How to remove smell from sneakers at home quickly?

Surely many were faced with the problem of an unpleasant smell in shoes. It appears due to the fact that a greenhouse effect is formed inside it, due to which the legs begin to sweat actively. Sweat itself is an ideal medium for the reproduction of bacteria, fungus, and so the products of their vital activity smell bad. If you are in such shoes all day, then in the evening your legs will also smell bad. Of course, you can remove this aroma, but if the reason for the constant occurrence of this problem is not related to personal hygiene, then it's time to take up shoes. Necessarily wet sneakers must be dried so that they do not emit a scent of mustiness or charm. But if the problem still touched you, then let's find out how to remove the smell from sneakers at home quickly with special and folk remedies.

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Use of Formidron to Combat Bad Breath

This antibacterial disinfectant is used for increased perspiration. You can buy it without any problems at any pharmacy.

Work should be done according to this scheme, without violating these rules:

  1. Put on gloves, a mask, open the bottle and treat the composition of the shoes inside.
  2. Dry it well on the balcony or in a well-ventilated area.
  3. If the smell remains, then repeat the procedure.

Important! “Formidron” has a rather pungent odor, so do not even try to smell it. It is better to avoid inhaling its vapors altogether; for this, do the treatment on the street or on the balcony. The composition can cause severe irritation of the mucous membranes, so it is better not to contact it without protective equipment.

This product contains formaldehyde in a safe concentration for humans, in fact, therefore, is freely sold in pharmacies. After processing, it quickly erodes.

Important! This method of removing unpleasant odors from shoes should not be used by pregnant women or just planning to become pregnant, since their pairs are unsafe for them.

We described this method as the very first, because it is considered the most effective. “Formidron” removes bad smell from sneakers completely, even the most fetid and persistent. It is also the best in the rate of excretion.

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Replacing insoles to eliminate odor

If you just feel the aroma of mustiness or charm, then the option how to eliminate the smell in sneakers by replacing the insoles is suitable for you. Fortunately, the modern market offers a huge number of special insoles.

For this type of shoe, antibacterial insoles, consisting of several layers, soaked in activated carbon, are ideal. From above, they are usually covered with a natural cotton fabric that is pleasant to the touch. They perfectly eliminate extraneous odors, absorb moisture, have an antifungal effect.

Important! Such insoles are considered universal, since they can be customized to fit your size, for convenience there is marking on them.

Manufacturers recommend taking them out at night to dry. In general, it is recommended to change the insoles monthly, so as not to encounter this problem.

Important! In the fight, all means are good.Therefore, if the problem of stench from shoes often bothers you, select and regularly use a special deodorant even in the absence of smell. Choose a tool that does not just mask the smell, but has antiseptic properties. Which manufacturer to prefer - read in our separate review "Deodorant for shoes".

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Wash against bad smell

Are you wondering how to remove the smell from sneakers at home? The easiest way to wash them as follows:

  • First, the shoes are completely washed.
  • Then the insoles go out, the laces are lined up.
  • Inside, a fabric softener pre-diluted with warm water is poured.
  • Sneakers are placed in a special grid for washing, placed on the bottom of the drum of the washing machine.
  • Laundry detergent. There is no need to pour a lot of powder.

Important! It is better to use a liquid product, because it is better washed away.

  • Select the appropriate wash mode. Many modern devices have functions for washing shoes, but if your machine does not have one, select a delicate wash so that the water temperature does not exceed 30 degrees.

Important! Be sure to set an additional rinse, cancel drying.

  • Dry your sneakers. You can fill them with newspapers, changing them to dry ones from time to time. When the shoes are slightly wet, you can take them out in the sun.

Important! Cheap Chinese sneakers cannot be washed in this way, because they can simply become deformed or literally fall apart due to processing with low-quality glue, eroded in water.

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Popular ways to deal with bad odor

Did you discover with great regret that your sneakers stink? How to get rid of a smell by folk methods we will learn in this section. There are many proven, effective, safe products that are widely used to remove odors from shoes.

These include:

  • Soda. This tool is suitable only for processing white sneakers. In the evening, fill them with soda, leave until the morning, then just shake it out. If you can’t achieve the result right away, add a little corn starch to the soda. These substances simply need to be mixed, put in socks, put them in sneakers for the night.
  • Chlorine Warm water with bleach perfectly eliminates stench. The solution should simply be poured into the shoes and wait a couple of minutes.

Important! Do not use this product on delicate or poor quality materials, shoes in dark colors. After such a treatment, either the appearance of your beloved pair will definitely stop liking you, or its strength will completely disappear.

  • Activated carbon. The obsessive smell removes charcoal perfectly. It just needs to be poured overnight in crushed form into sneakers, shake out in the morning.
  • Alcohol. A cotton swab moistened with alcohol copes with any unpleasant odors. They rub the shoes from the inside, leave for a while.
  • Green tea. This option will appeal to tea lovers. Used bags are placed in sneakers, after a couple of hours the smell is guaranteed to disappear.

Important! You can also try pouring tea into shoes, wait a couple of minutes, send it to dry.

  • Orange peels. You can put a couple of orange peels inside at night - by morning the smell is guaranteed to disappear if it was not too intense and just appeared.
  • Potassium permanganate. It is necessary to dissolve a couple of potassium permanganate crystals in water, then thoroughly wipe the entire surface from the inside with a damp cloth. It is better to use this tool on shoes of dark shades.
  • Table vinegar. A cotton swab carefully soaked with ordinary vinegar will save your shoes from the unpleasant stench. It is enough to wipe them from the inside, then remove them to fresh air.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. This is an excellent tool that has no equal in the fight against an unpleasant aroma. The peroxide is poured right inside, then you should wait until it stops bubbling, and you can pour it.
  • Bay leaf. The smell will definitely go away if you put a few leaves of pre-ground laurel in sneakers. As a preventive measure, you can wear bay leaves right under the insole.
  • Cold. Real frost rid your shoes of bad smell. It is enough to take out the shoes at night on the balcony or on the street. Alternatively, put it in the freezer.

Important! In addition to washing and regularly cleaning with improvised or professional means, it is necessary to carry out at least once a season complete disinfection of shoes.

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This article describes in detail the most popular, effective, proven ways to get rid of running shoes from bad smell. You will not have to use any expensive tools or devices, everything is extremely simple. But most importantly, they really help solve this problem.


