How to sew a gypsy skirt with your own hands - patterns?

The alluring gypsy dance does not take one's eyes off in many respects thanks to the bright skirt, which, as it were, repeats all the performer's movements. Sewing such a thing seems very difficult, but in fact it is not. Just such a model will require a lot of fabric, especially if it is sewn for an adult girl. Such a thing looks good on almost any figure. It is easy to sew with your own hands, even for a beginner. How to sew a gypsy skirt with your own hands? - Patterns can be found on any needlework site. And then - you need to choose the material for sewing and purchase thread matching in color, oblique trim and non-woven fabric. We will deal with all this in this article.

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Choose material

Gypsy skirts are usually sewn from bright material that does not wrinkle and does not shine through. Fit:

  • atlas;
  • staple;
  • rayon;
  • fabric based polyester.

To sew a gypsy skirt with your own hands, the coloring of the material is usually taken with a floral ornament.

Important! Fabrics with geometric patterns are not suitable here. You can take solid material and trim it with contrasting color ribbons, beads, sequins or embroidery. For lining, you can use a suitable color fabric, but from a cheaper material.

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What is a gypsy skirt?

  • Most often, such a thing is a wide long model sewn in the “sun” style, with a frill at the bottom.
  • The rim can be a little gathered or represented by several shuttlecocks tailored along the oblique.
  • The belt is sewn of medium width, usually without elastic, so that the product does not slip in the dance. For rigidity, it is treated with non-woven fabric and the zipper is sewn. You can make a belt on the side ties.

Important! If you still want to sew in an elastic band, then use not very dense and not very narrow.

  • In order to give the product splendor, the bottom needs to be processed with a fishing line.

Important! What can complement such a thing?

  • If this is part of a theme costume, then it is usually complemented by a tight-fitting short blouse that covers the stomach.
  • You can choose a regular t-shirt instead of a blouse, adding accessories to it. This suit goes well with a shawl of bright color, large beads, earrings, bracelets.
  • In cold weather, the suit can be complemented with a long knitted sweater.
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How to make patterns?

Before you make patterns and sew a gypsy skirt with your own hands, you need to take measurements - measure the waist, hips and length of the product. Farther:

  • To build a pattern, you need to calculate the internal radius. For this, the waist circumference is divided by 6.28. For example, you have a waist volume of 63 cm. Dividing this figure by 6.28 we get 10 cm. This will be the radius for one sun skirt. But the style of such a model requires two such “suns”, so we divide this radius by two more. The result is 5 cm, which we designate on paper.
  • From the inner radius, put off the length of the product and draw a second radius. We get either two semicircles or a quarter of the “sun." In this case, when cutting the fabric will need to be folded four times.
  • If we take a width of 150 cm, then for one instance we need from 9 to 13 meters of fabric. From this fabric two “suns” will turn out and will remain for a frill.
  • For the belt, a rectangle is cut out from the main fabric and another one from the non-woven fabric.
  • The size of the main fabric should be 4 times the length of the thing. And the length of the frill is 2 times the hem of the finished product.
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Sewing Stages

How to sew a gypsy skirt with your own hands? The following steps can be distinguished when sewing:

Cutting fabric:

  • We apply the pattern to the material and circle it with chalk.

Important! Remember to leave seam allowances.

  • Cut out the main details.
  • Cut out a frill and a belt.

The manufacture of the main part of the skirt:

  1. Fold the panels with the front sides to each other.
  2. We sew their side seams.
  3. We overcast the edges with an overlock.

Sewing frills:

  1. The lower part of the frill must be bent and stitched. Or you can treat it with an oblique tie.
  2. The frills sewn together should be picked up and sewn evenly to the main part of the skirt.

Residual work

The main work has been done, it remains to sew a belt and a petticoat, if it is provided for in this model. Decorate the product, if it needs it, wash and iron it.

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Stock footage

In the same way, you can sew a gypsy skirt for a girl with your own hands. For her, you will need much less material, but your baby will be a carnival star.


