How to remove paint from a jacket?

If your child is fond of drawing, it is quite possible that in the near future he may accidentally knock over a jar of gouache on his clothes. Cases of contamination of clothing during repairs are also frequent, and even by chance on the street you can touch the painted surface somewhere. In any of these situations, you will be faced with the question of how to remove the paint from the jacket. Someone might think that after that the thing will be hopelessly spoiled, all that remains to be done is to throw it away. However, this is absolutely not the case, we are ready to convince you of the opposite. Follow our recommendations, and you can easily cope with this problem.

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Fight bright spots

The main thing is not to rush or panic. Being afraid not to cope, people run for help to dry cleaning specialists. However, in most cases, giving a lot of money, you cannot be completely sure of getting a good and high-quality result.

First you need to learn two things:

  • Type of paint.
  • Stain remover for this type of paint.

As for the type of paint, basically two groups can be distinguished: those that dissolve, and those that do not.

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Stain removal

Water soluble can be removed as follows:

  • If the stain is fresh, sometimes it is enough to simply wash the stained product in warm water and soap.

Important! Soiled contaminants must be presoaked for an hour. Alternatively, you can use ordinary powder.

  • Oil paints and those with a greasy consistency are well removed with dishwashing detergent. Apply it on a stain and leave for an hour. After time, wash the product.
  • If the jacket that is stained is made of dense materials, then treat it with a solution of ammonia and oxalic acid in equal proportions.
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Proper cleaning:

  • The most important rule is to start cleaning as soon as you notice a stain. Fresh paint is much easier to clean than old.
  • Be sure to turn the product on the wrong side before proceeding with the removal of paint from the jacket at home. The fact is that the chemical applied on the front side can discolor the surface.
  • Stains should be removed in a circular motion towards the center so as not to smear the paint.
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Effective ways:

  • One of the methods for removing paint from a jacket at home is nail polish remover. The main thing is that there is no acetone in the composition. The method is good in that almost every girl has a similar remedy.
  • If you need to remove the paint as quickly as possible, use a solution of refined gasoline and a spoonful of ammonia.
  • If the stain is fresh, then it can easily be erased with olive or sunflower oil. True, after that you must immediately wash the thing.
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Oddly enough, but ordinary butter, which is found in almost any apartment, is able to effectively deal with oil paints:

  1. Remove the oil from the refrigerator and wait until it is soft.
  2. Mix it with washing powder.
  3. The resulting mixture must be applied to the stain and incubated for half an hour.
  4. At the end of time, wash the item.

Important! This is one of the safest methods. It is perfect for how to clean a bologna jacket from paint.You can be sure that nothing will happen to the thing.

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Latex paint

If everything is clear with how to remove traces of gouache or watercolor, then there are some types of paint that are somewhat more difficult to remove. One of them is latex or water emulsion (another name). It is very often used in construction and repair, so getting dirty is not difficult.

Cope with this problem will help ordinary alcohol or vodka. Moisten the necessary area with alcohol and leave for an hour. The paint should go off easily.

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Missed moment

As mentioned earlier, it is best to immediately remove the paint from the clothes, but what if the moment is missed and it has already absorbed into the fibers?

In this case, remove the crust with a sharp object, then moisten a cotton pad or brush in turpentine and rub the liquid into the area of ​​contamination.

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After cleaning

After the result is achieved, and the question of how to remove paint from the jacket at home is left behind, rinse the item thoroughly in cool water. Since, in most cases, control products have a smell, it is necessary to ventilate the product in fresh air.

Important! A big mistake is made by people who try to kill the smell with perfume or cologne - this only exacerbates the situation.

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In this article, we have listed only the safest and most effective methods regarding how to remove paint from a jacket at home. As you can see, it’s worth following the rules, and the cleaning process will not be so intimidating and difficult.


