How to sew a skirt?

No clothes more feminine and natural than a skirt. This is the basis of the foundation of any women's wardrobe and, in fact, an indicator of women's health. Any thing is a reflection of their mistress, and a well-cut and well-fitting skirt is a business card in general. But all the ladies are completely different, and the same thing will not look good on everyone in a row, besides, even with the same sizes, the outfit will fit perfectly on someone, and on someone it will look like a saddle on a cow. Choosing the perfect skirt in the store is a real feat, and to sew in the atelier is a financial collapse, so in this article we will consider the main ways to sew the skirt with our own hands.

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How to choose a model?

The difficult question of choice should be based not on emotions, but on the type of your figure. There are models that suit almost anyone, but there are those that do not disfigure only a few. Before describing the silhouettes, we must recall the main types of shapes:

  • Triangle down- wide shoulders and narrow hips.
  • Triangle up - wide hips and narrow shoulders.
  • A rectangle is a figure without differences between the shoulders, waist and hips.
  • Circle - a woman is practically a ball in the area of ​​the body.
  • Hourglass - fairly wide hips and shoulders and a narrow waist.

One or another type always has a certain type of clothing. If we are talking about skirts, then the situation is approximately as follows:

  • Pencil skirt. Suitable for almost everyone, the exception is too thin or overly full hips.
  • "Tulip". It increases the difference between the waist and hips, significantly hides the growth.
  • With smell. It will hide the tummy perfectly, however, it is worth being careful with the number of folds. They can give the opposite effect.
  • A-line. It also corrects shape defects well, but shortens the legs.
  • "The sun". Gives a wonderful emphasis on the waist, but makes the hips more massive.

Important! If before you had no experience in tailoring, then the “sun” model is the easiest option to sew a skirt with your own hands.

  • Skirt year. Perfectly balances the line of the hips, but not recommended for pumped calves.
  • Plisse. A convenient option for everyone, but when complete can look silly.
  • Mini skirt. Lengthens legs, but with high growth is not recommended.
  • Skirt with Basques. A universal option for everyone, but ladies in the body should be careful with the length of the basques. It should be either lower or higher than the widest part.
  • Straight. The length to the knee and below will shorten the figure.
  • Layered. Perfectly sits on a girl with an asthenic figure.
  • Floor skirt. It will hide the flaws of the legs, but shorten the growth.
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Sewing without modeling

Many people are stopped by the fear of doing something wrong, it is especially scary to spoil the source material, which is what prevents many from doing private sewing. Not every person will be able to correctly cut the fabric, but there are things for which complex drawings and constructions are not needed.

So, for a skirt without a pattern, we need:

  • Threads;
  • The cloth;
  • Tape measure;
  • Needles;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Scissors;
  • Lightning;
  • Rubber;
  • Soap and whether tailor chalk.

The sun

The simplest do-it-yourself skirt is the sun skirt. To sew this option, we need to know only one thing - the waist circumference. Action Plan Elementary:

  1. Lay out the fabric on the table (if it is large enough) or directly on the floor.
  2. In the center, draw a circle. We will find the radius of the circle by dividing the waist circumference by 2x3.14.
  3. To postpone the length of the future product from the edge of the small circle.
  4. Cut with seam allowance.
  5. Sew the bottom edge with a sewing machine, sew the elastic to the top.

Try on. The skirt is ready!

Important! If you make the skirt not round, but take as a basis a square with a side of 120 cm, then the thing will look very eclectic.



It will be a little harder to create a pencil skirt, but it can also be sewn without a pattern:

  • For the template, take any well-fitting skirt or the bottom of the dress. The most important thing is that the fit is ideal in the hips.
  • Fold the fabric in half and circle the silhouette with chalk.

Important! The length of the product can be any, the main thing when modeling a skirt with your own hands is to maintain the proportions of the waist-hip.

  • In order for a thing to become narrowed, an approximate equality of the top and bottom of the product is necessary. We measure the half-waist around the bottom of the product and draw a vertical up.
  • Cut off the excess wedge, combine the slices and sew.
  • We insert an elastic band in the waist circumference minus 1.5 cm.
  • We bend the bottom edge and try on a new thing.

Floor model

It is also easy to understand how to sew a skirt on the floor. This model is ideal for the summer and for those who do not really like his legs. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • We measure the waist, hips and length of the product.

Important! Decide how wide your product will be. If lush, then the hips should be multiplied by 1.6-2, if moderate -1.3-1.5.

