How to sew slippers with your own hands?

If you like to do needlework, make unusual and original things, then this article will definitely be useful to you. In it, we will tell you how to sew slippers with your own hands. Any materials at hand, for example, an old sheepskin coat or leather boots, are suitable for this. In addition, do not forget that old clothes, shoes and other things are completely free material that is useful for sewing.

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How to sew simple slippers with your own hands?

In this section, we will demonstrate how to sew home slippers with our own hands. Patterns with sizes can be found ready-made, but it will not be difficult to make them yourself. The manufacturing technology of the pattern for making slippers with open or closed toe is quite simple:

  • To get started, take the most ordinary sheet of paper, circle your foot along the contour.

Important! You can also use old slippers of a suitable size, just put them on paper and then outline the sole clearly along the contour.

  • During leg outline, it is better to wear a sock or stocking, it is advisable to sit on a chair in order to reduce the load on the foot. In this case, the pattern will turn out with the correct, not distorted dimensions.
  • Outline the foot, carefully check it. Take a centimeter tape or ruler, measure with it the distance from the heel to the thumb.

Important! The resulting value should match the size of your shoes, only a small error is allowed, a maximum of half a centimeter.

  • If you use old shoes, you should wrap the upper part with a cloth or paper, draw a contour with a felt-tip pen or pencil, and make allowances for the seams.
  • Next, you can cut the resulting element.
  • If you need to make any adjustments, be sure to make them at this stage.

Important! The above calculations allow you to build the perfect pattern, it is enough to adjust it to your size. If you already have shoes of the necessary style or you want to sew something like this yourself, then it is not necessary to make a pattern.

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What to make home slippers from?

You can take any material as a basis, for example, old shoes, and if you have one, then you will surely like the idea of ​​how to sew slippers from old boots:

  • The left and right parts of the lower part of the sole, as a rule, are made of split leather, shoe leather or leatherette. For the manufacture of insoles is quite suitable suede, split or cloth.
  • Be sure to have a gasket between the sole and insole. It can be cut from batting or cardboard.
  • The upper part is made of lining and leather, in addition, they can be duplicated with softer pads, then just quilted.

If the slippers on top consist of two halves, then it is necessary to grind or connect them using a braid. Then they are glued together with a lining and gasket, braided or edged sections. At the last stage, decorative decoration is carried out.

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What tools and materials are needed to work?

Before you make slippers with your own hands, stock up on especially strong threads:

  • Cotton threads in 12, 9 or 6 additions, dacron or cotton-laced cotton threads are suitable for this purpose.
  • It is better to grind the upper part with the help of kapron threads.
  • The sole is to be ground, it is recommended more dense kapron materials.
  • The edging of the sections and the details of the top can be done on a sewing machine, only the edging should be attached to the sole and the top will have to be manually.

Important! Buy a special sewing awl in the store that will allow you to sew durable and sturdy slippers from any material.

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Sewing technology for ordinary slippers

Now we will consider in detail how to sew slippers with your own hands. Patterns are ready, so you can proceed to further work, according to the above diagram:

  • Getting to the cut details. When cutting the sole, make allowances of 0.5 cm for the edge treatment.
  • Reduce the pattern of the gasket along the entire contour by 0.7 cm so that it does not thicken the seams.
  • Glue the cut parts from the leather, trim the edges as evenly as possible.
  • Seam outward and glue the sole along the edge with the upper slipper, carefully combining the control marks.

Important! If the model of your slippers is closed, then first remove the excess along the length of the upper part in the forefoot. If the top is open, then adjust the length of the upper part so that it fits the foot more tightly.

  • Trim, edge braid or straight stitch to connect the top to the sole. In this case, the welt is made of a narrow leather strip in the form of a lining or piping along the edge.
  • Cover the seam with a decorative pigtail that can be woven from thin leather belts, ribbons or laces.
  • Do the same manipulations on the second slipper.
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How to sew warm home boots on your own?

If you prefer warm home boots, then you will have to work a little more than in the previous case. Now you know how to make a pattern for the sole, but it’s more difficult to cut the top of slippers of this type. Use the wrapping technique described above for this.

Important! As a template for making patterns of the upper part, even boots or shoes with flat soles are suitable.

The pattern is constructed in this way:

  1. Remember to make paper easier to lay on top of shoes.
  2. Wrap it around your foot or base. It is inconvenient to do this, but the pattern will be as accurate as possible.
  3. In the process of wrapping, lay the folds, fixing them with glue or paper tape, pins.
  4. Outline the connection line with the sole, the line along the heel and the front of the shoe, draw a contour of the upper edge.
  5. Remove the paper while leaving the pins in place.
  6. Make notches along all the connection lines, adjust all the lines of the pattern.
  7. Break the resulting pattern into several parts, it all depends on the developed model.


Making warm boots for home

The upper parts can be cut out of felt, leather, dense cloth, split. You can also supplement them with pieces of velveteen, tapestry, fur or cloth. Remember about 0.5-0.7 cm seam allowances.

Follow this technique:

  1. Cut the lining of split leather, bikes, cloth, fur or wool knit according to ready-made patterns.
  2. Stitch separately the lining and top elements.
  3. On the inside of the lining, stitch the leather thrust pad so that the backs do not crumple in the future.
  4. Connect the lining with the top with the inner seam along the edge of the boots, then turn the product to the front side, make a fastening stitch.
  5. Fill the edges of the cut with a trim strip or braid.
  6. Attach the upper part of the product to the sole, slightly seating the upper part in the area of ​​the toe and heel. The seam must be laid on both sides from the toe to the heel.

Important! To prevent slippers from falling off your feet, you can sew a strap or ties to them - just punch small holes in the upper part and push them there. If the lining is fabric, then the holes must be edged with metal blocks.

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The ideas presented in this article will allow you to quickly sew slippers with your own hands. Patterns are made very simply, without the use of special skills and materials.Thanks to the knowledge gained, you can sew both light and warm slippers for your home, which will allow you to move comfortably and keep your feet warm.


