How to remove the puff puff?

Many women's toilets do not look without pantyhose, in addition, in some places it is not customary to come with bare feet. Therefore, such a wardrobe item as tights is always in great demand and popularity. Thin translucent tights will hide minor imperfections and even out skin tone. In addition, in recent years there have been many models with a dragging effect. But all linen of this type has one significant drawback - it is not as durable as we would like, and often arrows appear on it at the most inopportune moment. And what do we, poor victims of the fragility and imperfection of nylon textiles, how to remove the tightening on pantyhose? Especially tights are torn if you walk in high boots, the zipper will probably let you down. There are several ways, if you do not solve this problem completely, then at least do not let it grow into a full-blown disaster.

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Ways to deal with puffs

Of course, the way to fix the trouble depends on where the clue appeared, on what tights, and where you yourself are at that moment. If you are at home, it is easier to eliminate this kind of trouble, but if you are in tights at work, it will be much more difficult to solve this problem.

Important! There are lateral tightenings that can be “smoothed out”, that is, eliminated by stretching. Gently pull along and across. If you are lucky and the thread is not damaged, then it simply “clicks” and disappears. But if the kapron thread is damaged, then the arrow will crawl.

Sew a hole

How to stealthily remove the arrow? If you are at home and want to fix your favorite tights, just sew them. Of course, if the arrow or hitch is not in a conspicuous place. No, it’s possible to sew in this case too, just there will be no possibility to hide the seam.

But if the trouble occurred in a place far from the eyes, which is hidden deep under the clothes, then, as they say, the needle is in your hands.

Important! Just choose the thinnest needle and very thin threads. If you have the same old and already unnecessary tights, you can try to dissolve them and get a thread from them. Then the seam will be almost invisible.

Gently sew in a hole or arrow and lock the tip so that the seam does not open. If the hole appeared on the heel, then sew this place several times. Nobody will see your seam in shoes anyway, but it will be reliable and it will not dissolve.

Crochet the thread

In order to “catch” the arrow on more dense tights, there are ways, but on thin ones - it is almost impossible. Therefore, the question of how to remove the puff tightness on tights less than 40 den is not relevant at all. It’s easier to buy new ones.

Any tights are a knitwear. For repair of knitwear there are special hooks for raising loops. With their help, puffs on knitwear are removed. Outwardly, such a hook resembles a needle with a large eye; one part of this eyelet leans back. With the help of such a hook, you can solve many problems with damage to clothes, including the question of how to remove the arrow on tights.

Important! For nylon pantyhose, you need to choose the smallest hook, because the thread on them is very thin.

How to use a special hook:

  1. Crochet the bottom loop on the arrow.
  2. Push the hook to the next thread (deflated loop) and grab it.
  3. Form a new loop.
  4. So go through the entire arrow, lifting the lowered loops.

The reclining tab on the ear helps to maintain the restored loops. When all the loops are raised, fasten them with a knot using a thin thread.

Important! When lifting the loops, keep the area where the arrow crawled, tightened so that the raised loops do not turn out to be tight.

You may not succeed the first time, but if you show patience and perseverance, then it will pay off. You can practice on old unnecessary tights.

The hook will not be a big problem for you, because the integrity of the threads is not broken.


If the hole is in a conspicuous place, then you can decorate it. Sew it well and sew on top an embroidery or other decorative element. Now all sorts of abstractions, crosses, bright lines are in fashion, so perhaps your original tights will be considered a fashion squeak.

Important! This may be a patch of a denser capron in the form of a strip. Then for balance on the second leg you will need to sew or glue exactly the same line.

Toilet soap

If the arrow on the tights visited you at the most inopportune moment, for example, at the height of the working day and at work, then it will not be so easy to repair them. First you need to somehow fix this same arrow so that it does not creep. To do this, moisten a solid soap and lubricate the damaged area. This is an easy way, the main thing is to find a bar of soap.

Nail polish

What if the arrow on tights? How to stop her? Fix it with nail polish. This is an old and quite effective way.

Important! Lacquer is best taken transparent or in the color of tights, so that it is less noticeable.

Step by step, your actions will look like this:

  1. Lubricate the edges of the hole with a thin layer and apply varnish to the tip of the arrow to prevent its further advancement.
  2. Wait 5-10 minutes until the varnish dries completely.

Important! If the tights are worn on you, then try not to make sudden movements, but it is better not to move as far as possible to avoid deformation of the tights.

New tights

Some tights will not help at all. In this situation, the easiest way is not to suffer, but to buy new tights.

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Arrow Prevention

To tights worn longer, you can do the following:

  • After the purchase, iron the tights with an iron - this will make the fabric stronger.
  • Put new tights in the freezer for a day.
  • Before first use, spray hairspray over the entire surface.
  • Get rid of tightened threads as soon as you find it.
  • Wash tights only by hand without using detergent. Instead of washing powder, use soap or shampoo.
  • When dressing, take off all jewelry that may lead to puffs.
  • If you doubt the size when buying, give preference to a larger size, even if a smaller one flatters your vanity. In this case, the risk that they will break when pulled will be significantly less.
  • Wear traces of socks over tights. This will prevent damage to the foot area.
  • Wear thin tights only on special occasions.
  • Nylon tights do not tolerate sloppiness, so be careful and careful. Keys, cigarettes and zippers on clothes - all this should be at a safe distance from your nylon friends.
  • Try not to wear skirts and shorts with many decorative elements once again with thin tights. So once again you do not put leads, and the emphasis can be made on something else.
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So we figured out the burning problem of constant puffs on nylon underwear. We hope that you just learn to wear such things more carefully, and if you continue to tear them after the first wear, then hone your skills in removing the clues. This is also a good experience for any hostess!