  • The resulting number is the width of the fabric, and the length is the length of the product plus 6 cm of seam allowances.
  • Next, we sew the sides, leaving room for the insertion of the elastic.
  • We wrap the upper part 1 cm, then the width of the elastic. Next, you need to sew and retract the gum.
  • We process the side seams and the bottom of the product.

Important! If the style allows, then you can decorate the skirt with beads, rhinestones, ribbons. In the 2017-2018 season, things with pearls have a special charm.

Princess skirt

Among the most popular queries on the Internet, the question of tailoring children's skirts often flashes. A beautiful and high-quality children's item, despite the absolutely disproportionate waste of material, sometimes costs more than adults. But it’s not difficult to please the baby, a couple of passes with her hands and a bright and fluffy tutu skirt are ready.

To sew a baby skirt with your own hands without a pattern quickly, you just need to decide on the idea and color.

Materials that are needed for a miracle:

  • Fatin or knitted mesh;
  • Wide dense sewing gum;
  • Thin elastic - silicone, hat or spandex;
  • Needle;
  • Threads;
  • Scissors;
  • Tape measure.

And then you don’t even need sewing skills as such:

  • Cut 40-50 pieces of tulle approximately 20-30 cm wide and twice as long as the finished product.
  • Sew together the ends of a wide elastic band. The length should be a couple of centimeters less than the waist circumference plus the seam allowance.
  • Fix the belt on any surface.
  • Wrap all the ribbons around the elastic.
  • Fix in any convenient way, but best with a durable thin rubber band.

Important! It is necessary to fasten firmly, but so that pieces of fabric retain mobility.

  • When all the fabric has been spread over the elastic, whisk it to add volume.
  • Decorate as desired.

The finished skirt will be a real miracle for a little girl, and most importantly - it is simple and fast. This is the case when the preparation takes longer than the process itself.

Mini is always on top

Alluring, passionate, attracts attention - it's all about her, about the miniskirt. The main rule, however, is that the skirt does not seem to be a belt. Among the interesting mini models, a skirt with stripes with a lock takes a strong place.

Important! If it is possible to borrow a finished product somewhere, it is better to do so, but if not, then the length of one strip varies from 7 to 8 cm, not counting the allowances for the seams.

The building process is as follows:

  1. Mark stripes on fabric using a pattern.
  2. Cut the fabric.
  3. Sweep or cleave with pins strips between each other.
  4. Sew the fabric and smooth the seams down.
  5. Sew the two resulting canvases as carefully as possible so that, if possible, the seams on the halves match.
  6. Insert the gum, process the bottom.
  7. Decorate with zipper if desired.

Thus, in just a few hours you will get a beautiful fashionable skirt.


The simplest bell pattern

Among interesting models of skirts, it is worth noting especially such a model as a bell skirt. It looks like a sun skirt, but has a distinctive feature - pleats that hold their shape.

Important! It is worth noting that it is better for ladies who are prone to fullness to be careful with such a skirt.

You need to start work by taking measurements from the future hostess, you need to know the waist circumference and the future length of the product, which varies from 60 cm to 100. We sew the skirt with our own hands, creating patterns for beginners. You need to work on the shared thread, otherwise - the fabric will stretch, so you should immediately calculate the required amount of fabric, taking into account allowances for the seams and the future belt.

Important! It is necessary to choose a fabric that is not very heavy and rough, otherwise, the folds will not lie down as it should and there will not be a beautiful effect due to which this model is appreciated.


  1. To create a pattern, it is necessary to cut 2 squares measuring 1.5 m by 1.5 m, transfer them to the fabric and cut.
  2. Fold the squares of the fabric diagonally, make the bottom rounded, given the length.
  3. Mark the waist line with allowance for allowances.
  4. To create a belt, cut off the fabric at a rate of approximately 1: 2 wide to the necessary length and equal to the waist circumference plus 4 cm for the future fastener.
  5. Sew the skirt, on the one hand, not reaching 15 cm to the hem.
  6. Edges need to be processed with an overlock.
  7. Sew a zipper, best hidden.
  8. Create pleats or assemblies. An assembly can be created using the widest line on a typewriter. Perform these actions until the top meets the waist.
  9. Assemble the belt and the skirt itself, trim the edges.
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Stock footage

Obviously, it’s easy to sew a fashionable skirt with your own hands, especially if there is a desire and time. Thus, you will have a beautiful and solid thing, which, moreover, in a single copy. And if you are afraid that you will not be able to carve this or that thing - there is always the opportunity to do without complex modeling.

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