How to knit men's socks with knitting needles?

Knitwear has always been in great demand, they are incredibly warm, soft, pleasant to the touch. If a person knows how to work with knitting needles, then he can easily make such an original and useful gift for a loved one. Today we’ll talk about how to knit men's socks with knitting needles. Yes, we will talk about such wonderful wardrobe items. For beginners, this may seem like too much work, but we will offer detailed schemes for beginners that will allow you to do everything correctly and efficiently.

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How to choose the right tools for knitting?

Naturally, before starting work, you should prepare all the necessary tools and materials. It is necessary to pay maximum attention to the choice of knitting needles and yarn.

Consider the following factors:

  • Material. Today, knitting needles are made of wood (often leave puffs), plastic (bend or break during operation), steel (the most reliable and strong), aluminum (leave dark marks on the yarn).
  • The size. The choice of this parameter directly depends on the chosen pattern and the thickness of the yarn.
  • It is better to refuse to buy too sharp tools - they can damage not only the socks and twisted yarn, but also your own fingers.
  • Knitting needles can have closed ends (wire or rings on the ends). This is an ideal option for knitting large items.
  • Yarn. Since today, knitting threads are mass produced by dozens of manufacturers, it is difficult to choose one thing. Distinguish woolen, synthetic threads, iris.

Important! Woolen-based products are in greatest demand, because thanks to them, finished products hold their shape well, any pattern looks distinctly and beautifully on them.

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We knit simple men's socks with our own hands

Now we will offer you a master class in which we will tell you how to knit men's socks with knitting needles 42 size for beginners, we will describe in detail each stage of the work.

You will need the following to work:

  • Five stocking knitting needles at number 4.
  • Two types of soft yarn in gray and light green.

Knit socks according to this pattern:

  1. Dial 52 loops. Spread the stitched loops evenly into 4 knitting needles. As a result, each of them will have 13 loops.
  2. Knit about 12 cm with an elastic band, alternating threads of different shades. Stitch 2 cm with the front stitch to go to the heel.
  3. Loops from the very first and last knitting needles to one. Stitch the heel 5 cm face viscous.
  4. To make your lower heel form, divide the 26 loops you work with into three equal parts. You will get 8, 9, 8 loops. Continue to knit with the front stitch exclusively the central part of those that you shared. Knit the last stitch in each row with the previous stitch.
  5. In this way, knit until all the loops on the sides end. As a result, only the loops of the lower part of the heel will remain on the spoke.
  6. Continue knitting in circles. Gather on the side edges of the walls of our heel loops.
  7. Reduce the loops additionally dialed in the previous step as follows: knit 2 and 3 together on the first knitting needle from the end, then knit 2 and 3 loops together on the fourth knitting needle. Do such reductions in every second row until all the knitting needles have the same number of loops. Knit another 15 cm with front stitch.
  8. Change the working thread to a thread of dark green color, then knit together on the 1st and 3rd knitting needles 3 and 2 stitches from the end of the front viscous, on 2 and 3 - also the 2 and 3 stitches. On each second circular row, make reductions until you have exactly half the loops of the total volume on your knitting needles.
  9. Continue turning down the loops in each row. At that moment, when you have two loops on each knitting needle, you can finish knitting, pull the thread into the remaining loops, pull them together.
  10. By analogy, tie a second toe.

In the end, you will get great socks that you can present to a man dear to your heart for any occasion.

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Making socks with two knitting needles

Many needlewomen are interested in how to knit men's socks with two knitting needles in size 42. With the description, we will present a knitting pattern a little lower, but before that, let's figure out why the process of creating socks with just two knitting needles is of such great interest.

Their advantages include the following:

  • Easy knitting.
  • The ability to choose any pattern and scheme for work.
  • The assembled product has no seams, so children often wear them.

To make it easier for you, in this master class we will tell you how to make exactly baby socks, because then, by analogy, you can independently knit products of any size, the main thing is to clearly understand the pattern.

Using this step-by-step guide, you will knit delicious socks:

  1. Prepare medium-length tools and yarn in two colors.
  2. Start knitting from the back of the cuff. First, collect 22 loops on both knitting needles, knit the elastic one on one for about 15 rows, so that a 4 cm canvas comes out. Knit the same distance with the front surface to make the back of the toe.
  3. We start to knit the heel. To form it, when knitting each front row, make decreases, that is, knit together 2 and 3 loops and the last two. Continue knitting according to the pattern, reducing until you have 12 stitches left on your knitting needles.
  4. Now the work should be expanded, increase the size of the canvas. From each edge loop, knit one front, knit the rows on the wrong side according to the pattern without additions. Add until you again have 22 loops on the spoke. Thus, you will form a heel.
  5. Knit a foot of about 8 cm with the front surface. To create a pattern along the way, alternate the colors, that is, knit 2 rows of each shade. Now you are ready for the sole and bottom.
  6. By analogy with knitting the heel, form a toe: first reduce the loops to 12, then again begin to add to the original amount.
  7. Knit 8 cm of the top of the sock, connecting in each row the edge loops with the first and last. This option of knitting will allow you to connect the sole to the top of the sock, it will take on a complete look.
  8. Knit the cuff with the front stitch on the front, connecting the main fabric to the back. Knit 4 cm with an elastic band, finish the job.
  9. In the same way, knit a second toe.
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Stock footage

Socks associated with all care and love will certainly warm, delight the soul and look of your loved one. You can do everything yourself, the main thing is to learn the basic principles of knitting, first using the simplest and easiest patterns, then you can already experiment with various patterns and patterns. Beautiful socks will delight their owner. For example, knitting 42 sizes, you can easily knit 41, 43, 44, 45 size, just changing the pattern.

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