How to remove sweat from a leather jacket?

If your wardrobe has a leather jacket, sooner or later you will have a problem - how to remove the smell of sweat from a leather jacket. The point is not only in the “aroma” of sweat, but also in the material itself. The reason for this is simple: skin is a “living" material, therefore it easily and permanently absorbs all the surrounding aromas, and the smell of sweat is more persistent and more unpleasant than others. Do not immediately rush to extremes and spray the jacket with all kinds of perfumes - this way you will only make the amber worse and more intense, and it will be even more difficult to remove from the thing. We will teach you how to remove the smell from a leather jacket, including the smell of sweat, the smell of the skin itself and other unpleasant odors.
to contents ↑How to remove the smell of sweat from a leather jacket?
Despite the apparent complexity of the problem, the way to remove it is actually far from one. Choose from the following the most suitable for you.
Lemon water:
- Make such a solution: natural lemon juice and water in equal proportions.
- Use the spray gun to handle the whole thing or only problem areas. Leave the jacket for a couple of hours.
- Wipe the leather product with a damp, soapy towel.
- Remove the soap with a clean, damp cloth.
- Process badly smelling areas with vinegar and leave for a couple of hours.
- Wipe the surface with a damp towel and soapy water.
- Remove soap residue with a clean, damp towel.
Vinegar pairs:
- Pour hot water into the bathroom and add so much vinegar to it so that its aroma is intense enough.
- Hang the jacket on your shoulders directly above the bath.
- Close the bathroom door and leave for a couple of hours.
- After - let the jacket dry. Do not worry - the smell of vinegar disappears pretty quickly.
Baking soda:
- Apply lightly dampened baking soda to the smelling places on the wrong side of the leather jacket.
- When the soda is dry, just shake off its remnants.
to contents ↑Important! If suddenly after processing with any of the means the material has become coarse and brittle, use special methods to make skin soft.
What else to remove the smell?
You can get rid of the smell of leather products, and remove unpleasant odors from a leather jacket of another origin using even simpler methods.
Orange peel
Rub the leather jacket thoroughly with orange peels. This is a fairly effective way, as the orange peel perfectly absorbs any odors.
Ground coffee
This method is suitable for dark leather products:
- Put the jacket in the box and generously shake it with ground coffee.
- Close the box tightly and leave it for at least 3 days.
- After the specified time, clear the jacket of coffee.
Important! If the smell appeared on your thing a long time ago, respectively - you have worn it for far from the first season, you may have become a little tired of its design. Check out some interesting ideas, how to decorate a leather jacket and make her fashionable.
Soap solution with ammonia
Another great cheap option to get any smell out of a leather item:
- For 200 ml of soapy solution, add 1 teaspoon of ammonia. Mix well.
- Using a sponge, thoroughly rub the surface and leave for 1 hour.
- Rinse problem areas with water and let the product dry in fresh air, but not in direct sunlight and away from batteries.
Manganese solution or hydrogen peroxide
Potassium permanganate is more suitable to remove the smell of sweat from a dark leather jacket. For light leather products, it is better to use 3% hydrogen peroxide:
- Make a weak solution of potassium permanganate. In the case of peroxide - it is not necessary to breed it. You can also use a mixture of these two substances: in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, add 3-4 tablespoons of peroxide.
- Wipe the leather jacket thoroughly with a sponge of the selected fluid. For the best result, the procedure is repeated several times.
Turpentine and milk:
- Take in equal proportions milk and turpentine, stir well.
- Wipe the surface of the jacket with the mixture and let it absorb.
- Wipe the jacket with a damp cloth.
- Treat the product with a colorless skin cleanser.
Extreme odor removal measures from a leather jacket - wash
It is highly discouraged to wash leather goods - from excess moisture, they can lose their shape, attractive appearance and even shrink. But if your wardrobe item already has a solid life, perhaps this is the only right decision to refresh it.
Soaking and Hand Wash
- Type warm water in a basin, add a glass of vinegar and soak a leather jacket in the resulting solution overnight.
- In the morning, slightly wring out the thing and dry.
- When the jacket is completely dry, wash it liquid laundry detergent with the addition of half a glass of soda. Soda will help remove the smell of vinegar.
Machine wash
You can also do the washing in the washing machine, but you should adhere to some recommendations:
- The washing mode should be delicate. In some models of washing machines, this mode is called “hand wash”.
- Water temperature is not higher than 30 C.
- It is recommended to use liquid laundry detergent for delicate items.
- Spin should not exceed 300 revolutions, and even better - do not use it at all.
- During rinsing, you can add fat cream. This will restore the loss of fat in the skin.
Actions after washing:
- Dry the leather jacket in a dark place. Put the product on a towel, also stuff dry towels into the sleeves and inside. When the water drains and the jacket becomes wet, you can hang it on your shoulders and dry it this way.
- After washing, mash the dry thing with your hands using cosmetic milk.
- Lubricate the entire surface of the material with glycerin. Absorb his jacket will be about 3 days - this is normal. But after that, the skin will become smooth and soft. When the skin has sufficiently absorbed glycerin, crush the skin with your hands again and remove excess glycerin with a soft towel.
Useful Tips:
- Never use substances such as acetone, gasoline or other solvents to clean and remove odors from leather products - they will simply ruin your expensive item and make your skin brittle and dry.
- Coming from the street, periodically wipe the skin with a damp cloth - this will prevent clogging of pores in the material and extend its service life.
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If you don’t like any of the proposed methods of getting rid of unpleasant odors from a leather jacket, then you can always buy a special tool for absorbing odors from the skin in a store or use dry cleaning services. Whatever you choose, act until you get the expected result, and then you will never have to doubt your own attractiveness or feel discomfort in society.
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