

  • sewing machine;
  • silk needles;
  • silk threads;
  • needles for hand sewing;
  • threads for basting - any, but better than a contrasting color;
  • secret lightning;
  • a button to match the fabric;
  • overlock;
  • iron.

As always, sewing a straight skirt begins with tucks. Sweep them and sew. Farther:

  1. Work the details with an overlock or overcast manually with a buttonhole, frequent stitches - this will be much more convenient.
  2. Sweep the back seam of the skirt, leaving a cut under the zipper.
  3. Sweep and sew a zipper.
  4. Iron allowances.
  5. Stitch side seams, iron allowances too.
  6. Sew on a belt.
  7. Chop the bottom by 0.5 and 1.5 cm.

Important! Chiffon is a thin fabric, therefore hemming is not necessary; it can simply be processed with an overlock.



For a classic straight skirt, it is better to make a belt from fabric, and not from a now elastic band. You will need:

  • a chiffon strip 2 times wider than the width of the belt, plus 1 cm allowances on all sides;
  • adhesive non-woven;
  • button;
  • pencil or chalk;
  • ruler.

Important! The strip can be cut along the share or along the oblique. The second option is better because the fabric will stretch less.

How to work with the material:

  1. Glue the workpiece with adhesive non-woven.
  2. Fold the strip in half with the wrong side inward, aligning the long sides.
  3. Iron the bend.
  4. Fold the workpiece in half with the inside out
  5. Sew short seams.
  6. Turn the workpiece out.
  7. Insert allowances along the long sides inwards and iron.
  8. Mark the place for the button and buttonhole.
  9. Trim the future loop and cut it.
  10. Attach a belt to the top cut of the skirt so that the skirt allowance is inside the workpiece.
  11. Take a belt and stitch.
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Fluffy skirt

A fluffy chiffon skirt with an elastic band will look very good - it is much easier to sew it with your own hands than a straight one. This may be one of the following options:

  • the sun;
  • half sun;
  • Tatyana.

Important! The sun and the half-sun are covered approximately the same - the difference is only in width and in that in one case the recess is located exactly in the middle, and in the other, near the edge.

You need 2 measurements:

  • waist circumference
  • length of the product.
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The sun

The blank of this skirt is a circle with a hole in the middle. It is important to determine the location and size of this hole. Waist circumference is divided by 6.28, that is, we find the radius of the circle along its length.

Fabric calculation

On a flared skirt, a lot of fabric is needed. The “reference point" in this case is the length of the product. With a fabric width of 150 cm, 4 lengths will be needed for a floor skirt, and 2 lengths for a mini.

Important! Since the belt is made of elastic tape, and the hem is simply wrapped with an overlock, nothing else needs to be added. If you are going to hem the bottom - add another 5 cm.


A skirt on the floor is best done with two seams:

  1. Fold the cut in half so that the edges coincide.
  2. Find the middle of one edge.
  3. Put a dot with chalk.
  4. With a compass draw a semicircle with a radius equal to the radius of the notch.
  5. If there is no compass, on one side and the other side of the point, set aside the radius of the notch and connect these points with a smooth line.
  6. Check the accuracy - measure the distance from the center point to the arc, it should also be equal to the radius.
  7. Set the length of the product from the ends of the recess.
  8. Connect the dots with a smooth line - it is better to draw it with a homemade compass. It is done simply - the pencil is tied to a cord, the length of which is equal to the length of the product with a notch radius added to it, and the second end of the cord is attached with a button to the center of the arc.
  9. Cut out the details.



A chiffon skirt is sewn to the floor with your own hands in the following order:

  1. Sweep the seams - as they go along the edges, nothing needs to be sewn.
  2. Stitch the details.
  3. Overlock the hem with hem or hem.
  4. Sew a gum belt.

Elastic Band Belt

In this case, no blanks from the fabric are needed, fortunately, in the sewing shops you can buy a wide elastic band of all colors and shades that are possible in the world.

Getting started:

  1. Cut a piece of elastic tape a couple of centimeters less than the waist circumference - the elastic will stretch, and it must not be allowed to sag.
  2. Sew it in a ring.
  3. Sweep to the top of the skirt, pulling slightly.
  4. Stitch the belt.
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Half sun

This self-made chiffon skirt is sewn almost the same as the sun. The only difference is that the tissue needs half as much, and the position of the notch will be different:

  1. Fold the fabric in one layer.
  2. Find the middle of the edge.
  3. Draw a line from this point equal to the radius of the notch, plus 1 cm for the allowance, and put a point.
  4. From this point, draw a circle with a radius equal to the radius of the notch.
  5. On the edges, lay the length of the product.
  6. Connect these points with a smooth line in the same way as when cutting a skirt-sun.
  7. The workpiece is ready, now it remains only to cut it.

Important! The half-sun skirt is going in exactly the same order as the sun.

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This classic skirt, which our great-grandmothers loved, is popular now. How to sew a skirt of chiffon, if there is no pattern? “Tatyanka” in this situation will help out a lot, and it is extremely easy to sew, moreover, it can be cut both along a shared thread and across:

  1. Measure your waist, hips, and length.
  2. Fold the fabric in one layer.
  3. If you want a not-so-fluffy skirt, set aside the hip circumference along the edge, plus seam allowance.
  4. For a fluffy skirt, this measure can be multiplied by 2 or even 3.
  5. Draw a line perpendicular to the edge.
  6. Put the length of the product on it, plus the allowance for processing the bottom and waist.
  7. From this point, draw a line parallel to the edges over the entire width of the product.
  8. As a result, you should get a rectangle.

Start assembly

“Tatyanka” is going to be no more complicated than the sun - even, perhaps, simpler:

  1. Sew the rectangle into a ring.
  2. Sew the top of the skirt with a basting seam, medium-length stitches.
  3. Distribute assemblies.
  4. Sew the elastic tape in the ring too.
  5. Take and stitch the belt to the skirt - as in the case of the sun and the half-sun, it should be slightly pulled, and you can sew on with a zigzag.
  6. Work on the bottom - if the skirt is long, you do not need to do this, because the hem runs along the hem.

Important! The rectangle can be cut so that its long side runs across the shared one. This greatly simplifies the calculation of the fabric - you need one length or two.

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Four-Blade Skirt

How to sew a chiffon skirt from wedges? It will be somewhat more complicated than the sun or the Tatyana, but nothing is impossible either. But you need a pattern, and it is better to do it yourself. You need to know the circumference of the waist and hips, and make simple calculations, dividing the one and the other by 6, 28.

Getting started:

  1. On a graph paper, draw a circle with the same radius as for the sun skirt.
  2. Divide the circle into 4 sectors by drawing two perpendicular lines through the center.
  3. From the same center, draw a second circle with a radius equal to the hip circumference divided by 6.28.
  4. You need only one of the four sectors - circle the notch, the hip line and the two sections of lines that connect them.
  5. From the points of intersection of the waistline and straight lines, set aside the length of the product.
  6. Connect these points in a smooth line.
  7. Circle the contours of this piece as well - the wedge pattern is ready.


  1. Fold the fabric four times.
  2. Circle the wedge pattern.
  3. Cut the workpiece by adding allowances of 1 cm for each seam and 2 cm for the bottom.
  4. Sweep and sew wedges.
  5. Sew an elastic band and overcast the bottom.
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In this article, we examined different options for how to sew a chiffon skirt. Be careful when working with this delicate and delicate material, and then you will not have any difficulties in creating unique things with your own hands.

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