How to remove tan marks from an iron from clothes?

Even the most accurate and attentive housewife may experience trouble in the form of a tan from the iron. Therefore, the question of how to remove tan marks from an iron from clothes is always relevant. even if you use the most advanced model of this household appliance. Do not blame yourself for this carelessness, because there are a huge number of stain removers and even proven folk remedies that will help you successfully cope with the situation.
to contents ↑Why are burn marks formed?
Nowadays, manufacturers say that their irons are equipped with modern coatings and protect clothes from unpleasant moments in the form of tanning. As practice shows, things can be fired even by the best and most expensive household appliance.
Tanning may appear for several reasons:
- Broken iron;
- The wrong ironing mode is selected;
- By carelessness.
That is, all causes are a human factor. And in order to continue to eliminate such problems, be sure to read our articles:
to contents ↑Important! To remove tan marks from the iron from clothes, you must first try to remove traces of ordinary water. Water works especially well on woolen fabrics with thick fibers. If water and powder did not help to cope with the problem, proceed with a more effective action.
Folk remedies
You can remove any tan marks from the iron, regardless of the depth and area of the damaged fabric. The only exceptions are situations where the marks are rusty. You can buy special stain remover in the store, or you can use not very complicated recipes at home. Here are a few of them.
Lemon juice:
- Take lemon juice.
- Place the tan soaked in juice.
- Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
- Set aside for a while.
- After all, wash in cool water.
- Moisten the problem spot in cool water.
- Sprinkle with salt.
- Dry in the sun.
- Wash again in cool water.
Hydrogen peroxide:
- Moisten a damaged area.
- Dry it.
- Then at the end of the procedure rinse in cold water.
Important! The same tool can be used to solve the problem of how to remove tan from an iron on synthetics. Only it is necessary to act in this way:
- Take hydrogen peroxide.
- Mix with ammonia in a ratio of 5: 1.
- Moisten a tan with this solution.
- Dry in the sun.
- Wash in cool water.
Onions will help get rid of stains only on colored clothes. Follow this instruction and everything will turn out:
- Rub onion into gruel.
- Rub into a dirty place.
- Rinse in cool water, and better - wash.
Important! Wash in order to remove the smell of onions. Rub another stain with half the onion - this method will also help out if there is no time.
An economical way to remove tan marks from an iron:
- Hold the clothes in milk for a while.
- Wash in the usual way.
How to remove stains from black trousers?
Removing iron stains on black trousers or skirts is a little more difficult, but possible.
Laundry soap:
- Prepare a solution from laundry soap. It must be very cool.
- Moisten gauze in solution and wring.
- Stroke spoiled through cheesecloth. No need to press hard.
- Dry in the usual way.
- Dip a cotton swab in vinegar.
- Wipe the problem spot a couple of times.
- Iron the thing.
Useful Tips:
- A not very large trace of the iron on clothes is cleaned with a damp cloth. Lay the clothes on a flat surface and rub the stain. If you see that the rag turns yellow - do it right.
- Powder containing enzymes is also able to remove the tan.
- Check the action on the wrong side and before using any of the means.
- In order not to look for tips on how to remove the stain from the iron from now on, observe the ironing mode and check clothing care rules on the clothing label.
- Before plugging in the iron, make sure that the appliance is in good condition and that it can be ironed.
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Whatever the trace of the iron, it greatly weakens the structure of the fabric. Use the above methods with caution, and also do not really get distracted from the process of ironing your clothes.
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