How to remove glue from clothes from rhinestones at home?

If you acted not carefully, doing needlework, then after attaching a rhinestone on the clothes, traces of glue may remain. For some, this may seem like an insignificant problem that you can close your eyes to. However, in most cases, the clothes look rather untidy. How to remove glue from clothes from rhinestones at home? Now let's figure it out.

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The most important rules

If you do not want to spoil the fabric, be sure to follow these rules and recommendations:

  • If during the removal process, the glue becomes jelly-like and removing it with an ordinary cloth or cotton pad is incredibly difficult, try using an eraser (eraser) for this purpose.
  • Deciding to use acetone or some other solvent, you must remember that you need to use it from the wrong side of clothing, in no case on the front.
  • The spray is sprayed on the front side. Treat the necessary areas and leave the product for twenty minutes, then carefully wash and rinse the clothes.
  • Be careful with turpentine. If you use it too much or keep it on your clothes for more than five minutes, you can irreparably ruin it.
  • When removing glue, carefully watch that it does not spread and does not fall on other areas of matter.
  • Acetone and solvent can not be used to get rid of glue on silk fabric, since these products will simply discolor it and lead to damage to the fibers.
  • Having bought the product, do not rush to use it immediately. To get started, test on a small, inconspicuous patch of fabric.

Important! After cleaning by any means, it is necessary to wash the product or simply rinse it in warm water with a small addition of liquid soap.

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Tools to help remove glue

The tool is selected depending on the type of glue. If you are engaged in needlework, then it will be much easier to choose a tool, because you probably know what kind of glue you are. However, what if the item is bought in a store? We are trying to deal with the composition used.


This type is quite easy to apply, but almost impossible to eliminate. To remove thermoactive glue, you must use acetone or a special solvent purchased in a specialized store.

Hot melt glue

This species is also quite difficult to remove without leaving traces and without damaging matter. Heating will not work. It is necessary to act with the help of special aerosols or the same nail polish remover.


Oddly enough, superglue (another name) is much easier to remove than the previous options. It is quite simple to make a spray “anti superglue” or all the same acetone.


To remove epoxy glue, a solution of alcohol and turpentine in equal proportions will help. Alternatively, you can purchase a specialized product containing acetone in its composition.

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Is it possible to remove glue without using chemicals?

Be that as it may, you need to understand that in any case, the glue has a strong fixation. Sometimes it is very difficult to even remove it with an aggressive chemical agent, not to mention the usual “grandmother” methods. The best way to avoid damaging the matter is to try to remove the rhinestones along with a layer of glue.

Soft ways

The most gentle methods to remove glue from clothes from rhinestones at home:

  • Moisten the necessary areas well with alcohol. Leave the product for fifteen minutes, and then use a sharp object (for example, a knife or a pin) to hook the adhesive layer.
  • For the second method, you need to put the thing in a plastic bag and put it away for twelve hours in the freezer. After the time you should be able to achieve the desired result. If this does not happen, use a hard pile brush, and if necessary, repeat the procedure.

Important! This option is perfect in the matter of how to remove glue from the cap.

Soldering iron

As an option - you can use a special soldering iron. All you need to do is heat it and heat the crystal. After that, removing the rhinestones and glue will be much simpler.

Important! This method has one minus - a small sticky trace will still remain, but usually it is a small film that is not visible.



The next way hot glue can be removed from clothing is to use paper. Put one thin sheet on the product and iron it. After that, the glue should remain on the paper.

Important! This is also a great method to remove hot glue from clothes.


One of the most popular folk methods is using vinegar. Mix it with water in equal proportions and process the necessary areas.

Important! If the method does not help, repeat the procedure, adding one teaspoon to the solution ammonia. The combination of these 2 products, as a rule, allows you to remove spots of any origin, old age, degree of difficulty.

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As you can see, there are ways to remove rhinestones from clothes, glue and traces of it. Follow the rules and recommendations that were described in the article, and you will succeed.


